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Master St. Germain: Overcome Inner Resistance!

Master St. Germain: Overcome Inner Resistance!

What is important is that you react positively and openly to the very concrete changes that result from your transformation, that when it matters, you do not block,

but remain capable of acting and react, that you act where you should act and that you integrate, that your inner transformation always has consequences on the outside.(...) True transformational work always entails great changes. Just as a raging torrent takes away everything that crosses its course, so in the light of transformation, everything that blocks your flow of life is swept away – and that means really going through the issues and truly engaging with yourself.

The good tone

Continue to dream of the bright future of humanity and continue to imagine, so that the change will be harmonious for you and have a healing effect on the soul.

Dear ones,

you have it in your hands how the coming years turn out. Your choices, your behavior and your vibration are subject to change and everything listens to the sound of your hearts.

It's the good tone that matters. After all, a person who has largely freed himself from his demons vibrates in the amplitude, which ensures a harmonious transition. The leap into the new dimension of being can be awaited with great joy or accompanied by fears. So much new, so much unexpected is coming.

To be able to surrender to change wholeheartedly is the challenge you are facing now. It depends on the corresponding inner constitution of the individual person, which means:

The finer and purer the basic vibration of a human being, the smoother the transition to the New Earth.

It's getting down to business

Whoever heaves himself into the ascension energy before ascending – which means freeing himself from the attachments and contracts of the OLD EARTH – has done the necessary preparatory work for his liberation. In order to activate this energy in your life, it is important to clearly and unequivocally signal your willingness for a concrete change in your life.

Life plays into your hands as soon as you have aligned yourself internally.

Accept with gratitude the signs, the events and the changes that arise as a result of this decision of yours! Pick up the thread and weave on your new robe until it's finished!

Don't abandon your journey just because it's exhausting you. Don't give up, but become an overcomer of inner resistance.

Now it's time to get down to business and you realize what spiritual basic work really means. Those who have been using spiritual concepts until now and therefore had little chance of experiencing profound healing are now encouraged to really look and embrace their inner world.

If you really go inside, it responds externally – and that means that all relationships are put to the test. It's quite possible that a great many friendships end at the point where your spiritual journey begins.

That you act ...

What is important is that you react positively and openly to the very concrete changes that result from your transformation, that when it matters, you do not block, but remain capable of acting and react, that you act where you should act and that you integrate, that your inner transformation always has consequences on the outside.

It all starts with and within you! Be aware: it is your vibration, it is your tone, the sound of your soul, which is important now, because it is by it that you can measure where you stand and how deep you have penetrated to yourself.

True transformational work always entails great changes. Just as a raging torrent takes away everything that crosses its course, so in the light of transformation, everything that blocks your flow of life is swept away – and that means really going through the issues and truly engaging with yourself.

Are you frustrated and do you feel like you're treading water? I'll tell you: Because in the final consequence you always choose the known instead of getting involved in the unknown, that's how it is.

Many people freeze when they should jump, and they remain rooted when they are invited by fate to actively rebuild their lives. This leads to frustration and even self-abandonment.

With the flame of transformation

It is time to overcome this lethargy and, like a thick veil of fog, dissolve or penetrate it. That is why I invite you to clarify and strengthen yourself in my light.

In the flame of transformation, complete the work on your being! Finish what you've started! Success is granted to those who persevere and who persevere.

Go to work with joy, with courage and diligence! I serve you every day. The golden-violet flame of transformation is my gift.

In infinite love

Translation by CrystalWind.ca.


Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
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