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Saint Germain: Ready to Help You Now

Saint Germain: Ready to Help You Now

Dear brothers from planet Earth! I AM SAINT GERMAIN!

Each of you has a story. Each soul has come a long way. It doesn't matter, at this moment, what your soul did or didn't do.

Along the way, all of this was transmuted, all of this was cleansed, forgiven. Many learned the lessons and no longer repeat them. Others, unfortunately, still repeat the same mistakes. But they are looking to improve, they are looking to change.

So, today, what counts is what your minds are vibrating. Yes, the thoughts that you emanate. Because often the heart is vibrating Light, but the mind continues to vibrate feelings that are not very interesting. So what do you need to do? Just let your heart speak. Shut your mind. Always act with your heart. Always act, without the interference of the mind.

Yes, you can be rational, with love. You don't have to be corny to show Love. You can demonstrate this Love in many ways. So let your heart speak. Let the heart act. Let the heart choose. Always. And with that you shut your minds and begin to vibrate loudly. They begin to vibrate exactly what they need to vibrate, to maintain high energy standards.

Don't miss the chance because you think nonsense. Don't miss the chance to evolve by letting yourself be carried away by your mind. You have already learned this. Don't fall into this trap. Do not forget that you are within a great egregore that wants to take you out of balance at all costs. And the first thing ready and the first point that is reached is the mind of each one of you.

Open your eyes. Just be Love. Just be Light. And nothing will reach you. Nothing will attack them. They may even try to bring fear, they may try to show that they are in control, but you will know that they are not. Because you will trust in what you are and what you emanate.

Never feel afraid. Always be focused on the Light. Always be seeing, speaking, acting, from the heart. This is the point. Any decision, any thought, bring it from the heart, not the mind. It's the heart that has to speak now. It is the heart that will lead you to prosperity, balance, strength, evolution. Believe this.

What each one will go through, you do not know and will not know; they will just live each moment. Each one in whatever is necessary for their evolution, their journey. But wrapped in Love, wrapped in Light, you will go through everything. You will be able to overcome everything. Be sure of that. They will make it.

Be ready. You need to be ready, covered in Love and Light. That's all. And everything around you will move according to what you are vibrating. If you trust and vibrate high, everything will be smooth. But if you feel fear and connect with the energy of those who want imbalance, it will be very difficult for you. So make your choice. What do you want to vibrate?

Use your armor, use your weapons and, most importantly, use our help. We are here for that. We are not going out and leaving you alone. We are all gathered here, in one heart, in one action, to involve each one of you when necessary. Believe this. And you will definitely feel our presence.

Translation by CrystalWind.ca.

Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues

The original article is copyrighted by the author listed above. Posted on CrystalWind.ca ©2024. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this content is prohibited without written permission. The title of the article was created by CrystalWind.ca.

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