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Saint Germain: Future Beyond Money and The Reptilian Discovery

Saint Germain: Future Beyond Money and Reptilian Discovery

My Dear Ones,

I am Saint Germain, and I am here today to speak to you about certain aspects related to humankind.

Humanity is very concerned about their survival in 3D. You don’t need to worry about it, in the future, everyone’s financial needs will be taken care off, but not in the way that was said by the false sources. The future plans have been changed by Divine. First, the funds will be given to support and build healthy communities. This will be allowed only for a short term, and after that the elimination of a money system will occur. Only a small group of humans will receive unlimited access to funds.

Only for the ones who actually want to help the human population and not to the ones who will use it selfishly for themselves. To help struggling individuals in different parts of the world by creating special centers, where families in need are going to stay in and receive mentoring, will be taught the practice of silent meditations, all of their basic needs will be taken care off and anything else that they need outside the basics. Our goal is the removal and the teaching on how to operate without money and become independent and a productive member of a new society.

You are now going through a transition into a new 5D Earth, so you will need to learn to live freely without any attachments from 3D such as money, which represent negative energies and forced too many humans to struggle or even die physically from starvation. The Galactic Light Forces together with Divine believe that the human civilization needs different type of society, where it can thrive emotionally, prosper and not to be controlled by anyone. As of right now, you are still living in the old slavery system, it will be removed and eventually forgotten.

Money in your reality represent low vibrations, and a small, corrupted group is enjoying the benefits of being financially independent. We, Light Beings, spend many meetings discussing, on how is the best way to free humanity from this toxic money system. It only causes too many problems; humans commit crimes for the sake of having it. Look around and honestly admit to yourself, if the monetary policies ever made anyone happy. Absolutely not, billions of people fought over it, stole it from each others or families and etc.

This type of wealth is only causing the destructions of human morals and values. Humanity forgot about the basics, on who they really are by just trying to get through the daily challenges. The fundamental spiritual principles like being in the Now or Still were abandoned from the daily life, because of being constantly in the survival mode. The 3D Matrix is going to fade away, Its structure is based on greed and dishonesty. Also, now Divine started to flush out all of the human’s suppressed negative emotions like anger, dishonesty, lies and etc.

The false channelers and their supporters are not going to be able to hide their fake narratives. Today, I would like to unveil a new piece of information revealed by Ashtar Command about a secret mission that just recently was completed. Situated above the Sicilian town of Catania, Mount Etna in Italy erupts frequently, but rarely causes any significant damage. With a documented history of eruptions dating back to 425 B.C. Mount Etna is known to have the longest recorded eruptive history of any volcano.

Just a few days ago, deep inside of the mountain, it was discovered a group of Reptilians were hiding inside one of the tunnels. They have been residing there since their arrival in 1975 and they were found during the scanning of Mount Etna. The 15 feet tall Reptilians were close to the epicenter of volcano, it didn’t bother them, as they are used to being in difficult and harsh environments. After we thought that all of them were are gone from Mother Earth, this group stayed in deep undergrounds, so it was difficult to discover them from Ashtar’s ship from above your planet.

The reason the volcano erupted on Mount Etna in Italy the second time in less than two weeks, it was caused by the explosion underground in one of the tunnels. The Reptilians were eliminated, Ashtar used a light technology directly from his starship. Otherwise, it would have been too dangerous to land in a shuttle near the active volcano. A minimal power was just used of this light, and it still caused a volcanic eruption. In the near future you will continue to hear and see more truth coming to the daylight.

Just follow the Flow and trust in the process of Ascension. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces. Please, accept my Blessings and Love.

You Can Accept The Truth With Ease

Saint Germain

Channeled by Erena Velazquez

Photo credit - CrystalWind.ca

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