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Master St. Germain: Farewell To The Wrong Life

Master St. Germain: Farewell To The Wrong Life

Now your relationships are being put to the test! Old patterns can no longer be maintained. You either solve yourself – or you will be released. Now your habits, opinions and conditioning are being examined in detail.

Habits are abandoned, opinions questioned and conditioning overcome. Now the question of meaning arises and you start looking for answers. Until you discover the key to yourself, you will not find peace.

There is still a little time

Beloved person,

courageously continue your path of transformation until you are completely renewed and can recognize and live your orders. Equipped with sufficient strength and power in this way, you make the unique contribution to change on earth.

The next time invites you to be truthful in all areas and to stay with yourself. Lazy compromises or fake relationships can no longer be entered into or maintained.

If you really want to be part of the big planetary transformation, then it's time to start your own transformation.

The worlds are not yet separate and so all people have a little time left. Because even if you are with the last to bring about self-transformation, at the end of the day it is only a question of, that you have chosen freedom from your prison of thought and courageously take the steps. The big world-shattering decisions have long since been made and we are in the middle of implementing the reconstruction of Mother Earth.

Humanity has decided, GOD has decided and humanity has chosen the leap in consciousness with GOD.

The stragglers on the rise

Now it is about the individual, about the stragglers in the ascent, about those who have neglected their interior to this day and thus underestimated themselves. This act of self-love is now pending among many people and all events that make you wake up will come into your life.

Anyone who was born with the task of changing the world is now made aware of his blockages, so that he can do his part and assume his indispensable role on the whole:

  • Now your relationships are put to the test! Old patterns can no longer be maintained. You either solve yourself – or you will be released.
  • Now your habits, opinions and conditioning are examined in detail. Habits are abandoned, opinions questioned and conditioning overcome.
  • Now the question of meaning arises and you start looking for answers. Until you discover the key to yourself, you will not find peace.

This time holds the gift of truthfulness in all areas of your life for you. Now it's up to you to accept it. Do you really want to leave old paths and break new ground? So come!

The scope

Be ready to learn to deal with the uncertainty that the new entails. Be ready to be surprised by life and let God lead you in everyday life. Develop self-love! Say goodbye to foreign life! Live authentically, self-determined and truly, without false consideration to live and to be yourself.

Are you aware of the scope of what is being discussed here? Your family may not understand you, your friends may avoid you?

But you will stand firmly in you and draw those people into your life with whom you have arranged to meet at this fork in the road for this time.

As soon as you are ready to exchange the rigid old life for the unpredictable new being, everything starts to move:

  • to walk through fears and arrive in love,
  • to experience doubts and to maintain certainty,
  • To give yourself GOD and to experience divine guidance.

This is the journey that is now being offered to all laggards in the transformation process as a farewell gift: the farewell to the wrong life. The transformation of the world is now taking place and your contribution as a newborn and awakened person is essential.

In perfect love

Translation by CrystalWind.ca.


Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
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