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Find Hidden Beauty with Saint Germain
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- Written by Possidonius Neto

Dear brothers from planet Earth! I AM SAINT GERMAIN!
I bring my Violet Flame once again and involve each heart at this moment. Bringing peace, balance, serenity.
It takes serenity, my brothers. You have to trust. You need to see beauty where it doesn't seem to exist. But in these difficult times, look to nature. Look at the sky. See the clouds passing by. The birds flying; each emitting the corresponding sound. Look at the sea; the waves that come, go. Feel the wind on your skin.
Look at a flower; see how much beauty there is in every little piece that makes it up. Look at the mountains; see the beauty, the size, what covers them or not. Look at a simple stone and see the shapes it has. For those who have animals, look into their eyes; see how much love was involved there, how much grace.
My brothers, you must understand that nature continues to follow its course. Despite everything the man provoked, she continues. Gaia continues to exist; a little hurt, a little modified, but it continues to exist, with all its beauty. Stop focusing only on the bad.
Look at the beauty in each moment. Say positive things. Attract positive energies. Open your windows; let the sun in. Perfume your homes; let the Angels in. Smoke your houses; put negative energies out. Create positive atmospheres. I guarantee you that the negative will seem unimportant, small, powerless. Because you are multiplying positive thoughts, feelings, words. And this is very powerful. Even more powerful than great magic.
Thinking is magic; talking is magic. You are powerful. Everything you emanate is magical, because it is an energy that comes and goes. So, try to create positive energy, so that the future is wonderful. Don't get caught up in negative energies.
When someone starts commenting, talking, turn away. Be rude. Stay in the aura of positive energy. No, you are not obligated to share, to listen, to comment on what is negative. People like to comment on what is negative. And this is what causes the world you are in to grow, because it feeds what they see.
But you don't just see that. You see love. You see friendship. You see beauty. You see health, not just illness. And this also feeds the positive egregore; the egregore that is formed around this planet, of Light and Love. And every day it penetrates more and more, suffocating negative energies. Suffocating those who vibrate them. And they become more and more confused, more and more out of balance.
But you don't want to see that. Then you move away. The time for trying to assert your opinion is over. This is ego. Let others think that you are nothing else; that you don't complain; that you accept everything; that you no longer have an opinion; that you are becoming weak, a coward, because you no longer contest anything, you no longer fight for anything.
As long as they think like this, they are feeding their egos, and they are getting deeper and deeper into the mud. And you are increasingly separated from them. More and more, higher. More and more, more evolved. Until the time will come when you will no longer hear them, because they will be very far from your path; they will not stand in your road. And it will be necessary that at that moment, you have detachment. You understand that it is your journey, and that you need to evolve, that you made your choice and so do they.
Be ready, my brothers, to lose many people. Now it is important that there is no suffering; there is understanding. The understanding that everyone is choosing their own path. Everyone is preparing in their own way, and you will not be able to correct anyone, to change anyone's mind, to change anyone's character. You can barely change yourself, let alone change others.
Nobody changes anyone. This little story that was told, that love changes, not yours for the person; it is her love for herself that will change her; not yours. Your love will not change anyone. Self-love is what changes people, not the love of others. So don't be fooled. Don't think you'll be able to change anyone's mind.
But what is most important at this moment is that you understand that each person will step out of the way lightly. The Light will not allow you to suffer to the point of despair. Everything will move slowly and gradually, and whoever has to get out of their way will do so lightly. There will come a time when you won't even realize what happened. You will realize a long time later.
So understand, my brothers, look at everything with love; look at everything seeking the beauty, not the negative. Because you will always find the negative. Now, beauty, you have to look for sometimes. And this is a great way to pass the time. Look for beauty in everything.
So here I invite you to do a great exercise. It's not about writing treatises, it's not about writing sentences and sentences and sentences, trying to convince the other. Write down the beauty you find in each thing. But it’s not writing: “Ah, a flower is beautiful!,” everyone already knows that. What is beautiful in the flower? “Ah, I saw the beauty of the illuminated petals of a flower,” “I saw the beauty in the smile of a child,” “I saw the beauty even in the path of the ants on the ground. How much organization!,” “I saw the beauty of the clouds passing in the sky.”
And that. Small things, perhaps unimportant things. But for everyone it will create a desire to find beauty, to show what they are looking for. Ah, the ego will speak louder. “Ah, I have to show mine too.” And everything is fine. At this time, the ego is beneficial, because you will look for beautiful things; and you will find them in the smallest details.
I guarantee you that you will be surprised by the beauty of each thing, by the beauty of each person, by the beauty of a dog's tail that wags when it sees you. There is beauty in that, because it is his way of telling you that he loves you. This is beautiful. The beauty of a cat's brush against your legs, showing all the love he has for cleaning you at that moment.
Ah, my brothers, if you stop to look for beautiful things, you will forget about life. And you will find so many things…. But share what you find, because many will start to look at things differently. “Interesting, I had never thought of that,” many will say. And this is how you will get used to looking at beauty. They will get used to looking at each thing and looking for the beauty there, no matter how small it may be, no matter how physical it may be..
It could just be a glass. What is this glass like? “What a beautiful design this glass makes.” The beauty of the air bubbles inside the glass when you add water. See how many things you don't stop to observe. And everything is there, just a glance away.
So do it. Stop talking about other people's lives, stop commenting on bad things, and comment, great. Like I said, short sentences. It's not telling you everything you saw; it's telling you the beauty you found. Oh, and there is no judgement. Maybe someone thinks the beauty you saw is silly or silly. It's not your problem. Afterwards, he will have to rethink the judgment he made, because he was not able to see the beauty you saw and still judged you..
But over time he will learn. That beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And that everything is beautiful. Existing is beautiful. Breathing is beautiful. The view is beautiful. Practice beauty. But not the ephemeral beauty of looking in the mirror. Look at the beauty of your own bodies, which work without you doing anything; just feed and water them and let them breathe. This is beautiful. That is, Father/Mother God in action.
So see the beauty in everything. Practice beauty. Multiply the beauty. If they call you crazy, crazy; don't mind. Be crazy, be crazy. But be evolved. See the beauty in everything. And I guarantee you, more and more, you will attract more beauty.
Translation by
Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues
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