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Do You Know You Have A Shadow Friend?

Do You Know You Have A Shadow Friend?

IT serves you not.

Your PAIN serves you not.

It has become your shadow companion along the way.

You hide in your pain. It gives you a false sense of security.

You do things your heart does not want you to do but your pain is that dangerous traitor-ally who allows you to hide behind his back.

Pain is your comfort zone.

You have fed your pain for so long that you have allowed it to become an entity of its own.

Now this entity is demanding its toll.

You have run out of the means to feed it but it's not letting you go so easily.

You cannot break the pact you have made with your pain.

Where would that lead you? To uncharted waters and that terrifies you.

But you have gotten the call of awakening, your reality has drastically changed overnight and you're looking the imminent ascension of Earth in the eye.

You know that this time you're left with no choice.

You know that every heartache, every downfall, every shattered dream, and every unfulfilled wish has brought you to this moment.

This is your moment of truth.

This is where you must let go of that old friend who falsely protected you, who gave you a shelter that like a house of cards is breaking down on you now.

That pain must go. It must heal. It has served its purpose but it's time to let go.

And this scares you. Your new reality frustrates you. It angers you.

You have carried this pain for so long that it has become your identity.

Love, abundance, true happiness, and everything your heart deeply desires is right there in front of you but your pain has put a veil before it.

What if I told you that your intention is your most powerful tool?

That all you have to do is to intend to heal from your pain and the process magically begins.

That shadow of a friend had followed you everywhere like a devious companion. It manipulated your relationships, your career, and every other aspect of your life.

Now is the time to turn the tables.

That shadow friend is showing you your darkness and without it how can we recognize the light? It is through the dark that we reach the light.

Speak to your shadow friend. Say:

"I thank you for coming with me all this way. You have served your purpose well. I acknowledge the lessons you have taught me. Now the time has come for me to move on without you. I will let you go. You are leaving my being now because you no longer serve my highest good. I allow my healing to happen now. I fully disengage from the emotion of pain and all other fear-based emotions. Love is my reality now. So be it. A'HO."

Let this be your daily affirmation. Intend it and it will become your reality.

Pain is an emotion that stems from fear. Know that all any emotion wants is to be seen. This is how healing is done. Acknowledge it, thank it and let it go. Now replace it with love.

Breathe in love. Breathe out everything else.

Let that old friend go and allow the young and fresh beauty to come to take its place.

Life is beautiful only if you intend it to be so!

This is how you ascend to 5D -heaven on earth. Use your intentions wisely.

Everything in this universe is meant to serve you, magnificent creature of love and light!

"You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop." Rumi

Love, light & blessings to all you beautiful beings of Gaia. A'HO

Aurora Ray
Ambassador of The Galactic Federation | Lyran High Council Elder

We are the ground crew of the Galactic Federation. We're advanced spiritual beings from other stars watching over the evolution in consciousness and assisting the global ascension of Earth and humanity. 
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation | Lyran High Council Elder | Emissary of The Goddess
Source Here

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