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Awaken to Your Divine Nature
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- Written by Mwendwa Mbaabu

If you want to rise above petty and low vibrational drama, people, and situations, not physically, but energetically in the sense that they don't have an effect on you or drag you into the same state, you have to raise your own state of consciousness to one anchored in love.
Love is the highest frequency in the universe because God is love. When you're anchored in love, and coming from love, living, moving, and having your being in love, you are lifted up in consciousness to a state where you don't get caught up energetically in things that are lower.
And when these things come around you, and they will, your state of love is able to dissolve and dissipate their ability to affect you and they will be alchemized into good for you and many others. It does not mean you won't encounter negativity but its effect on you will not be the same as it is on someone living in a negative or unconscious state of consciousness. You will rise above it.
As long as your thoughts, words, attention, and energy are CAUGHT UP in negativity, ruminating on it, or even having mental and inner negative conversations with yourself or others, you will attract the same energy externally manifested as people or experiences causing you disturbance and seemingly bringing you down.
You are the creator of your own reality. Only in consciousness are we able to rise above the darkness that fills this world. Being conscious of our own state of being and being deliberate about raising it through love is the greatest protection we can offer ourselves. The greatest weapon we have is love and not resistance.
"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." psalms 91;1
To dwell in the secret place of the High is to abide in that elevated state of consciousness within yourself of LOVE and of ONENESS with God where you allow only God's consciousness to permeate your being (thy kingdom come). When living in this state you find you are covered by a divine invisible (protective) shadow.
Mwendwa’s profound, yet simple teachings about how individuals create their reality through their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, have helped many find freedom from suffering, helplessness, and victimhood and regain their divine power and freedom. She is dedicated to helping people live more empowered and fulfilled lives.
Mwendwa’s teachings often bring to life the mystical and spiritual truths of the bible and Jesus to a modern generation, lifting the veil of religious dogma to reveal the universal truths of oneness.
Mwendwa’s first book, Reality Creation and Manifesting: A Collection of Essays on Manifesting and Deliberate Creation, was published in December 2020
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