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Heal Earth's Waters Now: Pleiadians, Arcturians, Merpeople Unite
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- Written by Anna Merkaba

Purifying Earth’s Waters: A Call to Action: Urgent Call to Those Working with Water Energies – Pleiadians, Arcturians, Merpeople.
Greetings My Beloved Masters of the Universe! Your help is needed again!
At this sacred time of transformation, the MerPeople, along with the Arcturians, Pleiadeans, and Atlanteans, call upon those attuned to the higher frequencies of light and the energies of the sea. You are invited to step forward and assist in the profound purification of Earth’s waters. The pollution of our waters has reached a critical point, and this purification is essential.
We are reminded that through energetically cleansing the water, we influence its physical state as well. Our oceans, rivers, and lakes are energetically burdened, and it is through your sacred gifts—crystals, ancient wisdom, and your connection to water—that this healing can begin.
Those of us who work with water, crystals, and the higher frequencies of light are being called to focus on the energetic purification of large bodies of water. By anchoring your intentions and working with the energy of water, you will signal aquatic life forms, some still unknown to us, to rise and assist in this divine mission.
Know that you are not alone in this endeavor. The MerPeople and beings of light are with you, guiding and supporting you as you answer this call to restore the purity of Earth’s waters.
After the channeling I go into detail as to what you can do at this time to assist in this mission.
Now having said this here is the channeling that I have received:
MerPeople of the Sea – Blue People – Dolphin – Arcturians, Pleiadians, Atlanteans
Transformation of your reality is taking place at the given moment in time, transformation of your understanding of self, and the ethers.
Upholding the truest power of serenity of being, the blue people or your world transform that which has been into that which is to come, the blue people of your world, those who are called the Mer People, those with the affinity for water and all aquatic life forms, are working relentlessly in clearing the debris of the past, utilizing ancient knowledge and ancient technologies unbeknownst to your human evolutionary decree as of yet. In order to clean up your oceans and the water that you consume, for the energies of said vehicles of creation have become ached in levels of toxicity unbeknownst in your ethers prior.
And so all the people of the aqua, all those who are presently working with the energies of your aqua are called to take their positions and ignite their engines of purification and swiftly begin the process of energetic purification of your water supply all across the globe. For the water systems have reached unbeknownst levels of toxicity in your world, and are effecting all the living beings on your planet.
And so and thus, all the Mer People are called into action to assume their positions and to listen for guidance which is swiftly arriving from the ethers.
For technology which can assist all dwelling on your planet in purifying your waters already exists in your plane of existence and must be brought forward in order to purify your water supply.
We repeat the MerPeople should take their positions and ensue their innate powers in order to begin the purification process of your water supply all across the globe, all of you working with the energies of the sea, all those working with the energies of crystals, all those positioned near large bodies of water are to begin the transmutation practices to purify the water from energetic toxicity which in turn should begin the process of purification in the physical realm of your reality.
And so and thus, it is of the essence that you secure your positions and take action at this very important moment in your tranquility, yes tranquility for the next several days anchor new energies onto your planet to allow said transformation of your aquatic, oceanic life to take place, and from said doing many new species that you have not yet seen shall rise from within the depth of the ocean floor and assist humanity in cleansing and purifying the waters, the aquatic life that you have not yet seen shall rise form within the deepest parts of your oceans to assist those working with the energies of purification in cleansing the waters in the physical realms of your existence.
And so, we call on you the MerPeople of the Pleiadean, Atlantean, Arcturian origins in purifying the aqua of your world.
We stand ready to assist you in moment notice, for time is of the essence. You can call upon us whenever you need us. We are the MerPeople, the energic blueprints of your physical selves.
If you wish to assist here is what you can do:
I have received guidance on what you can do during this time. One of the first thing that I was shown is the Sri Yantra symbol.
The Sri Yantra is a profoundly sacred symbol, rich with meaning and a powerful tool for connecting to the deeper essence of the universe. Rooted in the tradition of Hinduism, this ancient geometric design is a gateway to divine consciousness, representing the intricate balance of cosmic forces. When we interact with it, especially in its relationship with water, we open ourselves to the harmonizing energies it holds, allowing us to access a deeper spiritual alignment.
The Meaning of the Sri Yantra:
- Sacred Geometry and Divine Harmony: The Sri Yantra is composed of nine interlocking triangles, which radiate out from a central point known as the Bindu. This convergence of triangles embodies the union of masculine and feminine energies—Shiva and Shakti, consciousness and creative force. Together, they represent the dance of creation, the balance of opposites, and the ultimate oneness of the universe.
- A Journey of the Soul: Each layer of the Sri Yantra represents a step along the spiritual path. The outer square with four gates symbolizes our material world, while the triangles and pathways draw us inward, guiding us toward the Bindu, the point of divine union. Meditating on this symbol brings clarity and balance to the mind, body, and spirit, and helps us reconnect with the infinite source of all creation.
- Balance and Inner Peace: The Sri Yantra resonates with the frequency of balance and harmony. It is said that simply gazing upon or meditating with this symbol can realign our energies, bring peace to the heart, and deepen our connection to the universal flow. It opens a path for us to move beyond the dualities of life, into a state of oneness and wholeness.
How the Sri Yantra Can Influence Water:
Water is a remarkable element. It is receptive, fluid, and deeply connected to energy. From a metaphysical perspective, water is believed to be highly sensitive to vibrations, thoughts, and even symbols. When exposed to the sacred geometry of the Sri Yantra, water is said to absorb and reflect the harmonious energy that this symbol embodies.
- The Power of Sacred Geometry: The Sri Yantra, with its precise and divine structure, emits a powerful energy that resonates at a high frequency. When water is placed near this symbol, it is believed to realign its molecular structure, making it more balanced and energized. In this way, the Sri Yantra infuses water with the energy of harmony, clarity, and spiritual purification.
- Energy Infusion: Water, as the essence of life, can be infused with the divine energies represented by the Sri Yantra. When water is blessed or charged with this symbol, it becomes a vessel for those energies—imbued with qualities of peace, balance, and spiritual awakening. Drinking or using this water can nourish not just the body, but also the soul, enhancing our spiritual practice and elevating our consciousness.
- Meditation and Intention: When we meditate with water and the Sri Yantra, we are channeling our intentions and spiritual focus into the water. This practice, similar to the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto, suggests that water holds memory and responds to the vibrations around it. By focusing our thoughts, prayers, or mantras while using the Sri Yantra, we can imbue the water with powerful spiritual frequencies. The water then becomes a conduit for these energies, enhancing rituals, promoting healing, and inviting deeper connection to the divine.
Practical Ways to Use the Sri Yantra with Water:
- Charging Water: To charge water with the energy of the Sri Yantra, simply place a glass or bowl of water near the symbol, allowing it to absorb the harmonious vibrations. You can leave the water there during meditation, prayer, or even overnight, letting it be infused with the healing and balancing energies of the Sri Yantra.
- Spiritual Rituals: Incorporate the charged water into your spiritual practices. Drink it with the intention of bringing peace and alignment into your being, or use it in bathing rituals to cleanse your energy and elevate your spiritual state. The water, now carrying the vibration of the Sri Yantra, can help you feel more connected to the universe and your own inner divinity.
- Amplifying Intentions: Combine the Sri Yantra with affirmations or mantras while working with water. Visualize your desires or intentions being absorbed into the water, magnified by the energy of the Sri Yantra. As you drink or use the water, feel your intentions being brought into alignment with the flow of the universe.
A Pathway to Sacred Connection:
The Sri Yantra is a beacon of divine energy, a tool for creating balance in our lives and accessing the deeper truths of the cosmos. When combined with water, it becomes even more powerful—a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds. As you work with this sacred symbol and element, you invite a flow of pure, harmonious energy into your life, creating space for growth, healing, and a deeper connection to the infinite source of love and light.
In every drop of water charged with the Sri Yantra, there is a reflection of the divine, a reminder that we are all part of the cosmic whole, flowing together in unity.
The Sri Yantra carries a high vibrational frequency and is known for its harmonizing, balancing, and purifying properties. While its use for cleansing oceans and lakes falls into the realm of spiritual and energetic practices rather than physical cleaning, there is a growing belief in the power of intention and collective consciousness to influence water on both a subtle and profound level. Here’s how you might apply the symbol to aid in the energetic cleansing of large bodies of water, such as oceans and lakes:
1. Amplifying Intentions for Water Healing:
The Sri Yantra is deeply connected to the principles of balance, abundance, and divine harmony. By directing these energies toward the oceans and lakes, you can help shift the vibrational frequency of the water, promoting healing.
- Visualizing the Sri Yantra Over the Water: One way to use the symbol is through visualization. As you sit near the water (or even from a distance), close your eyes and visualize the Sri Yantra hovering above the body of water, radiating light and energy. Imagine this light infusing the water, helping to cleanse pollutants, restore balance, and purify the water on an energetic level. You might also imagine the triangles of the Sri Yantra acting as energy filters, removing any harmful or toxic influences.
- Setting a Clear Intention: As you visualize the symbol, focus on your intention for the water’s healing. Speak affirmations or prayers, such as:
- “May this water be restored to its purest state.”
- “May the oceans and lakes be blessed with balance and harmony.”
- “May all beings that inhabit this water thrive in health and abundance.”
- Group Meditation for Collective Power: The power of collective intention is known to amplify energy. You can organize group meditations or global prayer circles, where people visualize the Sri Yantra over the oceans and lakes. This collective consciousness can create a wave of high vibrational energy directed toward the water, magnifying the effect of your intention.
2. Physical Placement of the Sri Yantra Near Water:
You can take a more direct approach by placing physical representations of the Sri Yantra near bodies of water.
- Placing the Sri Yantra by Shores or Riverbanks: Small, biodegradable versions of the Sri Yantra can be placed along the shores of lakes, rivers, or oceans. This symbol can serve as a spiritual anchor, continuously radiating energy toward the water, helping to restore balance over time.
- Using Floating Yantras: If the materials are eco-friendly, you could create a floating Sri Yantra to place on the water’s surface during special ceremonies or cleansing rituals. As it floats, it symbolizes the direct transmission of healing energy into the body of water, activating the vibration of balance and purity.
3. Sri Yantra Infused Water Offerings:
Since the Sri Yantra can be used to charge water with healing and balancing energy, you can create infused water that carries the vibrational essence of the symbol and offer it to the ocean or lake.
- Charging Water with the Sri Yantra: Begin by placing a container of water on top of a Sri Yantra for several hours, allowing the water to absorb its energy. You can meditate with the water, visualize it being filled with intentions of healing, purity, and love for the body of water you wish to cleanse.
- Offering the Water to the Ocean or Lake: Once the water is charged, offer it back to the larger body of water as a blessing. Pour it in with reverence, visualizing the energy from the charged water spreading throughout the entire lake or ocean, carrying the vibration of harmony, balance, and healing to all corners of the water body.
4. Creating Sri Yantra Grids for Water Healing:
Sacred geometry grids are often used in healing practices, and you can create Sri Yantra grids specifically designed to help heal oceans, rivers, and lakes.
- Building a Crystal Grid: Surround a body of water (or your home altar, if working remotely) with crystals that resonate with water energy, such as aquamarine, selenite, or clear quartz, arranged in the shape of the Sri Yantra. Place a visual representation of the Sri Yantra at the center of the grid.
- Programming the Crystals and Yantra: Hold each crystal and imbue it with the intention to heal and restore the water. As you do this, visualize the energy of the Sri Yantra expanding outward from the grid and infusing the water with positive vibrations. The crystals will serve as energy amplifiers, continuously broadcasting the healing energy to the water.
- Remote Grids for Distant Healing: Even if you are not physically near the water, you can set up a distant healing grid in your home or meditation space. By focusing on a specific body of water, visualize the grid’s energy traveling to that location, sending healing and purifying vibrations to it.
5. Infusing Ocean Cleanup Projects with Sri Yantra Energy:
The physical efforts of cleaning oceans and lakes can be enhanced with the spiritual energy of the Sri Yantra.
- Blessing Cleanup Efforts with Sacred Energy: If you or a group are involved in physical ocean or lake cleanups, begin the process by meditating with the Sri Yantra. Visualize the symbol energizing the entire cleanup effort, helping to guide the process with love, care, and efficiency. This can bring a sense of sacred purpose to the task and help infuse it with higher vibrational energy.
- Adding Yantras to Cleanup Tools: You could even draw or print small Sri Yantras and place them on cleanup tools, such as nets, buckets, or waste containers, as a symbolic reminder of the spiritual intention behind the physical work.
6. Sri Yantra for Healing Marine Life:
Many believe that the Sri Yantra can promote not only the health of water but also the well-being of the creatures that live within it.
- Sending Blessings to Marine Life: While visualizing the Sri Yantra over the ocean or lake, send intentions for healing and protection to the fish, plants, and animals that live in the water. You can also send love and compassion to marine ecosystems that are struggling, helping to energetically support their restoration and balance.
- Creating a Sri Yantra Sanctuary: Designate a small space in your home as a Sri Yantra meditation altar specifically for healing oceans and marine life. Place a bowl of water on the altar, surround it with images of the Sri Yantra, and meditate on the health of marine ecosystems. As you charge the water, offer it symbolically or physically to the ocean, as a prayer for the well-being of marine life.
While these practices may seem symbolic, they tap into the power of intention, collective consciousness, and sacred geometry—all of which have profound energetic influence. The Sri Yantra is known to bring balance and harmony, and through meditations, visualizations, and offerings, you can spiritually contribute to the healing of our oceans, lakes, and other water bodies. Together with physical cleanup efforts, these spiritual practices can help raise awareness and bring a deeper sense of purpose to protecting our most precious resource—water.
Certain crystals are believed to have purifying properties that can energetically enhance or cleanse water. While these practices are spiritual in nature, people have long associated the following crystals with water purification:
1. Clear Quartz
- Properties: Known as a master healer, clear quartz is believed to amplify energy and intentions. It is frequently used to cleanse and charge water with pure, positive energy.
- Use: Place a piece of clear quartz in or near your water to raise its vibration and promote clarity.
2. Shungite
- Properties: Shungite is one of the most well-known stones for water purification. It contains high levels of carbon and is believed to neutralize harmful toxins, bacteria, and pollutants in water.
- Use: Place Shungite stones in water to energetically filter out impurities, as many believe it helps to detoxify and purify.
3. Amethyst
- Properties: Amethyst is associated with purification and spiritual protection. It is thought to cleanse not just energy but also the water it is placed in.
- Use: Add amethyst crystals to your water for an energetic cleanse that promotes emotional balance and clarity.
4. Selenite
- Properties: Selenite is considered a stone of clarity and purity. It is said to clear away negative energy, making it a popular choice for purifying water.
- Use: Place selenite near a water source, as it is a soft stone and should not be submerged. Its energy is believed to clear and charge the water indirectly.
5. Aquamarine
- Properties: Connected to the element of water, aquamarine is thought to promote calm and purification. It’s often used to cleanse emotional blockages, which translates into its use for cleansing water as well.
- Use: You can use aquamarine to energetically charge water with a calming and purifying energy, particularly in meditation or ritual settings.
6. Fluorite
- Properties: Known for its detoxifying and stabilizing energy, fluorite is said to cleanse negative energies and balance vibrations, making it suitable for purifying water.
- Use: Placing fluorite crystals around or near water is thought to help detoxify and energetically balance it.
7. Black Tourmaline
- Properties: Black tourmaline is a powerful protective stone, known for its ability to absorb and neutralize negative energy and pollutants.
- Use: While not commonly placed in water directly, having black tourmaline near water is believed to shield it from negative or toxic influences.
8. Smoky Quartz
- Properties: Smoky quartz is believed to absorb negative energy and ground it into the Earth, helping to clear and stabilize water’s energy.
- Use: Placing smoky quartz near a water source can help energetically clear it of any negativity or blockages.
Important Note for Physical Use in Water:
Not all crystals are safe to place directly in water. Some can dissolve, leach toxins, or get damaged when submerged. Crystals like selenite and malachite should not be placed directly in water, as they are either too soft or contain minerals that can be harmful. When in doubt, place crystals around the water container instead of directly in it to infuse it with their energy.
Sound and frequency play a profound role in influencing water, as demonstrated by various scientific and spiritual practices. Certain frequencies and sounds are believed to purify and charge water with positive energy, promoting healing and restoring balance to the water’s structure. Here are some key sounds and frequencies associated with water purification:
1. 528 Hz – The “Miracle” or “Love” Frequency
- Overview: Known as the “Love frequency,” 528 Hz is part of the Solfeggio frequencies and is believed to resonate with the natural harmonic balance of the universe.
- Effects on Water: Research, including studies on the molecular structure of water, suggests that this frequency can help repair DNA and restore water’s natural structure, promoting balance and harmony.
- How to Use: Play 528 Hz soundtracks or meditative music near a water source, or use tuning forks set to this frequency to infuse water with healing energy.
2. 432 Hz – The “Harmonizing” Frequency
- Overview: 432 Hz is believed to resonate with the earth’s natural frequency and is said to be in harmony with the universe’s vibrations.
- Effects on Water: This frequency is thought to align with the natural rhythm of nature, harmonizing and balancing water’s energetic properties, restoring its structure.
- How to Use: You can play 432 Hz music, such as singing bowls tuned to this frequency, near a body of water or use it during meditation when focusing on purifying and energizing water.
3. 741 Hz – Solfeggio Frequency for Cleansing
- Overview: Part of the Solfeggio scale, 741 Hz is known for its cleansing and detoxifying effects.
- Effects on Water: It is believed to help clear toxins, impurities, and negative energies, making it ideal for water purification.
- How to Use: Play music or tones at 741 Hz to energetically cleanse water, or use tuning forks or sound bowls tuned to this frequency while focusing on purifying and restoring the water’s natural state.
4. OM Chanting and Sound Bowls
- Overview: The sound of OM is considered the primordial sound of the universe in Hinduism and Buddhism and is associated with creation, unity, and peace.
- Effects on Water: Chanting OM or using Tibetan singing bowls to create this sound is believed to resonate deeply with water molecules, helping to restore balance and vibrational harmony.
- How to Use: Chant OM near water or use a singing bowl, allowing the sound to resonate through the water, purifying it on an energetic level.
5. Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones
- Overview: Binaural beats involve playing two slightly different frequencies in each ear, which results in the perception of a third, resonant frequency. Isochronic tones are pulsed sounds at specific frequencies.
- Effects on Water: Frequencies used in binaural beats and isochronic tones can create specific energetic environments, helping to cleanse and harmonize water. Using frequencies like 528 Hz or 741 Hz with these tones can intensify the effect.
- How to Use: Listen to or play binaural beats or isochronic tones while focusing on healing water or place speakers near water bodies to energetically charge and purify it.
6. Tuning Forks
- Overview: Tuning forks, especially those calibrated to specific frequencies (like 432 Hz, 528 Hz, or 741 Hz), are used in sound healing to balance and purify energies.
- Effects on Water: Striking a tuning fork and bringing it near water creates vibrations that resonate through the water, influencing its structure and energy.
- How to Use: Strike a tuning fork and hold it near the surface of water. The resonating sound waves will ripple through the water, promoting purification and harmony.
7. Crystal Singing Bowls
- Overview: Crystal singing bowls are tuned to specific frequencies and chakras, and they are often used in sound healing rituals.
- Effects on Water: When a crystal singing bowl is played near water, the pure tones can help restructure water molecules, purifying it energetically and enhancing its vibrational qualities.
- How to Use: Play a crystal singing bowl near a body of water or a container of water while focusing on purification. The bowl’s tones will infuse the water with their vibrational energy.
Practical Applications of Sound and Frequencies to Purify Water:
- Playing Sounds Near Water: Whether you are near the ocean, a river, or even a glass of water, playing the right frequencies can shift the energetic properties of the water. Use speakers to play specific frequencies like 528 Hz, 432 Hz, or 741 Hz near water to purify and energize it.
- Combining Sound with Meditation and Intention: Sound works most powerfully when combined with focused intention. As you play purifying frequencies, set a clear intention to cleanse and bless the water, visualizing it as pure and vibrant.
- Using Tuning Forks and Singing Bowls in Rituals: Incorporate sound healing instruments like tuning forks, singing bowls, or crystal bowls into water purification rituals. You can place water in a crystal or glass container and play these instruments around it to enhance the purifying effect.
- Using Crystal Grids and Sound Together: Place crystals near water, then play specific frequencies or sounds. The combination of crystal energy and sound vibrations can amplify the purification process, creating a harmonious energetic environment for the water to heal.
In summary, frequencies like 528 Hz, 432 Hz, and 741 Hz are particularly noted for their purifying and harmonizing effects on water. By integrating sound healing techniques with spiritual intention, you can promote the energetic cleansing of water, fostering a deeper connection between nature and healing energies.
I truly hope that this will help you during this very exciting moment in time
~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker.
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