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Ascension Chakra Awakening Now

Ascension Chakra Awakening Now

As we progress along this ascension journey, it is crucial to acknowledge the significance of our higher chakras.

With the awakening of these dormant energy centers, we connect more deeply with our true essence. However, like any meaningful attempt , this process requires dedication and effort; strengthening these chakras takes commitment. While the connections to these higher energies will become more accessible, it remains essential to actively engage in practices that activate them. One of the key chakras awakening during this time is the Soul Star Chakra. For those who have invested in healing their lower chakra system, this elevation will naturally lead to the awakening of the Soul Star Chakra. 

The Soul Star Chakra, often referred to as the "Seat of the Soul," is a sacred energy center positioned approximately six inches above the crown of your head, radiating a stunning pearl colour. This remarkable chakra embodies the essence of divine love, compassion, and selflessness, serving as a reservoir of karmic energy. It acts as a celestial gateway through which cosmic energy and divine love flow into our beings, igniting our spiritual abilities and awakening our higher consciousness.

Connecting with the Soul Star Chakra allows you to tap into the very origins of enlightenment and ascension. This powerful energy center nurtures our spiritual growth, enhancing abilities such as telepathy, clairvoyance, inner knowing, and empathy. Moreover, it supports emotional equilibrium, mental clarity, and a clearer understanding of our true purpose in life.

The essence of the Soul Star Chakra guides us on a path of ascension through spiritual evolution. It calls each of us to embrace our deepest transformation and to claim our rightful place as radiant stars within the cosmos. During this transformative period, many individuals are beginning to awaken to new knowledge and insights that have long awaited their emergence.

To fully harness the gifts of the Soul Star Chakra, it is vital to release outdated beliefs and teachings that have conditioned us to seek answers externally. Instead, we should focus on reprogramming our consciousness by forging a deep connection with this chakra. Within the Soul Star lies the key to unlocking the myriad unanswered questions that linger in our hearts.

As you immerse yourself in this beautiful process unfolding before us, take care of yourself during these ascension upgrades and trust that this journey is guiding us to a breathtaking realm yet to be experienced.

Remember, the answers you seek are not found in the external world; they reside within your own being. As you open the doors of your aura and embrace the energy of your Soul Star Chakra, you will come to realize that this life is far richer and more expansive than you ever imagined. Embrace this beautiful journey of self-discovery, dear ones, and allow your inner light to guide you toward your authentic essence.

Much love to you all, Véro 

Submitted to CrystalWind.ca via Email. 

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