Mind Your Frequency Hypergamma Brainwave Shift
- Details
- Written by Philip Fiolet

We are living in a time of profound transformation. A shift that is both seen and unseen, measured and intuited, scientific and mystical.
The Sun is whispering secrets to the Earth, sending waves of solar fire across the cosmic sea. Science calls them solar storms, geomagnetic waves, charged particles... but what if they are also signals of something deeper?
Many of us feel it. A restlessness. A stirring. A sense that reality itself is vibrating at a new rhythm. Sleep patterns are shifting. Time feels less linear. Synchronicities accelerate. Emotions rise and fall like tides. And yet, most cannot quite put their finger on why. What is happening?
Across the ages, sages, seers, and star travelers have spoken of an era where new light would pour into the world, activating dormant energies, awakening consciousness, and unveiling the unseen. And today, scientists are recording something extraordinary. There is an unexpected and unexplained intensification of the Sun’s activity and number of Solar Storms, an acceleration of the planet’s magnetic field fluctuations, and unexplained energetic surges interacting with Earth's resonance.
As new frequencies of light ripple through our world, it is time to understand the language of frequency. Because in the end, life and reality does not happen to us. It happens through us.
What does "Frequency" actually mean?
We often hear phrases like "raise your vibration" or "match the frequency of what you want to experience"... but what do these concepts actually mean? How does frequency apply to our brain, our emotions, and our level of consciousness? And how do these frequencies influence our connection to higher-dimensional beings and extraterrestrial contact?
Many people talk about vibration and frequency as if they are one single thing, but in reality, there are different types of frequencies operating at different levels:
- Brainwaves (Hz): The electrical activity of the brain that determines our state of awareness.
- Emotional Vibrations (Hz): The energetic frequency of our emotions and state of being.
- Consciousness Frequencies (kHz): The vibrational signature of entire realities, densities, and civilizations (as explained by the Essassani).
Understanding how these three frequency systems interact is essential for shifting consciousness, manifesting reality, and preparing for open contact. To explore this fully, we’ll examine frequency through three different lenses:
- Scientific Perspective - How neuroscience and physics explain frequency in terms of brainwaves, emotional resonance, and electromagnetic fields.
- Metaphysical Perspective - How frequency is understood as energy, vibration, and the resonance of consciousness.
- Bashar’s Perspective - How frequency determines your timeline, multidimensional awareness, and ability to connect with extraterrestrial civilizations.
By bridging these perspectives, we gain a holistic understanding of how frequency affects our lives, our spiritual evolution, and even our potential for first contact with higher-dimensional beings. Ready to Begin? Let’s start by exploring brainwaves, the fundamental electrical rhythms of the mind, and how they connect to emotions, consciousness shifts, and... extraterrestrial contact!!!
The Cosmic Trinity - the Triune Brain and the Triad Mind
Close your eyes for a moment. Can you feel it? The hum of energy coursing through our minds, the steady rhythm of thought, the whispers of intuition guiding us? We are not just thinking machines. We are vibrational receivers, tuning into multiple levels of reality at once.
Science tells us that our brainwaves shape our perception. Mystics tell us that our frequency shapes our experience. And Bashar tells us that aligning these aspects is the key to unlocking a whole new level of consciousness. Three perspectives. One truth.
We are in the middle of a planetary shift, where understanding our mind-body-energy system is more important than ever. To navigate this, we need to bring together the best of what science, spirituality, and multidimensional awareness have to offer.
The Brain as a Frequency Tuner - Where Neuroscience meets Consciousness
For decades, scientists have studied how the human brain evolved, leading to the well-known Triune Brain Model, proposed by Paul MacLean in the 1960s. The Triune Brain Model divides our brain in three parts, the Reptilian Brain, the Limbic system and the Neocortex, and has been used very extensively in psychology, neuroscience, self-help and metaphysics. However, modern neuroscience has revised the model because brain functions are not as separate or hierarchical as the original model suggests... there is more interaction. Modern research shows that the three “brains” do not work independently, but rather work together... our brain works integrated as one. Together they form a network that constantly interacts and the Reptilian Brain (brainstem, basal ganglia) is also involved in more complex processes and not only in survival reactions, as only in fight-or-flight reactions. It also plays a role in dopamine regulation, meaning that it also contributes to pleasure (the flip side of fear), motivation and passion as well as providing the basis of very fixed patterns of behavior. This model describes the three layers of brain function as follows:
- The Reptilian Brain (Brainstem & Basal Ganglia)
The oldest part of the brain, responsible for instinct, survival, and deep-seated behavioral patterns. Often associated with fight-or-flight responses, but also playing a key role in motivation, pleasure, and repetitive behavior. - The Limbic System (Mammalian Brain)
The emotional processing center, governing feelings, memory, and bonding. This is where love, fear, passion, and excitement emerge as guiding forces in our experience. - The Neocortex (Human Brain)
The higher reasoning center, enabling abstract thought, language, creativity, and problem-solving. It is the key to imagination, vision, and expanding awareness beyond instinctual programming.
At first, this model suggested a hierarchy, where the human brain evolved from their primal instincts into higher thinking. But modern neuroscience tells a different story. They discovered that these three layers are not separate or hierarchical at all, but fully integrated, constantly influencing one another.
And that the Reptilian Brain is not just about fear and control, but it is also responsible for dopamine regulation, pleasure, and deeply ingrained passion and therefor governing the experience of pleasure, motivation, and drive. That our Limbic System does not just receive and react, but it actively shapes our perception of reality. That the Neocortex does not override the lower brain, but it is even shaped by emotion, intuition, and subconscious beliefs originating from the other parts of the brain.
So, neuroscience now has discovered that the mind is not a linear structure, but rather a dynamic, vibrating system made up of parts with different functions working together as a whole. And that these brains are not a next step on the evolutionary ladder. This bridges exactly what mystics have been saying for thousands of years:
- Consciousness is a frequency.
- Reality is shaped by vibration.
- The brain is an instrument and we just need to learn how to use it as a whole system.
Which brings us to the next evolution of this understanding... what Bashar calls the Triad Mind.
The Triad Mind is a Cosmic Operating System
What if the human mind was never meant to function in isolation? What if the key to clarity, alignment, and effortless synchronicity has always been in front of us, but we’ve been conditioned to look in the wrong place?
The Essassani have explained how our consciousness is structured as a Triad, an interconnected system designed to function as one harmonious unit. And yet, in our modern world, many of us have been trained to rely almost exclusively on one part of this system, leaving us feeling disconnected, overwhelmed, or stuck in repetitive cycles. This Triad Mind model is not just a spiritual concept, it is the very structure of how we receive, process, and act upon reality.
Let’s take a deeper look:
The Higher Mind – The Source of Guidance & Synchronicity
The Higher Mind is the non-physical aspect of our consciousness that exists outside of linear time, beyond the constraints of space and physical reality. It sees the bigger picture of our journey, understanding how every experience fits into the unfolding pattern of our lives. This is where intuition, inspiration, and downloads originate. The Higher Mind is always communicating with us, but because it operates at a higher vibrational frequency, we often dismiss its messages as random thoughts or feelings. It doesn’t use words or linear reasoning, instead, it speaks through synchronicity, sudden realizations, and inner knowing.
It is like the sun, always shining, always radiating guidance, but just as the sun’s light must travel to Earth before we can experience its warmth, so too must the insights of the Higher Mind be received through a channel that translates them into something we can understand. That channel is the Heart Mind.
The Heart Mind – The Bridge Between the Seen & Unseen
If the Higher Mind is like the sun, the Heart Mind is like the atmosphere, filtering and translating higher frequencies into something tangible. The Heart Mind is the feeling center, the energetic bridge that allows us to sense the alignment (or misalignment) of a thought, choice, or direction. It takes the non-linear wisdom of the Higher Mind and converts it into emotion, resonance, and bodily awareness.
That gut feeling that tells us whether something is right or wrong? That moment of deep peace when we suddenly know what to do? That pull of excitement when we are aligned with our true path? That’s the Heart Mind in action. In a sense, it is our personal vibrational translator. The part of us that lets us feel the difference between what is in harmony with our true self and what is not. When we ignore the Heart Mind and try to rely only on logic, analysis, and control, we disconnect from our inner compass. And that is when we fall into struggle. Because the truth is, the Physical Mind was never designed to figure it all out on its own.
The Physical Mind – The Perceiver, Not the Generator
In our current world, we have been taught that the Physical Mind is the master, the one that must “figure everything out” and “make things happen.” But the Essassani tells us this is not its actual function, not what it is designed for... at all! The Physical Mind is not the creator of reality... it is the perceiver of reality. Its role is simple:
- To perceive the present moment.
- To interpret and act upon the input it perceives.
- To navigate physical reality based on the guidance from the Higher and Heart Minds.
It is not meant to predict the future, solve every problem, or create meaning from nothing. That is the work of the Higher Mind, and it speaks through the Heart Mind’s resonance. If the Higher Mind is the sun and the Heart Mind is the atmosphere, the Physical Mind is the ground we walk on, where the energy of inspiration finally takes physical form. But when we cut ourselves off from this flow, when we try to "figure it all out" instead of allowing insight and intuition to guide us, we end up stuck in a loop of stress, confusion, and overthinking. That's exhausting! That's why so many people burn out! This is why so many of us feel trapped in mental noise, unable to see a clear path forward. It is not because we are missing something... it is because we have been trained to ignore the very parts of our consciousness designed to give us clarity.
The Triad Mind is a Living Frequency System
This is not just a metaphor, we are equipped with an active vibrational system, much like the brain’s neural network or the relationship between different frequency states in physics. When all three aspects of the Triad Mind are working together, we enter a state of synchronicity and effortless manifestation. This is how it is designed:
- The Higher Mind is the Conceiver - it sees the bigger picture, existing outside of time, providing the insights and inspiration and orchestrating synchronicities that guide us toward our highest potential.
- The Heart Mind is the Translator - it takes the wisdom of the Higher Mind and transforms it into feeling, allowing us to sense whether we are in alignment with our true path and our passion.
- The Physical Mind is the Perceiver - it is not meant to know all upfront or to control anything, but to act upon the Heart Minds feeling, bringing it into manifestation, into reality and to give meaning to what is being created.
- And the Physical Brain is the Receiver - the antenna that receives the 'data' and allows the entire system to function and navigate through physical reality by observing it.
And when this system is flowing naturally, our lives unfold as a fluent process of synchronicity in which reality is providing us the playground for the experience our souls intended. This is not far-fetched mysticism or wishful thinking, this is the actual structure of how consciousness works across dimensions. For us and for all beings in creation. Humanity is really not an exception in the structure of existence! And yet, so often, we block this natural flow, not because we lack guidance, but because we have been trained to ignore two major parts of it and to let the remaining parts compensate for that. So if we want to activate this whole mind system, we must learn to shift our frequency and to tune in to the vibration where all these aspects are working in alignment and doing the job they are designed to do.
The good news is... we don’t have to force this alignment, as we are designed this way. We simply have to stop resisting the way it works. When we stop trying to control everything with our Physical Mind, we create space for inspiration from the Higher Mind. When we listen to what excites us, we allow the Heart Mind to know us what is the path to be taken - one based on flow instead of force.
This is why Bashar have talked for decades about "following our excitement". Not as a bypass from reality or an escape from responsibility, but as a vibrational alignment tool that allows us to tune into our natural structure of the Triad Mind. We don’t have to struggle our way forward. We don’t have to "figure it all out." We just have to listen.
Brainwaves & The Triad Mind
The brain is an electromagnetic system, constantly shifting frequencies depending on our state of awareness, focus, and emotion. From the neuroscientific perspective, brainwaves are categorized into five primary states - Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma - each linked to specific cognitive processes and regions of the brain. From the metaphysical perspective, these frequencies determine our level of connection to intuition, subconscious access, and multidimensional awareness. From Bashar’s perspective, learning to consciously shift our brainwaves is the key to aligning with the Higher Mind and making open contact with higher-dimensional beings. So, how do these frequencies actually work? Let’s explore them through the lens of neuroscience, metaphysics, and the Triad Mind.
But first, imagine sitting beside a calm lake at sunrise. The surface is still, undisturbed, like a mirror reflecting the sky. This is the deepest level of consciousness, the quiet hum beneath all experience, where everything is connected. Now, a gentle ripple moves across the water, not chaotic, but rhythmic, pulsing, alive. The lake is responding, translating unseen vibrations into form. And then, the wind picks up. Waves form, the surface becomes more active, responding dynamically to every movement, every shift in energy. The once-still lake is now a dance of ripples, currents, and reflections where each wave carrying its own unique frequency. This is how our consciousness moves through different brainwave states... from deep stillness to rapid activity, from unified awareness to focused thinking. Each frequency shapes the way we perceive reality, whether we are deeply at rest, receiving insight, solving problems, or experiencing a moment of profound clarity. But what truly determines our experience is not just which frequency we are in... it is how well we move between them, and whether we allow them to work in harmony.
Epsilon – The Stillness Beneath All Thought (Below 0.5 Hz)
At the deepest level of stillness, there exists a state so subtle, so silent, that it is often mistaken for nothingness. Paradoxically is not an absence, it is the source field of all frequencies, a field of pure potential. It is a state so subtle, even below the threshold of measurable brain activity, a state of near complete stillness. It is here that time seems to dissolve, where the sense of self expands into something vast and limitless. This is Epsilon, the carrier wave of consciousness, the bridge between physical and non-physical awareness.
Bashar describes this frequency as the foundation of the Higher Mind itself, a realm beyond the constraints of space and time. It is the field of pure potential, the wave that carries all other brain states. Those who enter deep meditative states, near-death experiences, or full-body samadhi describe this state as one of pure awareness. A vast, infinite presence where all thought dissolves into unity. And from this stillness, the entire spectrum of consciousness emerges. This is not a state we "think" in... it is a state we exist in. The Physical Mind enters a state of absolute receptivity, beyond normal cognition and all that remains is awareness itself.
From a Scientific Perspective, Epsilon is believed to originate beyond the brain itself, operating at the deepest level of nervous system activity. Some studies suggest that advanced meditators and mystics enter a near-Epsilon state, where brain activity slows almost to a standstill while awareness remains highly active. This is the state of cosmic unity, void consciousness, and pure beingness. Some traditions describe it as the “zero point field”, the space between all other states of awareness.
Note: The Essassani understand Epsilon as the vibrational bridge between dimensions, which is why one of their moons bears this name. It represents the carrier wave upon which all thought, perception, and experience travel.
Delta – The Ocean of the Subconscious (0.5 - 4 Hz)
Now, a soft wave begins to rise. Slow, gentle, but carrying immense depth. This is Delta, the realm of deep subconscious processing and healing. Delta is the slow rhythm of regeneration, the domain of deep, dreamless sleep, allowing the body to heal at a cellular level. It is where the subconscious mind sorts through emotions, memories, and experiences. But Delta is not just about the body, it is about deep learning at the cellular level.
This is where the Heart Mind is most active, processing emotions, memories, and intuitive impressions without the interference of conscious thought. It is here that profound downloads can occur, slipping beneath the surface of awareness, waiting to emerge when we are ready to receive them. Have you ever fallen asleep with a problem on your mind, only to wake up with the answer? That is Delta at work. The Physical Mind was resting, but something deeper was still processing, something beyond thought, beyond words.
From a Scientific Perspective – The Triune Brain in Delta
In Delta, the Reptilian Brain (Brainstem & Basal Ganglia) ensures that the body continues to function effortlessly through regulating heartbeat, breathing, and cellular repair, even as the conscious mind drifts away. But Delta is also the gateway to emotional integration and deep memory processing within the Limbic System. Here, long-buried emotions and experiences are sifted through, sorted, and stored. This is where the brain replays, rewires, and reshapes emotional memories, helping us process what we couldn’t fully comprehend while awake. Like waves retreating from the shore, Delta clears away the mental debris of the day, preparing us to awaken with a renewed sense of clarity and balance.
Theta – The Gateway to the Dreamworld, Creativity & Deep Learning (4 - 8 Hz)
Now, the waves begin to shift to fluid, rhythmic, pulsing with energy. This is Theta, the bridge between the waking mind and the dream state. Theta is the state of deep meditation, imagination, trance, and intuitive insight, where visions, creativity, and downloads begin to surface. It is the key to deep learning and skill mastery as it allows new knowledge to be absorbed on a deeper level and stored for long-term retention. It is here that we enter altered states of consciousness, where visions appear, where creative inspiration flows effortlessly, where we suddenly understand things in a way that logic alone could never explain. It is also the state where deep learning occurs, especially in children, whose developing brains spend most of their time in Theta, which is why they learn languages and skills so easily. Theta is the ideal state for accelerated learning, visualization, and subconscious reprogramming.
Theta brainwaves naturally open the subconscious mind, allowing for expanded perception, intuitive downloads, and altered states. This state loosens the grip of the Physical Mind, making it easier to receive insights from the Higher Mind and perceive extradimensional frequencies. Many channelers and experiencers report that they enter a Theta-dominant state when connecting with ET beings and is associated with lucid dreaming, astral travel, and non-physical contact experiences and shamanic journeying. So it is a key vibrational zone for contact experiences, as it allows for a blending of dimensional realities. Bashar describes Theta as the bridge where the Higher Mind and Heart Mind begin working in tandem, allowing us to receive intuitive insights and downloads, even if we don’t yet fully understand them.
Schumann Resonance Connection
It is no coincidence that Theta and the Schumann Resonance - 7.83 Hz, the Earth's natural electromagnetic pulse - are so closely aligned. This explains that when we enter Theta, we are literally synchronizing with the consciousness of the planet itself. We will have a closer look at this later on.
From a Scientific Perspective – The Triune Brain in Theta
As the mind drifts into Theta, the Limbic System takes center stage, orchestrating the subtle dance between memory, emotion, and imagination. This is where deep emotional learning happens, where the brain imprints experiences in a way that is not just logical but deeply felt. Memories stored in Theta tend to carry a sensory and emotional charge, which is why we remember dreams, childhood moments, or vivid experiences so clearly. Meanwhile, the Neocortex, the center of higher reasoning and abstract thought, remains active, but in an entirely different way than in waking states. Instead of analyzing details, it begins to synthesize patterns, recognize connections, and absorb new knowledge effortlessly. This is why children - who naturally spend more time in Theta than adults - learn languages, music, and complex ideas with ease. Their minds are in a perpetual state of fluid absorption, making learning a process of intuitive integration rather than forced effort.
In adults, Theta is the gateway to peak creativity, problem-solving, and visionary insights. A state where rigid thought dissolves, and ideas begin to weave together in unexpected, yet profound, ways.
Bashar’s Triad Mind Perspective on Theta
Theta is not just a state of deep learning and imagination, it is the meeting ground between the Higher Mind and the Physical Mind, bridged by the Heart Mind. It is here that downloads from the Higher Mind begin to take shape, surfacing as inspiration, intuition, and sudden flashes of insight.
- The Higher Mind transmits non-linear, multidimensional insights that bypass logical reasoning.
- The Heart Mind acts as a resonator and interpreter, translating those insights into feelings, emotions, deep knowing and creative impulses.
- The Physical Mind receives these vibrations as thoughts, symbols, and realizations, which it may not yet fully comprehend but will later translate into action.
Theta is a key vibrational state for permission slips, as many involve meditation, subconscious reprogramming, and altered perception, allowing reality to become more fluid and flexible and making it an optimal state for shifting fixed beliefs. Also many of the most powerful ET experiences, dream interactions, and spontaneous realizations occur in Theta, as it allows the mind to function outside of time-bound perception. This is why Theta is one of the key vibrational access points for open contact, because in this state, we are naturally attuned to frequencies beyond our usual waking reality while simultaneously resonating with Earth's own electromagnetic field, activating our energetic system as a cosmic antenna.
Alpha – The Flow State of Effortless Learning (8 - 14 Hz)
The waves settle into a gentle, balanced rhythm, a perfect harmony between relaxation and focus, not as slow and deep as Theta, yet not as rapid and sharp as Beta. This is Alpha, the frequency of the flow state, of calm alertness, where learning, creativity, and presence merge into effortless awareness. Have you ever been so immersed in something, a book, a piece of music, a deep conversation, a creative project where time seemed to disappear? That was Alpha in action. It is here that the mind is fully engaged yet completely at ease, not grasping, not overanalyzing, simply flowing.
Alpha is the bridge between the subconscious and conscious mind. It allows us to integrate new information with relaxed focus, forming connections without the effort of logical problem-solving. This is where the Physical Mind and Heart Mind synchronize, helping us process emotions without being overwhelmed and think clearly without stress or over-analysis. Alpha is the state of effortless learning, where knowledge isn’t memorized forcefully through repetition but absorbed naturally, through curiosity and immersion. This is why Alpha is so powerful for skill-building, creative problem-solving, and structured learning. It is the sweet zone between the external world and internal perception, the state where learning becomes effortless, enjoyable, and deeply effective. It is the flow state where we are fully present, engaged, yet completely at ease.
Unlike Theta, where we absorb information without questioning it, in Alpha, we begin to actively engage with what we’ve learned, making sense of it in a structured way. Unlike Gamma, where information is instantaneously processed, Alpha allows us to ease into understanding, weaving new knowledge into our perception of reality. This is why Alpha is the ideal state for language learning, playing an instrument, or any skill that requires both focus and flexibility. Athletes, musicians, and artists often describe Alpha as being “in the zone”, a state of effortless performance where everything just flows naturally.
Scientific Perspective – The Triune Brain in Alpha
As the mind enters Alpha, the Neocortex (Higher Brain) and the Limbic System (Emotional Brain) work in harmony, allowing for relaxed concentration, learning, and creativity. The Neocortex is actively forming new connections, linking knowledge in a way that feels organic and intuitive. The Limbic System balances emotional processing, ensuring that learning remains enjoyable rather than stressful. This is why Alpha is the ideal state for interactive learning, problem-solving, and creative thinking. It allows the mind to function without resistance, integrating both logic and feeling to create effortless flow. Unlike Beta, which is highly structured and analytical, Alpha keeps the mind fluid, receptive, and adaptable.
Bashar’s Triad Mind Perspective on Alpha
In Alpha, the Triad Mind operates in harmony in which all three aspects are working together to process, integrate, and apply information effortlessly. The Higher Mind provides subtle guidance and inspiration, which we recognize as “new ideas” or “intuitive nudges.” The Heart Mind acts as a resonator, creating an emotional connection to what we are learning, making knowledge more meaningful and engaging. The Physical Mind organizes information into structured understanding, making it practical and applicable.
This is why Alpha is one of the most effective vibrational states for personal growth and transformation. We are not just receiving knowledge (Theta), nor analyzing it (Beta), but engaging with it naturally and fluidly. When Bashar describes the state of effortless synchronicity where we allow inspiration, knowledge, and creativity to unfold without resistance, he is in fact referring to the Alpha state.
In Alpha we are not forcing understanding but about allowing it to emerge naturally, automatically. Here, new information becomes structured knowledge. We remain present, engaged, and relaxed at the same time.
Beta – The Domain of the Physical Mind (14 - 30 Hz)
As our brainwaves speed up, we enter the state of logical thought, analysis, and structured problem-solving. This is Beta - the "thinking mind" - the frequency that allows us to navigate daily life, make decisions, and process external reality. Beta is the domain of the Physical Mind, where reasoning, calculation, and critical thinking are most active. It is essential for structure, discipline, and focus. When balanced, Beta is a powerful tool, allowing us to bring Higher Mind insights into structured action. However, Beta is also where stress and overthinking occur, especially in high Beta (above 20 Hz). When we move into high Beta, the mind becomes overstimulated, chaotic, and trapped in loops of worry, anxiety, and over-analysis. Many people become stuck in this state, unable to access the deeper flow of Alpha or the visionary perception of Theta. This disconnects us from intuition, inspiration, and the natural rhythm of creation.
Scientific Perspective – The Triune Brain Connection
- Neocortex: Engaged in rational thought and structured problem-solving.
- Reptilian Brain: Triggers stress responses in high Beta.
Bashar’s Triad Mind Perspective on Beta
Now, here’s where it gets incredibly interesting… Beyond this state of chaos, mental loops, worry, and anxiety—beyond the seemingly illogical madness of high Beta—lies Gamma. And if we can learn to shift from high Beta into Gamma, something truly transformational happens. We are seeing this process unfold on a massive scale right now...
The Collective Shift ... the Pushing through High Beta into Gamma.
While the frequencies are rising within us as individuals - and across the world - many people are experiencing their inner and outer worlds collapsing into chaos. It feels as if everything is breaking down, nothing makes sense anymore. The world is stuck in mental loops of fear, control, and confusion. Anxiety and uncertainty are at an all-time high. It looks like the New Earth is far away. But is it?
When a rocket launches from Earth, it has to push through thick layers of the atmosphere which creates massive air resistance (drag) and turbulent airflow around the spacecraft. There is a specific moment during ascent called "Max Q" (Maximum Dynamic Pressure). This is the point where the aerodynamic forces on the spacecraft are at their highest—causing violent shaking, buffeting, and structural stress. Pilots and astronauts describe this as the most intense part of the launch. Around 100 km (62 miles) above Earth, the spacecraft passes the Kármán Line, 'The Edge of Space', the official boundary of space. At this point, air resistance almost completely disappears and the violent shaking suddenly stops. Astronauts report an eerie stillness and silence as they transition into microgravity.
Do you think the metaphor of the intensity of Earth's transformation and huge developments in space travel is a co-incidence? Or are we witnessing a perfect mirroring between our Collective Consciousness reaching a new threshold and humanity as a species physically pushing into Deep Space Exploration? And that these two journeys - inner world and outer world - are intrinsically linked? Are these two barriers happening simultaneously for a reason? Let's have a deeper look...
The Threshold of Consciousness
We are in a period where humanity is rapidly expanding its awareness. The old paradigms, belief systems, and structures that kept us locked in "3D Beta-thinking" are breaking down. The chaos, the mental loops, the fear... all of it is part of the transition. We are being pushed into a new vibrational reality, a Gamma-level consciousness shift.
The Threshold of Space Exploration
For the first time in history, we are at the edge of becoming a multiplanetary species. The Artemis program is taking us back to the Moon (this time to stay). Mars colonization is now a serious possibility. The James Webb Space Telescope is revealing new exoplanets that could harbor life. There is increasing disclosure and acknowledgment of extraterrestrial presence. This is NOT accidental. We are literally, physically, and vibrationally breaking through the same barrier, both in consciousness and in space. The rapid increase in space missions, planetary discoveries, and UAP disclosures is an indication that we are getting close.
The Cosmic Synchronization
Just as a starship shakes violently before breaking free of Earth's atmosphere, so too does our collective consciousness tremble at the edge of a higher reality. Going into Space is like Going into Gamma. This real-world spaceflight phenomenon is the perfect metaphor for our collective consciousness shift! For centuries, we have been bound within the gravity of old beliefs, outdated systems, and a limited perception of what is possible. But now, the world is experiencing its Max Q moment, the turbulence before the breakthrough. The world is shaking. Pressure is building. Chaos is rising. On a global scale, it feels like madness, confusion, and uncertainty are at an all-time high. Structures are collapsing, old paradigms are crumbling, and many feel as though they are trapped in a storm with no clear direction. It feels like we are breaking apart...
But we are actually breaking through! In that powerful moment of breakthrough, we push past the turbulence into a whole new reality. Just like in spaceflight, once we pass the barrier, there is the space of "effortless stillness". This stillness will bring clarity, new perspectives, and new possibilities for our planet. Once we open our consciousness to the greater universe, the greater universe will open to us. This is Gamma!
It’s all happening in perfect synchronization. We are quite literally on the edge of becoming a cosmic species... in our consciousness as well as reflected in our reality. This is one of the most exciting moments in human history, and we are witnessing it both inside and outside of us.
Gamma – The Bridge to the Higher Mind (30 - 100 Hz)
Suddenly, the waves accelerate beyond all previous rhythms, becoming something completely different - no longer chaotic, but unified. This is Gamma, the highest state of brainwave activity, where the entire brain begins working as one synchronized system. Gamma is where intuition meets logic, where all parts of the mind integrate into a single, heightened awareness. It is the lightning-fast frequency of expanded awareness. Gamma is the bridge to the Higher Mind, the state allowing for instantaneous downloads, heightened intuition, and multidimensional perception, where we become capable of perceiving beyond linear time. In this state, reality becomes fluid, synchronicities increase, intuition sharpens, and the illusion of separation dissolves. It is no coincidence that advanced meditators, Tibetan monks, and energy healers all exhibit high Gamma activity when in deep states of enlightenment or healing.
Gamma is the highest-level cognitive processing, where different parts of the brain synchronize to form new high-level neural connections. Associated with insight, pattern recognition, and the "Aha!" moment where scattered ideas suddenly makes sense and come into one unified understanding. Gamma allows for expanded perception, instant insight, and rapid problem-solving as it connect multiple ideas at once, leading to deep comprehension.
Scientific Perspective – The Triune Brain Connection
Gamma is not just a faster brainwave, it is a state of total brain synchronization. Unlike slower frequencies, where different parts of the brain operate in separate patterns, Gamma unites them into a single, harmonized rhythm. It is the state where logic, creativity, intuition, and memory function as one, creating a superconscious level of awareness. In Gamma, the Neocortex (the center of complex thinking) becomes highly activated while simultaneously engaging the Limbic System (emotional intelligence) and even the Reptilian Brain (instinct and body intelligence).
The Gamma frequencies are unique, because they allow for hyperconnectivity, where all brain regions communicate faster, allowing for instant insight, rapid learning, and heightened perception. They enhance sensory processing, making vision clearer, intuition sharper, and energy fields more perceptible. At this level, awareness expands, often allowing people to experience multiple timelines, precognition, and deep intuitive knowing. This is why it is the vibrational state of enlightenment and unity consciousness.
According to Essassani Perspective ...
... Gamma is the bridge to open contact, as extraterrestrial civilizations operate in this expanded vibrational range, where thought and manifestation occur simultaneously.
Where the Triad Mind becomes fully integrated...
- The Higher Mind is guiding,
- The Heart Mind is knowing,
- The Physical Mind is acting.
The Essassani often talk about learning through excitement, which naturally shifts us into Alpha and Gamma states. When we are excited about what we’re learning, we automatically activate Gamma, allowing information to be integrated faster through the forming of strong neural connections. After that we relax and play with the information, we stay in Alpha, making learning effortless, while still connected to physical reality. When later we engage in imagination, visualization, or an automatic, meditative kind of repetition, we tap into Theta, embedding the knowledge deeply.
Do you know what's the worst learning state? High Beta (20-30 Hz)... which is what happens when people are stressed, anxious, or forcing themselves to study. This is why cramming before a test is extremely ineffective as stress blocks information from being absorbed properly! Maybe we should reconsider the way we educate our children in schools. And staring out the window might not be such a bad thing after all...
The Ancient Path to Gamma
We’ve seen the bumpy ride to Gamma... pushing through high Beta, chaos, and mental turbulence until, finally, we break through into clarity. But what if there was another way? A way known by the ancients… a way mastered by the Essassani…
A way that doesn’t require struggle, pressure, or pushing through resistance, but instead, allows us to flow effortlessly into higher states of consciousness. This is what is known as the Carrier Wave, the hidden current that connects Epsilon, Theta, Gamma, and beyond.
If Beta to Gamma is the Storm before the stillness, then Epsilon to Gamma is the Eye of the Storm. The silent, unwavering center through which we pass effortlessly. The Carrier Wave is not a brainwave itself, it is the underlying vibrational current that allows us to shift between dimensions of consciousness with ease. Imagine it like an invisible ocean current that carries our awareness, guiding us from deep stillness to expanded awareness without resistance.
So now we have learned there are two ways to enter Gamma, the gateway to our Higher Mind:
The Acceleration Path – Pushing Through High Beta into Gamma
This is the turbulent path, the "pressure launch" that takes us through chaos, mental loops, stress, and intensity before finally snapping into Gamma clarity. This is what most of humanity is experiencing right now, both as individuals and as a collective, we are pushing through mental overload, shadow integration, and uncertainty. But what if we didn’t have to fight our way through the barrier?
The Carrier Wave Path – Epsilon to Gamma
Instead of pushing through overload and resistance, we drop into stillness, into Epsilon (below 0.5 Hz), where all resistance disappears. From this deep zero-point field of awareness, we ride the Carrier Wave effortlessly upward into Gamma. No turbulence. No chaos. Just pure flow. This is how the ancients entered states of enlightenment and divine connection. Not through force, but through deep surrender into the void.
Also, the Essassani do not struggle to shift states. They do not push through chaotic energy, they align with the Carrier Wave. Again that's why even one of their moons is named Epsilon. This is a direct reference to this vibrational bridge between dimensions they are using.
What they are sharing is not just a nice philosophy, they are showing us the path of effortless transformation... a way to move between frequencies, between states of awareness, between realities… with zero resistance. The way of the Carrier Wave. The ancient, effortless path to the Higher Mind. It is the path they took in their transition to Shakana (4D) after they entered a collective lucid dream state.
The question is… via which path are we going into Gamma? My guess... Earth is a Master Class... we probably take the most challenging path.
Lambda – The Gateway to Multidimensional Consciousness (100 - 200 Hz and beyond)
As we ascend beyond Gamma, something extraordinary happens. The waves no longer feel like rapid bursts of activity; instead, they stretch into an expansive, fluid rhythm, as if consciousness itself is dissolving all boundaries. Lambda is not just a faster frequency, but a different state of awareness altogether. It is where the mind begins to merge into something greater, where the self no longer feels confined to thought, but expands into a field of knowing.
Lambda operates at frequencies beyond 100 Hz. Yet unlike Beta, which demands effort, or Gamma, which sharpens perception, Lambda unfolds effortlessly. Those who access this state describe an overwhelming sense of connection to everything at once, as if the mind is no longer processing reality piece by piece, but absorbing entire realities in a single instant. It is the frequency of instantaneous knowing, of deep multidimensional integration, of awareness no longer bound to linear experience.
Science has only begun to glimpse the implications of Lambda. Some advanced EEG studies of Tibetan monks and deep meditators have recorded activity in this range, suggesting whole-brain synchronization, a state where every region of the brain functions as a unified system rather than separate parts. Unlike other high-frequency states, Lambda does not take mental effort at all and seems to unlock an energy source where information flows without resistance. Some researchers speculate that this state may even correlate with Near-Death Experiences, where individuals describe leaving the constraints of time and space, accessing vast knowledge, and experiencing reality from a perspective far beyond the physical senses.
From a metaphysical perspective, Lambda is the state where the illusion of separation fades. It is often described as the experience of timelessness, the moment where past, present, and future exist simultaneously. Some spiritual traditions call it the doorway to ascended consciousness, a state of profound integration where the mind no longer seeks knowledge... it simply knows.
The Essassani state of Synchronicity
For Bashar and the Essassani, Lambda is not just a peak state; it is their natural state of being. This is why they exist in a seamless flow of synchronicity, where manifestation is instant and thought and action are one. They describe Lambda as the frequency where the Higher Mind, Heart Mind, and Physical Mind function as a single, integrated awareness. The Higher Mind no longer needs to send guidance because its perspective is already embodied. The Heart Mind does not translate intuition into emotion because it exists in a state of resonance. The Physical Mind no longer doubts or analyzes because it is fully aligned with the greater knowing.
It is no coincidence that civilizations operating at Lambda frequencies are telepathic, as thoughts do not exist as fragmented ideas but as entire knowledge structures, instantly accessible. This is why Bashar speaks of permission slips such as Sacred Circuitry and Holotope Meditations as tools to help us shift into higher brainwave states. In many ways, the process of human evolution is the process of training the brain to sustain higher frequencies, so that we, too, may function in a state of seamless flow, instant insight, and effortless creation.
What's next?
And yet, even beyond Lambda, there is something more. Beyond the expansion of the mind into infinite knowing, there is a stillness that exists beneath it all. It is there that we encounter Epsilon once again, but now not as absence, but as the very field upon which all experience arises. Lambda is the highest state the brain can reach before dissolving into the infinite. Beyond that threshold, thought itself ceases, and what remains is the Carrier Wave, the silent rhythm of existence itself.
Epsilon – The Fundamental Frequency of Reality
At the deepest level of stillness, where thought dissolves into silence, there exists a rhythm so slow, so vast that it becomes indistinguishable from infinity itself. This is Epsilon, the carrier wave, the fundamental frequency that underlies all of physical existence. We began our journey in Epsilon, descending into the deepest states of awareness, where consciousness retreats beyond thought, beyond perception, into pure presence.
And now, having ascended through the full spectrum of frequencies - Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Lambda - we find ourselves returning to Epsilon once again. But this time, it is not as the void beneath awareness, but as the field that connects all frequencies, the foundation upon which all experience is built. The void of Epsilon is not empty. It is pregnant with possibility, filled with everything, waiting for consciousness to choose to interact.
The One is All and the All is One
The brain is an interpreter of reality, a receiver of frequencies. Like a cosmic antenna, it operates through the interplay of waves. Theta for dreaming, Alpha for learning and assimilation, Beta for logic and understanding, Gamma for expansion, Lambda for unification and full integration. And yet, beneath it all, sustaining the entire structure, there is a field upon which these frequencies arise and dissolve. That field is Epsilon...
The Grand Cosmic Loop: Returning to the Source
As we reach the final realization, it becomes clear, our journey through frequency has been a full-circle movement. Nothing is linear in creation!
We began in the deepest silence of Epsilon. We rose through Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma, integrating each layer. We expanded into Lambda, where consciousness fully merges with the Higher Mind. And in the end, we return to Epsilon, not as absence, but as the eternal field of all possibilities.
It is the same rhythm that underlies the structure of our mind, our planet, our solar system, and the cosmos itself. Our brain is merely a fractal reflection of something far greater, a mirror of the universe, cycling between stillness and expansion.
Perhaps this is the greatest secret of all… That the beginning and the end are the same. That everything emerges from stillness, and everything returns to stillness. That beneath all sound, beneath all thought, beneath all existence… is Epsilon.
The Master Class - How we Forget and how we Remember
From the moment we take our first breath to the years when we reflect on the life we've lived, our brainwaves shift in ways that mirror our journey of consciousness. These changes are not random; they follow a natural rhythm. One that moves from pure presence to structured thought, and eventually, for some, back into expanded awareness. But what happens when we grow older? How did we end up in Beta and do we remain in Beta forever, locked in analysis, or do we move toward something greater? The answer lies in how we engage with life itself.
Infant Stage (0 - 2 years) → Delta (0.5 - 4 Hz)
We enter this world as pure beings, immersed in the vast ocean of consciousness, floating effortlessly in the deep, regenerative rhythm of Delta. A newborn does not need to think to exist; they simply are. In this state, there is no separation, no analysis, no fear, just presence. The body knows how to heal, how to grow, how to function perfectly without interference. This is our original state, untouched by the structures of the world.
Early Childhood (2 - 6 years) → Theta (4 - 8 Hz)
Then, the current shifts. As we grow, our brainwaves change. We move from the deep mystery of Delta into the dreamlike magic of Theta, where imagination is reality and everything is possible. As children begin to explore the world, their brain naturally shifts into the frequency of imagination, deep learning, and subconscious absorption. Theta is the realm of boundless learning, absorbed effortlessly, where invisible friends and unseen worlds feel as real as the physical one. This is why children can learn multiple languages effortlessly and why their sense of reality is fluid, because, for them, the boundary between thought and experience has not yet solidified.
They exist in a state where intuition, creativity, and direct knowing are natural. A child does not question intuition, by the lack of reason, they just follow it. They do not separate play from learning, or logic from creativity. They exist in a seamless state of wonder, where their Heart Mind and Higher Mind still speak as clearly as the voices of their parents. But something happens. The world begins to shape them.
Late Childhood (6 - 12 years) → Alpha (8 - 14 Hz)
They are taught rules, structures, explanations. The spontaneous joy of exploration is slowly replaced by expectations, achievements, measurements. They move into Alpha, where the rational mind starts awakening, integrating knowledge and perception, learning to balance intuition with reality. The more their cognitive abilities develop, the more Alpha waves become dominant. This is the frequency of balance, where children begin integrating logic with creativity. They become more self-aware, capable of structured thought, yet still deeply connected to curiosity and play. Alpha is the ideal state for learning because it allows for relaxed focus and effortless integration of new ideas.
But then, a final shift occurs, one that separates them from everything they once knew. They enter Beta.
Adolescence & Adulthood (12+ years) → Beta (14 - 30 Hz)
With adolescence comes the full activation of Beta waves, the frequency of structured thought, problem-solving, and logical reasoning. This is the stage where the external world demands attention, where achievements, expectations, and responsibilities take priority. Beta allows us to navigate life, build careers, and engage with reality in a structured way. It allows us to deeply explore the physical reality.
But it also carries the risk of becoming dominant, keeping us locked in stress, analysis, and overthinking. This is the state in which many people get stuck, when the logical mind takes control. Where everything must be categorized, analyzed, proven.
The physical world becomes the only world that matters. Imagination is dismissed as childish. Intuition is seen as unreliable. Play becomes a waste of time, and success is measured by productivity, not by joy. The modern world thrives on this frequency, keeping us in a constant state of problem-solving, achieving, and reacting. And when the mind becomes trapped in high Beta, the overactive, anxious state of stress and survival, something profound is lost.
This is the collective conditioning of Beta. We are taught that anything beyond the logical, measurable world is fantasy. We are trained to dismiss the unseen, to doubt what we feel, to ridicule what cannot be proven. We are kept in perpetual Beta through a world that thrives on stress, on fear, on distraction. Endless streams of disturbing news, alarming predictions, financial pressures, and social conflicts... keeping us locked in reaction mode. In Beta, we forget who we are.
The Mature Brain of Awakening & Wisdom (50+ years) → Gamma (30 - 100 Hz)
For those who walk the path of deep self-discovery, something remarkable happens. As they step beyond the confines of ordinary thought and open themselves to expanded consciousness, they begin to access Gamma and Lambda states more frequently. These states are not reserved for a select few. They are available to anyone who seeks deeper understanding, integration, and alignment with the Higher Mind. But when does this shift naturally occur in humans? And does it happen differently for Starseeds?
Gamma waves become dominant when the brain is in a state of heightened perception, synthesis, and deep awareness. Unlike Beta, which is focused and linear, Gamma operates as a holistic frequency, where Higher Awareness, intuition and logic merge seamlessly. Many people first experience sustained Gamma activity in moments of deep inspiration, profound meditation, or life-changing realization. It happens when the mind is both fully engaged and yet completely open, when insight comes not as a slow deduction but as an instantaneous knowing.
For many, Gamma increases naturally with age, but only for those who embrace new experiences, who remain curious, who do not shut themselves off from learning. Wise elders, great thinkers, and those who engage in creative, spiritual, or visionary work often have higher sustained Gamma activity than the average person.
Starseeds, however, tend to access Gamma more spontaneously and at a younger age. Their minds are often wired differently, making them more prone to rapid synthesis, heightened intuition, and flashes of insight. Many Starseeds report that they struggled in conventional education systems because they did not process information in a linear way. They absorbed it all at once, in patterns and connections, which is characteristic of Gamma processing.
The Brain of the Mystics (50+ years) → Lambda (100+ Hz)
For those who continue their journey beyond Gamma, a threshold is crossed. Lambda is not just a frequency shift, it is an expansion of perception itself. The Shift into Multidimensional Awareness. Humans tend to access Lambda states later in life, or after deep spiritual practice or events, because it requires a complete surrender of the structured mind. Unlike Gamma, which integrates information at high speed, Lambda dissolves the boundaries of thought entirely, creating the experience of pure knowing.
Many individuals enter Lambda temporarily during near-death experiences, deep mystical states, or moments of cosmic realization. It is the frequency where past, present, and future merge into one, where information is no longer processed... it simply is.
For Starseeds, the challenge is often the opposite! They are already attuned to these frequencies but must learn how to ground them into the physical experience without becoming overwhelmed. Their path is not one of rediscovery, but of integration. Starseeds often experience spontaneous Lambda activations, but they can struggle with grounding these experiences into daily life. Many feel disconnected from the "normal" human experience because their consciousness is naturally attuned to higher states and finds Beta-based reality restrictive. This is why many Starseeds go through a period of forgetting, adaptation, and then later reawakening.
For humans in general, Lambda becomes more accessible in later years, especially for those who spend time in deep reflection, meditation, and spiritual integration. It is the frequency where the Higher Mind no longer feels separate from daily life, but fully embodied. But note... just because someone grows older does not mean they shift into higher frequencies. Many remain locked in Beta loops, repeating the same mental and emotional patterns until the end of their lives. Only for those who remain open, curious, and willing to expand, something different happens. They begin accessing these higher states more frequently, spending more time in Gamma and, eventually, Lambda.
This is why many spiritual masters, monks, and enlightened beings exhibit slow-wave brain activity. They have moved beyond the constraints of Beta and returned to the vastness of all frequencies. They are no longer trapped in the illusion of separation but exist in the full spectrum of awareness. The journey of the mind is a full-circle experience. We begin in pure presence, we move through structured thought, and for those who choose it, we return to presence again, but this time with awareness. This is the path of true wisdom... not simply to grow old, but to grow free.
The Awakening is about aligning with all frequencies
The Awakening is not just about raising our frequency... it is about expanding our consciousness! It is about remembering that we are not meant to be trapped in just one state of consciousness, locked in analysis and survival, stuck in high Beta. We were meant to move freely between states, to shift between logic and intuition, reason and inspiration, structure and flow. This is how we are designed!!! This is how we remember what it means to be whole.
A Conscious Consideration on Raising Children
Now we understand how our consciousness opens up layer by layer from birth to death, from Epsilon through all the other states back to Epsilon, then we could ask ourselves if it is necessary for our children to lose their natural connection, only to spend years, decades, or even lifetimes struggling to regain it, like we have done? If we are all born already in tune with these states, then wouldn't it be wise to preserve that natural connection, rather than forcing them to sever it in order to fit in and 'be normal'.
Imagine a world where we stop telling our children that their dreams are not real, that their visions are just imagination, that their intuition is just coincidence. Where we create an education system that nurtures the natural flow between Beta, Alpha and Theta, using the subconscious power instead of ongoing repetition in Beta. Education that strengthens logical reasoning while using creativity, that teaches focus combined with intuition. Imagine if we showed them how to listen to both their mind and their heart. If we let them hold on to their deep, effortless knowing rather than replacing it with 'common sense'. Many of humanity’s greatest geniuses did not finish their formal education.
The Awakening is not just for us, it is for the generations to come. For creating a different world, we should not only raise our own frequency, but also raise our children differently. If we guide them to maintain their natural frequency balance, they will not have to go through the same struggle of remembering, because they will have never forgotten.
Moving Beyond the Mind
Throughout this journey, we have explored the frequencies of the brain, mapping the shifts that occur as we move through different states of awareness. We have seen how our brainwaves evolve over a lifetime, shaping the way we learn, perceive, and interact with reality. Now, let's go beyond the Mind! Because... You Are Consciousness
We are not our thoughts. We are not our emotions. We are not even our brainwaves.
We are pure consciousness. Vibrational beings existing beyond time and space. The physical reality we experience is not something happening to us. It is something we are projecting, filtering, and interpreting through different vibrational mechanisms.
- Thoughts (Brainwaves) - The electrical rhythms our consciousness generates to interface with the physical dimension.
- Emotions - The vibrational resonance we feel as we move through different states of alignment (or misalignment).
- Physical Body & Senses - The mechanism we use to perceive and navigate the material world.
All of these are tools of exploration, but it is not who we truly are. In physical science, we can measure brainwaves and track emotional electromagnetic signatures. But consciousness itself is not yet measurable in this way. However, extraterrestrial civilizations have long since mastered this. For them, consciousness frequencies are as real and observable as light and sound. They can read the vibrational signature of a being or an entire civilization, instantly knowing where we are in our evolutionary process, what collective themes and challenges we are working through. And whether a being is in resonance with them (or not).
This is why they recognize us not by our names, faces, or even thoughts, but by our frequency, our vibrational signature. They use consciousness resonance the way we use facial recognition... to identify, navigate, and interact with different beings and realities. Even though consciousness can be measured in bandwidths, there are billions of variations within those bands, making every being uniquely vibrationally distinct.
This is why in higher-dimensional realities, communication is instantaneous and telepathic. Because their frequency itself carries the meaning.
The Symphony of Existence
If consciousness is the musician, then brainwaves and emotions are the strings of an instrument we use to explore reality. Depending on how well we are attuned, we produce a symphony that is harmonious, fluid, and resonant or one that is dissonant and chaotic. A well-tuned instrument allows for effortless flow, synchronicity, and clear perception. A misaligned instrument creates discord, suffering, and a sense of separation.
Mastering frequency is learning to play the instrument of our consciousness. The better we tune ourselves, the more beautifully we resonate, not only within ourselves but with all existence.
- Brainwaves are the rhythm of thought.
- Emotions are the music of feeling.
- Consciousness frequencies are the resonance of existence itself.
Let’s refine it into an even clearer and more structured expression:
- Consciousness Frequencies are the Resonance of Existence and define the reality we experience. This is the most fundamental level, beyond thought and emotion, and is measured in KiloHertz (kHz), not Hertz (Hz) like brain waves and emotions. They determine what dimension, density, and vibrational field we are perceiving and interacting with.
- Thoughts (Brainwaves) shape what we experience within that reality. They act as the mechanism of focus, choice, and interpretation, determining how we navigate our vibrational environment.
- Emotions reflect how we feel about our experiences. They are the energetic feedback system that lets us know whether we are in alignment or resistance with our chosen experience.
Or, to put it even more poetically:
- Consciousness frequencies are the stage upon which reality unfolds.
- Thoughts are the script, shaping what scenes play out.
- Emotions are the music, coloring the experience with harmony or dissonance.
And when we master all three, we become lucid dreamers of existence itself. So, for a moment let's look beyond the waves of the personal mind. Beyond the shifting tides of emotion. And into the vast, structured frequencies that determine how we experience reality itself. Let's step into the realm of Consciousness Frequencies... the vibrational thresholds that define awakening, dimensional shifts, and interstellar contact.
The Spectrum of Consciousness Frequencies
If everything is frequency, then consciousness itself must also have a vibrational structure. Bashar has often spoken of Consciousness Frequencies not as abstract concepts, but as definable vibrational thresholds that shape how reality is perceived and experienced. These frequencies are not just levels of awareness but dimensional bridges, marking the shifts from one density of existence to another.
Unlike brainwaves, which define how the mind operates, or emotions, which shape personal experience, Consciousness Frequencies determine the very reality we exist within. They are like stations on a cosmic radio dial. As we tune into a higher frequency, we access an entirely different level of perception, synchronicity, and interaction with existence itself.
Humanity anno 2025
Bashar has shared that most humans on Earth operate at a consciousness frequency below 100kHz (and many of them even below 50kHz). This is a vibrational range that corresponds to the dream of physical reality as we currently know it. It is the state of limited perception, where the illusion of separation dominates and where thought and manifestation appear to be disconnected. In this frequency, time feels linear, and experiences seem to unfold sequentially rather than being shaped instantaneously by vibrational alignment.
Yet, there is a threshold, a point where the shift begins.
The Neutral Point (144kHz)
At 144kHz, Bashar describes the Neutral Point, the vibrational crossroads where awakening begins. It is here that one starts to move out of the unconscious momentum of conditioned reality and into the realization that everything is frequency. This is the frequency of choice, of recognition, of the first moment of stepping into alignment. It is where transformation becomes possible. It is the starting point of awakening.
As we rise into the 150-190kHz range, we enter the Path of Transformation, a frequency that represents the integration of fear and the embodiment of love. Where we leave behind the concept of polarity, good and bad. This is the vibrational bridge between the old world and the new, where we begin to dissolve limiting beliefs, shift from control to flow, and embrace synchronicity as a natural way of reality.
The Hybrid Children (+180kHz)
At 180kHz and beyond, we reach the frequency of the Hybrid Children, those beings who are on the verge of contact with humanity, living in a reality where vibrational alignment is second nature. Their presence in this frequency range suggests that the more we integrate love, excitement, and authenticity, the closer we come to direct interaction with higher-dimensional consciousness.
Welcome to 4th Density (+200kHz)
The next great threshold is 200kHz, the transition into 4th Density. This is not just a vibrational shift but a shift in the very structure of how reality functions. In 4th Density, thought and reality become reflections of each other in near-instantaneous feedback loops. Time is no longer experienced as a rigid sequence, but as a fluid interaction with parallel realities. In this state, manifestation speeds up, intuition becomes the primary mode of navigation, and the illusion of separation dissolves further.
The Essassani Civilization (+250kHz)
Beyond this, at 250-275kHz, we step into Quasi-Physical Reality. This is a level of existence that blends the tangible with the energetic. This is the vibrational range of the Essassani and other interstellar civilizations who live in a state of effortless synchronicity. Their world is one of playfulness, flow, and full alignment with excitement as the organizing principle of experience.
The Essassani Civilization itself vibrates between 290-300kHz, existing in a reality where everything is effortlessly connected, and the separation between thought, intention, and manifestation ceases to exist. In this frequency, physicality still exists but is not rigid. Their bodies, their environment, even their ships function as extensions of consciousness, shifting and responding to energy instantaneously.
The Ascended Masters (+300kHz)
At 300kHz, we encounter the frequency of enlightenment, the resonance at which beings like Jesus and Buddha operated. This is the vibrational state of full integration, where presence and divinity become indistinguishable.
The Template Level (333kHz)
And then, at 333kHz, the final known threshold for physical reality. The transition from 4th Density to 5th Density. This is the gateway where physicality dissolves entirely, where consciousness operates beyond form, where beings exist as pure luminous energy, moving across dimensions with complete fluidity. It is the point at which an individuated consciousness is no longer bound by density at all.
Planetary Transformation
It might look that humanity is miles away from her awakening. It might look that this is just a nice concept.
But nothing is further from the truth than that. These consciousness frequencies are not distant ideals. They are vibrational states we can already align with. We do not have to gain this, we are designed for this.
Every thought, every feeling, every moment of excitement or fear tunes us into a different frequency, shifting the version of reality we experience. When we become aware of this spectrum, we stop seeing reality as something that happens to us and begin to recognize it as something we are actively shaping through vibration... it happens through us.
Most of humanity still vibrates in the lower than 100kHz range, caught in the illusion of limitation and separation. But many are awakening, aligning with 144kHz and beyond, stepping into conscious co-creation. Some are already bridging into 200kHz, embodying 4th Density awareness before the collective shift fully stabilizes.
Bashar reminds us that matching a higher frequency is not about struggle, it is about choosing to align. The higher states of being already exist. They are already accessible. It is not about forcing ourselves to be “better” but about tuning into what already resonates with our true, natural state. It is a choice we have, each moment.
We can chose to remain in the lower frequencies of doubt, fear, and hesitation. Or to step into the higher frequencies of trust, expansion, and excitement.
To resist the shift and hold on to old paradigms. Or to surrender to the flow of transformation, embracing a reality where synchronicity, effortless manifestation, and multidimensional awareness become the norm.
Both frequencies are already here. We can see it all around us, every day, everywhere. What will we choose to tune into?
Solar Shifts and the Schumann Resonance as a Reflection
Throughout history, there have been moments when reality itself seemed to stretch, shift, and accelerate. Times when humanity took a quantum leap forward. Art, science, consciousness, and even the way people perceived time itself transformed. Each of these moments coincided with intense peaks in solar activity. These celestial cycles are more than just bursts of energy from our star. They are Cosmic Triggers for Evolution that activate the next stage in our awakening!
Solar Cycles and Patterns of Human Awakening
The Sun follows an 11-year cycle of activity, shifting between solar minimums (calm periods) and solar maximums (high-intensity phases). But these cycles are not all the same. Some bring subtle changes. Others rewrite the very fabric of reality.
Let's have a look at just a few key moments in relative modern Human History:
- The Renaissance (1450-1600)
A period of profound artistic and scientific awakening. The printing press was invented, ancient knowledge resurfaced, and human consciousness expanded dramatically. This was coinciding with one of the strongest solar peaks recorded at the time. - The Industrial & Scientific Revolution (1700s-1800s)
A leap from agrarian societies to mechanization, science, and electricity. The Age of Enlightenment flourished. Again, this coincided with intense solar activity. - The 1960s and Consciousness Expansion
The psychedelic movement, spiritual awakenings, Eastern philosophies merging with Western thought, and humanities first steps into space. It all happened during a solar maximum with strong geomagnetic storms.
And now? We are entering Solar Cycle 25, which, based on long-term data, would not be expected to be an extreme cycle. But the Sun is already exceeding predictions, flaring up with unprecedented solar winds and geomagnetic surges. It is now expected to be one of the most powerful cycles yet. If past cycles triggered massive societal shifts, what is this one preparing us for? This is not just about solar physics. It is about the transformation of human consciousness.
The Schumann Resonance as a Reflection
Many people associate the Schumann Resonance with the Earth's core or crust, but it's actually an electromagnetic phenomenon between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere. Though there is a default frequency, the Schumann Resonance is not a fixed frequency, it's a standing wave phenomenon that emerges due to the size of the Earth-ionosphere cavity. This is why solar storms directly impact it! When solar winds and CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejections) hit Earth, they interact with the ionosphere, compressing, expanding, or energizing it. Since the Schumann Resonance depends on the Earth-ionosphere cavity, this naturally alters its frequency and amplitude.
Ever wondered why the default Schumann Resonance is ~7.83 Hz? Think of it like a giant musical instrument! The space between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere acts like a resonant cavity where electromagnetic waves bounce back and forth. The wavelength of the fundamental Schumann frequency (7.83 Hz) is determined by the circumference of the Earth.
The physics behind it is:
- The Earth’s circumference is ~40,000 km.
- Electromagnetic waves in this cavity travel at the speed of light (~300,000 km/s).
- When you divide the speed of light by the Earth’s circumference, you get ~7.83 Hz... the base frequency of the Schumann Resonance.
It’s literally a frequency “tuned” to the size of our planet! But Schumann is not a single tone... There are harmonics (multiples of the base frequency):
- 1st harmonic = ~7.83 Hz (Main resonance, activating Alpha-Theta brainwaves)
- 2nd harmonic = ~14.1 Hz (Low Beta, focused attention)
- 3rd harmonic = ~20.3 Hz (Medium Beta, active thinking)
- 4th harmonic = ~26.4 Hz (High Beta, chaotic thinking)
- 5th harmonic = ~33.8 Hz (Low Gamma, peak awareness)
Each of these harmonics corresponds to different brainwave states, reinforcing the idea that human consciousness and planetary frequencies are intertwined. But Schumann Resonance isn’t perfectly stable, it fluctuates based on several natural and cosmic factors. So what affects the Schumann Resonance?
Solar Activity & Geomagnetic Storms
As we discussed, solar storms energize the ionosphere, shifting Schumann frequencies. Intense geomagnetic activity can amplify certain harmonics or cause disruptions.
Lightning Activity
Since the Schumann Resonance is excited by global lightning discharges, storm seasons and weather patterns impact it. More thunderstorms increase resonance amplitude (making the signal stronger). Less lightning (like in polar regions) leads to weaker resonances. Changes in atmospheric composition (CO₂ levels, temperature shifts) affect how the ionosphere conducts energy.
Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCRs)
When solar activity is low, the Sun’s magnetic field weakens, allowing more galactic cosmic rays to enter the solar system. These high-energy particles interact with the Earth’s atmosphere, creating secondary electrical effects that can modulate Schumann Resonance.
Human Influence
Some researchers suggest that large-scale electromagnetic pollution (cell towers, HAARP, radio waves) may be interfering with the natural Schumann Resonance. While not conclusive, some believe our technology could be distorting or disrupting Earth's natural "heartbeat."
So in short, the Schumann Resonance is a planetary “heartbeat,” and it synchronizes with human brainwaves. The fundamental 7.83 Hz frequency is in the Theta-Alpha range, linked to meditation, relaxation, and intuition. When solar activity disrupts this resonance, it can cause mental, emotional, and physical shifts in humans. Solar storms create temporary spikes in Schumann frequencies, affecting perception and consciousness. Some people experience heightened awareness, vivid dreams, and deep intuition (Gamma activation), while others might feel anxious, disoriented, or fatigued (Beta overload). Though periods of heightened Schumann activity often correlate with collective shifts in human consciousness, they are actually initiated by increased Solar Storms and activity causing mass awakenings, revolutions, and creative breakthroughs and other historical global shifts. In essence, the Schumann Resonance reflects what is happening but is not the driver of the transformation itself. HeartMath Institute offers live data on Schumann Resonances, illustrating dynamic changes in the Earth's magnetic field.
The Eye of the Storm - Riding the Waves of Transformation
Our world is not just changing. It is accelerating, and it is doing so in high gears. The Sun is showering Earth with new energy. Our brain states are being altered naturally. The old ways of thinking are collapsing.
We are witnessing the storm of transformation. And like with all great storms, we have to make a choice, whether we want to walk a path outside in the chaos, overwhelmed by the winds of change, fighting against the inevitable shifts. Or we can move into the Eye of the Storm, where stillness, clarity, and alignment allow us to ride the waves with grace.
For decades, Bashar and several other extraterrestrial guides have been sharing their knowledge of this upcoming event and preparing us for this moment. Their teachings were never just about contact with them, but contact with ourselves first.
- The Formula – Learning to align with our highest excitement to navigate change, raise your frequency for going into Gamma.
- Belief System Work – Identifying and shifting outdated definitions that keep us locked in fear and high Beta.
- Gamma Breathing and other Frequency Practices – Strengthening our ability to remain in high vibrational states, no matter the circumstances.
These extraterrestrial civilizations have not been telling us this only to prepare for contact with them. They have been guiding us to prepare for the frequencies of transformation. Because in truth, we are not just preparing for contact... we are evolving into a state where contact becomes inevitable. For that to happen, we are being invited into a new vibrational landscape. The choice is not whether the shift is happening. The choice is how we choose to ride the wave. A grand symphony of cosmic forces is playing. How will we attune ourselves to the music?
We can view this time as chaotic, unpredictable, and overwhelming. Or we can recognize it for what it is... a doorway to a new way of being. We are entering a time of heightened synchronicity, effortless manifestation, and expanded consciousness. But only those who align their frequency with the new energy will experience the shift as a dance, rather than a struggle.
This is why minding our frequency is no longer just a nice practice. It is a necessity!!!!
Healing Centre Beyond Medicine is a collective of healers working with an ExtraTerrestrial Team providing powerfull healing frequencies during individual and groupsessions in what is known as ET-Healing. As healers we joined together in Healing Centre Beyond Medicine because we know that together we can bring more love, light, energy, information and healing onto the planet than we could ever do alone.
And also each of us bring in their specific experience of a lifetime walking our own spirituals paths, attended trainings and courses, educations, workshops as well as in the many given lessons provided by our Souls through the lives we live and of course the lessons we get from the spiritual guidance from our friends in other dimensions.\
© 2025 CrystalWind.ca & Author | All Rights Reserved | No reproduction without permission | Awakening Souls Since 2008.
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