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How Central Suns Define Existence from Start to Finish!

How Central Suns Define Existence from Start to Finish!

All souls that are currently embodied in our galaxy come from the central sun.

It is the birthplace (alpha) and the end (omega) of all souls that come from the Milky Way, and the souls that belong to our earth also come from the central sun. My dual soul and I also come from the galactic central sun of our Milky Way, spirit beings composed of microscopic particles of matter, and equipped with a consciousness from the primal current, divine matter, that can be found in every galactic central sun.

We are already older souls who are now being led into the last common union, which means that he is my last partner and husband until the soul soul-dead separates us. Our last joint walk will be in a few tens of thousands of years, we find ourselves together again at the Galactic Central Sun to become what we came from.

Each galaxy has its own central sun, the birthplace of all resident souls, and the place where all souls return to the primal current, divine matter. A universal natural selection, older spirit beings to make room for new souls. This is an important process, to ensure continuous progress in the universe. The lifespan of souls is very often hundreds of thousands of years.

Souls are created, to work for the universe and the Creator. Only in this way is it possible to maintain the universe for eons. In return, the Creator enables his souls to have many freedoms and amenities, which you can only fully use, if you belong to the Ascended Masters. And which change individually depending on the level of dimension reached. Our humanity lives in the illusion of being only human, but we are all spiritual beings in human embodiment, and different age groups.

There are many young souls on earth, middle-aged souls and also old souls. Certain tendencies that are anchored in every being do not happen by chance, but were given to every spiritual being. The creator of all being decides what souls are needed in the respective galaxy, and then souls are built in Divine Matter (Central Sun) and brought to life.

Our consciousness comes from the central sun, and our incarnation cycle is only used to serve the universe, and to raise our consciousness while maturing spiritually. Humanity should also be aware of this, everything else is worldly illusion truths that should make us believe, we would only be people who can be identified by the brain and the cardiovascular system.

An incarnated spirit being makes up a human being. Souls with a low vibration can often be tempted to, to commit terrible deeds, these souls can often no longer be reincarnated, and are then brought to the central sun after their embodiment, where they return to the glacial, the galactic central sun, Two examples of this would be the souls incarnated in Adolf Hitler and Osama bin Laden for these souls, the incarnation cycle is over and they have been handed over to the Galactic Central Sun. In our time, too, there are several war criminals who, after their embodiment, will most likely be handed over to the central sun. Because about our worldly illusion courts, the creator of all being stands above every crime in the universe.

Souls are not created for eternity, and dual souls who are led into the last common union will not exist forever, but only as long as the predetermined life plan intended for them. The "Word Eternal" is only valid for the creator of all being.

In the universe there are two creations, the Luminous Creation and the Satanic Creation. In space there are numerous species that originate from the negative spiritual creation, and there are countless negative spiritual beings, in the lower spiritual areas, which also come from a central place in the universe, and find their end there again (Omega). It is a coming and going for everyone in the universe, living.

Submitted to crystalwind.ca exclusively by Jessica for re-blogging. Thank you Jessica.

Image created by CrystalWind.ca

Translated by CrystalWind.ca and rewritten for clarification.


Jessica Schliedermann

Jessica Schliedermann

I'm a Starseed fascinated by the mysteries of the cosmos. My blog explores my experiences as a member of the Ashtar Command, a Dual Soul, and a Lightworker serving the Blue-Ray. My interest in the universe goes beyond observation; I'm deeply inspired by the wisdom shared in Paramahamsa Yogananda's "Autobiography of a Yogi.  

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