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Intuitive Analysis

Intuitive Analysis

Intuitive analysis is a deep level of information gathering that involves reading subtle energy fields that reach beyond the traditional 3d plane. This process requires clarity and the purity of ones heart and mind, as all information will be filtered through *your* emotional and mental pathways.

Once we have done the work to develop our intuition it allows us to see what is going on 'behind the scenes' or at an energetic level. This includes peoples intentions (whether they are good or bad), seeing any attached astral entities, seeing overlays of other eras upon this era (repetitive time cycles) and much more. It gives us a holistic picture of our reality.
Also, when we develop our intuition, we see the world completely differently and move beyond the desire to function as a collective to feel safe. In fact, we don't depend primarily on the collective to achieve anything. We do not see the collective, or the world at large, as being dominant, or as a primary defining element within our being. We see the 3d world as an expression of higher spiritual patterns that we can learn to understand. We don't devalue the 3d plane, we just don't worship it at the exclusion of spirit. We don't see it as the only thing that exists. We feel safe because we know that we are part of God, our sense of safety and identity has nothing to do with what others are doing or saying. It is much deeper than that.
When we do not have a secure connection with our intuition, and thus God and the universe, we seek to find that security in society, often times at the expense of our health and sanity. In these cases, we cannot perceive reality outside of the materialist paradigm we have invested in, and as a result we become more and more reliant on the collective for answers, inspiration and security. The more we deny our Spirit and our sovereign purpose and identity in this world, the more reliant on others we become. The weaker we become. The more depressed and anxious we become.
In truth, we all need to feel a sense of community, that is part of being human, no one is an island, however, true community is not formed from fear, bullying and desperation, but from conscious, sovereign individuals. A healthy community is a grouping of conscious, sovereign people, if this is not understood by the majority than this is the first lesson that must be taught to humanity. It must be taught before anymore rockets are shot into the sky, certainly before any major changes to the fabric of society. Anything less is evil and inhumane.
Perhaps there are times when society is healthy and in alignment with love, however, what happens when society becomes sick? How do we find alignment then if our only instinct is to move with the pack? How do we have the strength and power to detach from a society that is self destructing? I'll give you a hint: We must go within our Spirit through activating our heart. It is never too late for this work. Your Soul is always speaking and waiting to align with you and heal you. In fact, this process of spiritual development is what you came to this earth to experience.
Many are choosing right now where to anchor their sense of direction: in Spirit or Society. May they choose their Spirit!
When we lack intuition our desire for community, safety and security causes a toxic blindness where we cannot see danger and evil around us. With no understanding of intuition, we have no internal structure, or sensitivity, developed to process it. We have no spiritual development to nourish us, and re-orient us back onto the right path, through hard times. And, in that lack we find ourselves caught up in the death knells of a dystopian world unable to take a healthier path due to lack of perception, or lack of trust in our intuition. At that point, with no sovereign spiritual development we are essentially drones, robots, or, sheep. These are terms people do not like, yet they describe exactly what happens to the human being when the Spirit is not developed within.

Truly all issues we are seeing today stem from lack of consciousness, or the degradation of consciousness through extreme, prolonged materialism. The only solution is to go inward where we can begin to heal and reset. As we do, the 3d world will begin to mirror these changes, only then will we see real change.

Gigi Young
“..It is not just my job to look at the higher dimensional strings that are pulling you along, it is my job to help you navigate them; to help you move into your highest potential. Intuitive readings fall flat if they are merely a series of predictions with no deep knowledge or guidance behind them. It is my job to help provide clarity on where you are right now and where you have been and then bring the focus on how to align yourself into your highest potential..”
WEBSITE: http://gigiyoung.com
INSTAGRAM: @gigi_young

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/gigiyoungdotcom
TWITTER: @mysticinthemoon

COURSES: https://gigiyoung.com/courses

Credit: here

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