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Book Of Life: Chapter One - CREATION

Book Of Life: Chapter One - CREATION

Creation in the sense of our present phase of evolution, that is to say, our ‘part’ of the Creative process, may be viewed in three stages, which might be termed mental, physical, and spiritual. The first stage is Thought, or Plan. The second involves the manifestation of solid matter. And in the third stage, Life-force is added, so that, ‘based’ and residing upon created matter, individual ‘sparks’ of Life-force may evolve, interact, and contribute to the creative process.

The origin of all creation is the pure energy of thought. Nothing can exist or be created or manifested without having its prime origination in thought form. This we can see in our everyday lives and activities, from social plans and work schedules to the design of a product or a building. Nothing can be brought into physical manifestation without first being conceptualized in thought form. First we plan; then we create. Thought is a force, a power which precedes all action, all creation at whatever level. And the Origination of all Thought within our present Cosmos, is the Being whom we call God, our Prime Creator.

Our Prime Creator is the source of the original ‘Force of Thought’. He manifested at some point unknown to us within the great surrounding ‘Void’ of our known Cosmos, though Himself possibly part of a yet greater surrounding Cosmos or Cosmic Entity. He initiated His first phase of creation by projecting His ‘force of thought’ into the surrounding Great Dark Void, creating a matrix around Himself of expanding ‘Worlds of Matter’. These were made initially out of the energy of Light, itself a stepping-down in frequency of the original Force of Creative Thought. This Light-force energy was then able to be further lowered in frequency for the creation of more solid matter and worlds.

Finally, into these newly created worlds of matter He projected units of His own cells of Consciousness which would themselves grow and evolve outside of Himself, adding a spiritual element to the worlds of Created Matter. Through their multiple interactions and experiences of life in worlds of matter, they would greatly grow in knowledge and awareness. Their evolving consciousness could then be added to His own continuously evolving consciousness, allowing Himself to expand into yet an even greater Entity .

"The Creator, at a certain point in Its evolution, said, "I want to explore everything; I want to learn; I want to grow; I want to understand everything." And potentially It does understand everything, but It also wants to expand. The Creator is expanding Itself – always there is a spiraling, an unfolding, a discovery process at the highest level. And It set up a system, and that system thrusts what has been already integrated - into yet another level, so that It can explore that new level and learn from it." The Master Vywamus - Channeled by Janet McClure in "Prelude To Ascension", published 1996 by Light Technology Publishing, P.O.Box 1526, Sedona, Az 86339.

Before commencing this new phase of Creation around about Himself of Worlds of Matter, the Creator established an encircling ‘Barrier of Limitation’, known in esoteric knowledge as the ‘Ring-Pass-Not’. Without this Barrier of Limitation, His Force of Thought projected into the surrounding Void would have been totally dissipated, its energy lost in the vastness of space, and therefore no effective Creation would have been possible.

The continuing outward projection of the Creator’s Thought-energy against the Ring-Pass-Not sets up a constant cycle of outgoing and returning though energy-flow. This manifests as a rapidly alternating cycle of force, a wave of positive-negative vibratory frequency. This is the "driving force" of all our known Creation; all life and ‘matter’ within our known created Cosmos vibrates to a particular frequency, or responds to a specific vibration rate.

The outgoing and returning energy of the Creator’s thought-force is the origin of the two opposing polarities that exist throughout Creation: the positive and the negative. These two polarities are a basic fundamental component of all Creation and everything manifests within this duality of energy: a positive force opposed by a negative force. The negative force itself acts as a ‘thrusting-block’ against which the positive force can then become manifest as ‘matter’.

The second stage of Creation, the manifestation of what we call "matter", arises from the interaction between the outgoing and the incoming waves of vibrating Thought, which by now are slowed down by their outgoing and incoming to the vibrational frequency of Light.

Where these outgoing and returning cycles of positive and negative force meet each other, they interact at their point of intersection and thus cause a ‘locking-up’ of force, a ‘standing wave’ of two opposing-directional light-forces which neutralize each other’s passage through space. This ‘locked-up’ force then allows, through a combination of attraction and repulsion, the accretion of stationary material ‘matter’ known to us as atoms. These atoms themselves attract further atoms by establishing ‘locked-up’ orbits of magnetic attraction-repulsion. Larger accretions of atoms are then attracted into building up further ‘matter’ and so the process continues. It is this basic "growth on growth" process which is responsible for the existence and continuing growth of all the more solid material worlds around us.

As the out- and in-flowing vibration of Thought with its resultant creation of matter develops into an ever-increasing accumulation of complex materiality, expanding Creation further and further away from its Source Center, so its vibration rate is progressively slowed down. These progressive reductions in vibratory rate in turn causes Pure-Thought to manifest in an ever-greater density and solidity of material form, depending on its ‘range’ or distance from the Thought-Center.

Thus, looking at or visualizing the Thought-Center with its life-and energy-creating Thought Vibrations going out and returning, we may further visualize these Vibration rates weakening in strength as they get farther and farther from the Center. We may conveniently ‘draw’ three circles of widening radius, like ripples on the pool, representing the three major vibration/density levels, or Planes of Creation which have over time developed between the Thought Center and the outer Ring-Pass-Not. These three circles, levels or planes of existence may be identified as: the Spiritual Light Plane nearest the Center, then the Etheric Plane, and farthest from the Center, the dense Physical Plane.

The first ‘range’ of expansion of the Creator’s Thought-Force outwards into increasing complexity of Creation, has lowered the vibratory frequency of thought-energy to that of Pure Light. At this still high spiritual level, it is expressed as a golden-white luminance radiating from the Center of Thought, the ‘Central Sun’ of our known Cosmos. Thus Pure Thought is now transmuted down into the vibration of Light and manifests itself as a vibratory positive-negative electromagnetic Light-Force. This vibrating electro-magnetic Light Force expresses the same pattern found throughout lower Creation: electrons and protons oscillating around a nucleus to create an atom, the atoms themselves grouping to form larger molecules.

The next major step down from the high spiritual planes of Pure Light into worlds of increasing complexity is the ‘Etheric Plane’. The lowered vibratory thought-energy of Pure Light is now slowed down to the ‘etheric’ vibration level, the coalesced ‘matter’ which would seem to our dense physical senses as a spaced-out and tenuous form of material, capable of interpenetrating our own physical matter. Etheric matter is also known by our Earth’s occult scientists as the Ether, an electro-magnetic fluid or continuum which interpenetrates all celestial bodies and outer space, as well as all physical matter.

Finally comes the lowest-density plane of all, with the greatest solidity of created matter: the dense Physical Plane with which we here on Earth are well acquainted. This plane exhibits all the fundamental patterns of created matter at its most basic level, demonstrating the true ‘building-blocks’ of Creation. It thus provides an environment for those who wish to explore the very depths of the creative process, to examine the intricate pattern of matter in the very greatest of detail.

Thus from the outgoing and returning cycles of Pure Thought and the interaction between them we have the Creation of Matter, varying in density as it gets farther from the Center. Three major levels of density have been identified; these in turn provide different "levels" of matter, each suited to a different level or phase of evolution.

This basic pattern of a Pure-Light Center with outward radiation is repeated many times over. The Great Central Sun radiates intense Light force throughout the Cosmos. Around this Great Central Sun orbit a known dozen total Universes, each one also with its own Central Sun around which then orbit a further system of Galaxies. And around each Galaxy’s Central Galactic Sun there are millions of further orbiting solar systems, each again with its own Central Sun around which also orbit its inhabited planets. The same order of varying planes of density also surrounds and interpenetrates each focal point of intersecting locked-up thought energy, that is, each planet, sun and any other celestial sphere.

The third stage of the basic creative process involves the spiritual ‘breath of life’, the manifesting of spiritualized life-forms which can themselves grow, create, interact, experience, and contribute to the Universal Creative Force and Flow.

The Creator’s great ‘Divine Plan’ has been to introduce into His surrounding matrix of created Worlds of Matter, ‘Spiritual’ elements of His own Being, parts of His own Spirit-Consciousness projected outside of Himself. He has therefore birthed parts of His very own cells as evolving ‘Sparks of Spirit’ and sent them out on a long evolutionary ‘arc’, down through worlds of created 'matter' to learn from its complexity and become fully developed separately-aware Beings. By observing their various interactions with each other and with their surroundings in the worlds of materiality, and from their subsequent experiences and lessons learnt, He thus is able to further expand His own knowledge and growth of new possibilities "outside" of Himself.

Launched into the as-yet-undeveloped matrix of matter, the first created ‘Sparks of Spirit’, starting out from the highest Light Plane as the original Light Beings or 'Elohim', began with the Creator's impulse and guidance to co-create the first lower evolutionary material worlds of liquid and solid form.

These original Light Beings were then encouraged, after first co-creating material worlds, to give birth to further spirit/soul extensions of themselves. Thus was created a descending and growing hierarchy of souls which were then to embark on a great cycle of Evolution, away from the unity of the Creator, down through worlds of matter and then eventually to return back up to the unity of the Creator as fully conscious and aware individuals. These evolving soul/spirits were themselves to further create during their long descent, more and more complex and dense material worlds to inhabit and experience the richness of life, and also to give birth to even more soul-extensions of themselves as children of their own spirit. And so it was over time that great Universes were developed, each one containing millions of Galaxies, and within each Galaxy itself, vast numbers of Solar Systems with their surrounding complement of inhabited Planets and individualized souls.

From the start, the Creator also birthed a special hierarchy of Angels and Archangels as a separate evolving stream of ‘Servants of Creation’. These were to act as Heavenly Messengers and to ensure the vital maintenance, nurturing, and growth of all forms of created matter in the various Universes. Serving as dedicated and unswerving Servants of Creation, they have not been given the same the latitude of ‘free will’ to deviate and explore outside of the Creator's Great Evolutionary Plan, such as we evolving souls are allowed to do through our learning from the duality of ‘good’ and ‘evil’.

On Earth, we have many lower orders of this Angelic Realm working invisibly on our behalf; they are known here as the Devic Evolution. For example, one of the main groups within the world of nature is the Elemental Kingdom, whose main duty is to assist the growth and maintenance of the Mineral and Plant Kingdoms. These are the Nature Spirits, Elementals and Fairies visible only to those humans with ‘psychic’ sight.

After a long period of evolution, the first wave of Elohim spirit/souls, descending on their exploratory and evolutionary path down from the original high Spiritual Planes of Light, created the lower level Etheric Plane. Here, over eons of time they also created the Etheric kingdoms of mineral, plant, animal and human life on etheric planets, where life was still relatively spiritual, peaceful and easy to live. However, these elder spirit/souls felt a further impulse to delve further down into greater complexity and matter in their exploration of life on the downward arc of evolution. And so, over a long period of time they created an even more complex and dense form of matter at a lower vibration rate and with further inhabited worlds to go with it. Thus was developed the dense Physical Plane, which we on Earth and a few other physical planets live presently live on.

When these pioneering Co-Creators first began to create a physical planet such as Earth, they had to start from the very fundamental patterns of creation, involving greater atomic complexity. They had to start from the basics of Creation by creating primitive evolving ‘blobs’ of matter, such as amoebas and simple plant life. Over millions of years they were gradually able to build upon this with more developed plant and mineral life, developing into greater complexity, detail and refinement. The results can now be seen in the amazing variety, color and beauty of mineral, plant and animal life surrounding us here on Earth. Though we may thoughtlessly imagine that they ‘just happened’, each tree, flower, butterfly, animal, and human Earth embodiment has at some time been lovingly ‘designed’ and given a method to propagate and grow by those original Creator Elohim originating from higher spiritual levels.

Into these new lower worlds of matter, capable of sustaining more and more complex lifeforms, the Elder spirits then birthed further waves of younger soul-extensions of themselves, destined to eventually carry on the process of their creation at these new lower levels. The Elder souls would thus be able to further learn from the experiences of their spirit offspring. Through this long process of living and creating in denser physical worlds, all souls, young and old, were developing an ever increasing awareness of a separated individual-self from the Creator's own consciousness. Through this learning of new and conflicting alternatives, the difficult choices and painful lessons of the lower planes, they were to all eventually evolve into ultimately aware and wise Beings, worthy to become co-creators at the side of the Creator.

And so, as the later waves of souls continued to descend into these lower worlds of matter, experiencing and being affected by the increasing vibrational density and complexity around them, they were developing a growing stronger sense of separate individuality from the Creator, a stronger developing sense of self, separated and detached from the Creator's own Consciousness.

This sense of individual identity, of individualized self, over time developed into a great conflict between Self and the Unity of the Creator, between Matter and Spirit. This conflict is at present the dominant stage of evolution experienced here and now on Earth.

This conflict has arisen as a result of, or an expression of, the Creator's gift of free choice or free will, in which He has allowed the outgoing, exploring souls to take their own evolutionary path, to experiment, explore their own evolutionary directions and to consequently make their own mistakes and take evolutionary 'dead end' paths. The intention was always that they were to find their own evolutionary direction as much as possible uninfluenced by the Creator's own pre-determined Will and Consciousness.

Only through this process are we truly able to gain deep wisdom; we have to make our own choices ourselves and learn from our own mistakes and the attendant effects, good or bad. At the same time the Creator's own awareness and knowledge is being greatly expanded as our multiple experiences are fed back to Him. These acts of co-creation help to expand and develop our Creator's Cosmos further, into a yet greater combined Entity within the surrounding deep Void.

This ‘gift’ of free choice may nevertheless at times be seen here on Earth as a curse, when we view the damage we have done with it. But we must also see the positive side of its potential, as we recognize and develop man's individual Earth-bound creativity in the fields of architecture, art, music, literature and ideas. And even the ‘bad’ that we do; the wars, conflicts and environmental destruction, will teach us valuable lessons, resulting in an ever-deepening wisdom. Ultimately we must come to see free choice and our creative potential as those on higher levels already see it: a Cosmic gift, given to us as an experiment in Divine Creation.

As we learn to discriminate between the Path of Self-interest and the Path of the Universal Law, so we grow in the wisdom of experience. With that wisdom we will ultimately become ‘qualified’ to co-create on higher levels, with the power, the privilege and the responsibility of independent judgment. Though this state of wisdom may as yet be a long way off, we may nevertheless hold it before us as an inspiration and a shining objective.

"This Earth is a very special place. You have been given the supreme gifts of the God-Head: divinity, creativity, and free choice. You are, in essence, Gods in the making and this Earth is a school for Gods. You are highly privileged to incarnate on Her, to be a part of the school of Earth and to advance your spiritual consciousness through the exercise of those Cosmic talents. There are many Beings on other planets who are not permitted to achieve consciousness in this way. You may now see why Earth is looked upon with envy by the other planets in the Solar System, for they do not all possess that potential. You have, in fact, the potential and the destiny to outstrip every other plane of consciousness within this Solar Body if only you could but harness your being and direct it with wisdom and love." The Master ZEN TAO, channeled through the Ramala Centre, Glastonbury.

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