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Indifferent and Impersonal

Indifferent and Impersonal

To let it go: give it up to the impersonal infinite creative power.

To let it in: allow the impersonal infinite power of you, to work through you personally at the individual level.

You are always bringing universal archetypal states to individual expression or manifestation through your inner activity, conscious & unconscious, and the creative power of your awareness.

There is an exchange of conditions taking place within the depths of your being through the unconscious uniting the impersonal or universal level of you to the personal individual physical level of your experience.

There is an exact and unchanging order of formation operatibg through The Law of your Being (the idea of you existing) that all other ideas, insights, urges, desires must come through to animate physical forms through your awareness (I AM) on the physical plane.

The order does not change. We can just be in opposition to it and misunderstand it becauae of the inner opposition.

This is why Restoring Order in consciousness to lift distortions (veils) in perception is so important. Order Restored does not come by want or study alone. It comes by developing the foundation in consciousness by understanding & consistency.

There are no chosen ones here to save the rest or the "unchosen." The little ego lost in misunderstanding always wants to separate and identify with outer appearances, effects & conditions... it thinks it needs to fight the outside to save the weak because it is reacting the illusion of the dream of separate opposing forces.

The little ego is recreating on a wheel of reacting so it remains operating in the dream of separate powers of opposition until it is lifted and illuminated by the Higher Mind through the cleansing of the Soul-subconscious.

The Divine Pattern of Humanity that all move through internally- is universal, therefore, it is impersonal and it only manifests through the personal level, individually, at different times as an individual moves through it.

There is no one to fix, fight, force or save... only our brothers & sisters we are learning to love by lifting the conditions veiling our own perception.

All ideas that we call things come from within (heaven-above) and come into physical form the same unchanging Order by an unchanging Law (I AM) then attraction is an effect of the level of activity and formation once the idea has come into compression at a certain point to unfold as a pattern in time and by sequence.

The unfolding of an idea pattern into a personal or physical experience unites all past and future experiences through the present.

The conditions or appearances that we react to in our environment are reinforced by the reaction to them and unconscious association /acceptance.

So it's more about what is unconsciously accepted and reinforced in perception than heredity, lineage or personal past. Often times it's an unwanted enviornment or situation reinforced and/or recreated in different ways because of the reacting through the physical senses to what appears to be or what has been.

Changing how we see ourselves and how we see our enviornment changes not only the future, but also the readjusts our concept of the past through the present. A changed concept of self then changes the concept of self related to the past & how we associate with the past- which can feel like a completely changed reality.

**Everything I share is my perspective, my own interpretation of the energies and messages that I receive from the Oversoul aspect, my own guidance, experiences & insights- I'm not here to convince anyone of anything, not interested. These messages are for whoever is guided & resonates. And this channel is for sharing & connecting.
This channel is for/about energy updates, downloads, spiritual guidance, planetary & galactic gates, collective shifts, activations, light codes/transmissions, StarGate/Grid workers, energy waves/Cosmic Rays/solar cycles, 13moon cycles, MAYA Astrology/Cosmology (there is a diff between traditional Mayan Astrology & Galactic calender- I use both) along w Tropical & sometimes Sideral Astrology, Tarot, Meditations, connecting, etc..
I'm sharing my experiences, contacts, guidance, perception, insights *Trecena- IX (Jaguar) *Day Sign- AHAU *Galactic Signature: White Solar Wizard Mayan Yr: 13 Manik' *Gemini Rising *Aries Sun (Pisces Sun Sidereal) *Capricorn Moon -Uttaraashada Moon  Patreon: www.Patreon.com/alunaash Paypal- Aluna Ash Clairvoyant Paypal.me/alunaash (Sorry, no personal services.)
Thank you for your love & support. Divine Will Conduit Ashlee

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