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Book Of Life: Chapter Ten - CHANGE & CHALLENGE
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Over the years there has been a growing number of communications and predictions via channeled messages through Spiritual/esoteric circles of a "Golden New Age" coming to Earth at the beginning of the 21st Century. They tell us that this New Age will usher in a period of great spiritual advances for Humanity, and that the new century will be followed by a Golden Age of a thousand years of Peace and the development of loving Cooperation within society. This is also to be a time of a final assessment of our individual evolutionary progress to date, and a time for those who are now ready, to make an "Ascension" up to higher spiritual planes along with an increase in vibrational frequency in our material makeup.
These channelings from the Higher Spiritual Realms make it clear that we will be ascending from our present low and dense physical "third-dimension" vibrational frequency plane on Earth, up through the Fourth-dimension to rapidly reach the Fifth-dimension on the Etheric Plane by the start of Earth's new Aquarian Age in 2021. Ever since the "Fall" and destruction of Atlantis 12,500 years ago, Humanity has been placed within a "Veil of Forgetfulness" around us, a form of "quarantine", so that we are obliged to learn our chosen "hard lessons" on the dense physical plane without being able to escape to the comfort of the Higher Realms. Now that a time of Ascension is upon us, those of us who are in a position to "Ascend" will be once more regaining their former "Full Consciousness"; this will allow us once again to be consciously connected to our own "Higher Self", as well as to other higher spiritual worlds.
This time of Ascension has also been predicted in the Christian Bible as the long-awaited "Second Coming of The Christ", the "Final Day of Judgment", the sorting of the "wheat from the chaff". Some will ascend and many others, by their own spiritual assessment, fail to be ready for Ascension. The process of Ascension would be accompanied by a period of "Tribulation" for those who must stay behind to experience the great physical upheavals taking place on Planet Earth's surface.
The Messages and communications from the Higher Spiritual Realms also tell us that the ending of this present Pisces Age on Earth which has lasted 2,000 years since the birth of Christ, coincides with the ending of a much larger 206 million year Cosmic Cycle. This ending of the Great Cosmic Cycle represents the change of tide in a long period of the Creator's "out-breathing" of His Creative Force into the Cosmos and the start of a return "in-breathing" in which He draws all of His Creation, along with its accumulated wisdom, back to the Source. After the Creator has fully assimilated all the elements of His creative output, a new Great Cosmic Cycle will then then be re-commenced on a yet higher level of the evolutionary spiral. Once again evolution will be moving on a higher level ever forward into an expansion of the Cosmos, to reach yet even greater magnificence of creativity and physical manifestation.
At this particular point of time we are within the stillness of the "null zone", between great Cosmic changes in the Evolutionary Tides, between the out-flowing and the start of the an in-flowing back to the Creator.
This period of the ending of major Cosmic Cycles is a time of final testing of all evolutionary progress to date by all worlds within our Universe. It will be followed by a process of Ascension for all inhabited worlds. Although it is not generally known or accepted on Earth, there are in fact countless other inhabited planets like ourselves scattered throughout the millions of solar systems within our Galaxy and other galaxies. They too are participating in this End of Cycle "Day of Judgment" and its associated Ascension up to higher vibrational planes.
This coincides also with a period when all the Star/Solar systems within our own Milky Way Galaxy will have made a "Grand Orbit" around the Great Central Sun at the core of the Galaxy. And more locally, within the Pleiadian Sector of our Galaxy, which includes our own Solar System orbiting around the Pleiadian Central Sun of Alcyone, this is also an ending a 26,000-year Cycle of the Zodiac, or one "Zodiacal Year". The Twelve Constellations of the Zodiac will have thus completed a full cycle of movement across the Heavens.
And so it is that there has been during the latter years of the 20th Century a growing avalanche of spiritual communications from the Higher Spheres predicting an ending of our World and civilisation as we know it, to be followed by a glorious New Age, coincident with the Aquarian Age starting in 2021. Although these communications were at first presented to us mainly though books published by the smaller esoteric publishers, there has now begun a growing body of channeling to this effect from the Spiritual Realms available on the Internet.
Of course, prophets and prophecies of doom and gloom and the impending "End of the World" have come and gone throughout Earth's history, and many people have in the past quite rightly dismissed these predicted End-of-World events as the result of over-fertile imaginations, none of which ever seem to be fulfilled. Recently however, we have been faced with such a growing tide of Earth Change predictions, along with an increased world awareness of Angels, extraterrestrials, UFOs, crop circles and other non-worldly phenomena, that it is now becoming increasingly difficult to ignore this whole "New Age" issue.
However, even if one has not chosen up to now to accept this growing tide of "New Age" thought, it is always a good idea to keep an open mind to all possibilities, either way. No one embodied on physical Earth can ever be so sure of what might or might not be around the next corner in the way of nasty or nice surprises!
Predictions of coming major Earth Changes, such as the tilting of Earth's polar axis, have over the years have also been dismissed by most scientists as being "rubbish" and "unscientific". Nevertheless, there much published substantial scientific evidence of many geological upheavals having occurred on our Planet in the past. And when a geological pattern repeats itself throughout history, the normal 'scientific' presumption should be that it will carry on repeating itself, not that it will without any specific explanation or reason, cease to occur again. The geological evidence does clearly indicate that physical disruptions of enormous magnitude have in the past imposed major alterations to the planet's geography, submerging entire continental landmasses beneath the sea and raising others to become some of today's highest mountain ranges. This has been evidenced by the shells and skeletons of sea animals that have been found high in the Himalayas and the Andes. Geological evidence also confirms that the great plains of the USA from Mexico to Alaska were at one time under the sea; so also was today's Eastern coast of America where once the ocean broke on the 'shores' of the Appalachian Mountains.
These sudden changes were brought about in the past by at least two major shifts of the Earth's axis, causing the poles to move to new positions in what were formerly equatorial regions. There are recorded instances of dramatic changes in climate having occurred, such as the discovery of tropical coral reefs as far north as Spitzbergen within what is now the Polar Circle. Coal deposits found in Antarctica indicate that the area was once covered by forests. In 1799 frozen bodies of mammoths were discovered in the tundra of Siberia, their stomachs containing freshly eaten grasses and leaves that belong to tropical regions normally a thousand or more miles to the south.
Many of the predicted Earth Changes suggest that there will be once again a tilting of the Earth's axis, either through the close approach of a large Celestial body which would disrupt our magnetic balance of orbit, or through internal forces under the surface crust of Earth welling up and melting the ice caps at the North and South poles. Either case would precipitate a change in the existing centrifugal balance of Earth's crust, causing violent upheavals within the continental masses and oceans. Some continents would sink beneath the sea and others would rise up from the depths of the oceans, setting in motion enormous tidal waves, floods and unprecedented storms, along with winds of up to 600 miles-an-hour which would devastate all the surface features of Earth. This would include the former sunken "lost" continents of Lemuria and Atlantis, which are predicted to rise up once again.
Mother Earth, the Being known as Gaia which "ensouls" the planetary body, is also planning at this time to "Ascend" alongside Humanity and other lifeforms to a higher vibrational level. But in order to do so She must first of all cleanse her body of all the pollution and detritus that Humanity has accumulated up to now. The physical state of her surface has reached such a state that it cannot carry on much longer without a complete ecological and environmental breakdown. Hence there will be a thorough Planetary cleansing carried out by the Forces of Nature before a New World can start to be be recreated.
As already mentioned, the ending of a major Cosmic Cycle traditionally marks a time for Humanity and all other sentient life when all have to go through a final testing and assessment of their evolutionary progress to date. It is also a time when all past Human karmaic debts to others have to be balanced or forgiven. Many old repressed emotional states within our deeper selves must be be brought to the surface, resolved and transmuted in time for the "Changes". This explains why there has been such a recent escalation of violence and wars throughout the Planet; a final cleansing of all our collective past dark karma before the Ascension.
In Biblical terms this is also the time of the "Final Day of Judgment". Those of us who still exhibit a non-caring, aggressive and destructive nature, may have to restart the whole Third-dimensional evolutionary Cycle over again, and this would involve being removed to another planet in another solar system that still supports third-dimensional existence.
Earth must also at this time rapidly catch up in the Ascension process with all of our neighboring inhabited planets within our Solar System. They themselves are at present in the process of moving up from the Fourth to the Fifth-dimensional Plane. Unfortunately Earth's Humanity has over the millennia fallen very behind in the planned schedule for joining them. We have of course largely been held back by our World's high proportion of negative and destructive souls that have incarnated here from all over the Universe in order to work out their aggression and learn certain painful lessons down here. However, Earth's Humanity has also been further considerably delayed in its Ascension process by the workings of an insidious background "Secret Government", connected to various world financial institutions, which secretly controls us behind the scenes, themselves under the influence of the Forces of the "Dark Alliance". However, they themselves are now finding that their "dark" plans are being overtaken by the greater cyclic events going on in the Universe. This is now a time when the Forces of Light are at last being allowed , by direct Divine intervention, to prevail over the Forces of Darkness.
Despite the enormous difficulties we have repeatedly created for ourselves on Earth, much of Humanity has nonetheless made some remarkable evolutionary progress to date, particularly in the recent decades. Many of the more advanced of us have at this time already commenced the Ascension process through raising up their vibrational frequencies to over the border of the lower Fourth-dimension. They may of course not always be aware of this subtle change in their makeup. Mother Earth's planetary body has itself already raised itself to just over the border of the Fourth-dimension. As a result of moving up in vibration rates, many of us may now be noticing that we are feeling a greater "lightness" within ourselves, that the colors of nature and our surrounding environment seem much more vivid, and that we are expressing generally a more positive and loving attitude to life and those around us. We may also find that we are taking in more healthy outdoor exercise, communing much more with Nature and that we are no longer able to eat the heavy fatty and blood-endowed foods of yesteryear.
After the major Earth Changes, our whole Solar System is in fact destined to move from our present Pleiadian galactic orbit to a new area as part of the Sirius Star System. Earth will then be "promoted" from her present Planetary status, to become a radiant inhabited "Sun", to be one of three Sirian Suns circling each other within the Sirius Star System. Those of Earth's present population able to ascend to the Fifth-dimension, will henceforth be participating in a future "Showcase World", a loving and cooperative world demonstrating to the rest of our Galaxy an example of correct living, greater loving awareness, of a greater awareness of political and social "right and wrong". We will also be forging a new system of high-level Social and Political Order as an example to other less politically developed worlds. All this progress will have been gained through our long history of hard and bitter lessons over millions of years. A further true measure of our progress will be marked by the fact that it is a very rare case indeed within the history of our Galaxy for a Third-dimensional Society to be allowed to move up through two vibrational-frequency levels in almost one evolutionary leap.
Book Of Life: Chapter One - CREATION
Book Of Life: Chapter Two - EVOLUTION
Book Of Life: Chapter Three - VIBRATION & DENSITY
Book Of Life: Chapter Four - OUR HIGHER-SELF & GUIDES
Book Of Life: Chapter Five - THE LEARNING PLANETS
Book Of Life: Chapter Six - KARMA & REINCARNATION
Book Of Life: Chapter Seven - DEATH & REVIEW
Book Of Life: Chapter Eight - BIRTH & GROWTH
Book Of Life: Chapter Nine - RETURNING TO UNITY
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