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Book Of Life: Chapter Nine - RETURNING TO UNITY

Book Of Life: Chapter Nine - RETURNING TO UNITY

The central purpose unifying all of life's experiences is evolution and its inherent learning process.

More specifically, at this particular time, Humanity on Earth has now reached the point of turning upwards on the Great Arc of Evolution, the point where we can begin to work towards unity with all other lifeforms and our ultimate Source of Creation. This is a turn around from the descending involutionary development of the soul towards separateness from the Creator, of the individuality, of self-centeredness and ego-motivation, a turning back to co-operation and unity with all others.

Mankind's collective evolutionary position at this present time on Earth is manifesting as a slow but highly significant swing in the balance as the scales begin, almost imperceptibly, to tip towards the side of Spirit as opposed to Matter, towards Unity as opposed to Self.

Thus the individual effort we must all make of learning compassion and an awareness of the needs of others, balanced by a developing self-discipline and efficiency, all major requirements in the normal evolutionary process, gains particular significance at this time.

Causing injury or harm to others, exploiting others as we seek to gain through their disadvantagement, such actions formed a major element in past Human history as we journeyed towards greater ego-centeredness. Now, as we begin to change direction, our new orientation turns to cooperation, mutual respect, and ultimately the ‘unconditional love’ that is universally expressed on higher levels.

In particular we must seek to develop a new awareness of, and respect for, the other forms of life which share our planet, particularly the Animal Kingdom which has suffered so much in our hands in the past, and also not forgetting our great Earth Planetary Being, her body thoughtlessly ravaged and polluted down through the ages by Humanity.

The return path to Unity demands a progressively closer attunement to the Natural Laws of the Universe, particularly at this point of evolutionary turning, when the habits of our ego-centered physical past are still so active. A change of direction is always difficult, particularly when we are weighed down by that residue of our ego-centered past and that which is inappropriate to our new upward movement towards higher vibrational levels.

"Each of you, according to your point of consciousness and soul evolution, should attune to the great Natural Laws of the Cosmos and should lead your life according to those Laws, no matter what the physical or material temptations that are put before you. You will be tested on your observance of the Laws.

Today it is mainly the Animal, the Vegetable and the Mineral Kingdoms that are being enslaved and exploited. Humanity feels that it has the right to buy and to sell the many aspects of these Kingdoms. How are you going to respond to this test? It does not matter what all the people around you are doing. You have to make your own choice, based on your own understanding of the Natural Laws. Everything that you do in relationship with the three Kingdoms of Matter should be in attunement with the highest Law, the Law of the Cosmos, the Law of Harmony and Balance, the Law of Natural Order." [The Master RAMALA, channeled by the Ramala Centre, Glastonbury.]

For centuries man has concentrated on relationships with fellow man. At first the Strong, those with the greatest power and influence, held domination; then those perceiving themselves as the underprivileged Weak began to fight back for their rights through superior force of numbers, at times turning the tables on their former masters. In both cases the fight was, and still is, purely self-interest motivated on both sides. Now that the two sides are rapidly reaching a stalemate position of near-equality in strength, a whole new moral basis for social interaction, based on fairness and respect, has to be established for the future. More difficult however, and requiring an even more elevated moral view, is the granting of rights and justice by those in superior positions to others who are not in a position to fight or even to demand. Neither animals nor plants, the ‘environment’ or the unborn child can fight or demand; if they are to receive justice it must be given to them voluntarily. This is our present challenge, one of our major collective tests in the future.

As we gradually become more aware of the need to demonstrate a greater respect for our environment and the Animal Kingdom, many people are making the practical choice of becoming vegetarian: rejecting meat as a food, rejecting the flesh of birds, fishes and animals and turning instead to the vegetarian approach of not killing sentient life.

Those wishing to advance yet further may then become ‘Fruitarians’, living on a diet of fruits, nuts and grains, the ‘fruits of the Earth’ which are freely 'given' to us in order to procreate themselves more efficiently. A lettuce, cabbage or carrot that is already in the process of growing and experiencing life, however limited a lifestyle that may seem to us, has nonetheless to be killed, and its experiences of incarnated life curtailed, before you can eat it! Seeds and grains are themselves potential life, but until they have germinated, they have not yet embarked on a course with their evolving-spirit of experiencing physical life. Fruit, in contrast, is freely offered to man, to animals and birds so that they may spread far and wide the seeds which the fruit contains.

If we can learn to practise a greater respect for the Animal Kingdom we will in fact be returning, though now more consciously, to a condition existing much earlier in Earth's evolution:

"Man, living in perfection, did not own or control the animals, the birds of the air or the fishes of the sea. He recognized them as sparks of creation which were not so evolved as him, and therefore he was aware of his responsibility towards them. He realized that in no way should he set an example for the Animal Kingdom which could degrade or mislead it. In no way should he harm the animals, for one does not harm a less evolved soul: one helps it at its point of consciousness. Man did not need to kill any species of the Animal Kingdom for food, for he was a fruitarian and lived entirely on the fruits of the Earth." [The Master RAMALA, channeled by the Ramala Centre, Glastonbury.]

Respect for other life-forms is wholly in attunement with the raising of our own individual and group consciousness. Exercise, a healthful diet of fruit with no fats or animal products, a disciplined routine in life and living a 'clean life', combine to raise our vibration rate and our whole level of being. We are greatly dependent on the physical body, which is our vehicle of manifestation on this dense plane of Earth. An unhealthy and ill-used body can quickly become a burden and serious detriment to evolutionary progress; it has long been recognized that a pure spirit resides more comfortably in a pure and healthy body.

Through a process of lighter eating and healthy living, of quiet reflection, of tuning into and listening to our Higher Selves, we can deepen our understanding of ourselves, our universe and our evolutionary plan. We can also develop a greater awareness of and respect for other life-forms and our planet; we can establish, then gradually strengthen, that vital contact between the Earth Self and the Higher-self; we can begin to align ourselves with 'the flow', serving others as well as self, and conducting our lives in accordance with the Highest Wisdom and the Natural Laws of the Universe.

In this way individuals and Humanity collectively can seize the challenge of our present point of evolution as we make the turn from Self towards Unity. The teaching and guidance is there in abundance; it is for us to seek it out and put it into practice.

Many great Masters have incarnated on the physical plane of Earth and both through their lives and their work have demonstrated their understanding of the great Natural Laws of the Universe. This is reflected in teachings such as: 

Do unto others as you would have others do unto you’; ‘As a man thinks in his heart, so is he’; and ‘That which you give freely to the Creator of all Life will always be returned to you tenfold’.

"If you attune to the Natural Laws, then you will live in peace. The state of peace is not the absence of war but is, rather, a state of alignment with the Natural Laws. If you abide by these Laws on any level - individually, nationally or globally - you will be at peace, for you will be living according to the Laws of Infinite Spirit."

Book Of Life: Chapter One - CREATION

Book Of Life: Chapter Two - EVOLUTION 

Book Of Life: Chapter Three - VIBRATION & DENSITY 

Book Of Life: Chapter Four - OUR HIGHER-SELF & GUIDES 

Book Of Life: Chapter Five - THE LEARNING PLANETS

Book Of Life: Chapter Six - KARMA & REINCARNATION

Book Of Life: Chapter Seven - DEATH & REVIEW

Book Of Life: Chapter Eight - BIRTH & GROWTH

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