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The Higher Octaves Of Consciousness

The Higher Octaves Of Consciousness

Deeper discussions about spirituality and even philosophy help to build healthy connections between people and form strong social foundations in society. Much more so than the stunted web of divisive political narratives that we seem to be corralled into and forced to identify with. What if we started conversations from a deeper level rather than immediately diving into the most shallow political ideologies?

Many times people that seem far a part on issues actually have the same desires for the world but different ideas about how to achieve it. These differing ideas come from different life experiences, unique spiritual leanings and personal priorities. We often bulldoze over each other not realizing that each of us have an answer, we each have a kind of wisdom and are ultimately all part of the social equation. Clearly, many need healing to begin to sense this within themselves, but it is there, they have a light within. Even from a practical sense, we can't simply eliminate people from society that we disagree with, we can't throw people away like trash. Also, shame and humiliation campaigns don't solve problems, they only fuel division, feed never ending revenge fantasies and ultimately lead to censorship. Thus, even from a more 'grounded' analysis factoring in the human soul is more practical.

The Higher Octaves Of Consciousness

It's bizarre that this has to even be stated, as many times the people who profess to be the most loving and the most inclusive are the most rigid and lacking in real compassion. It's not about love in these cases, its about arrogantly deciding for other people what they need as though you have all the answers. This is demeaning and fundamentally divisive. It's not loving to do that, and it is certainly not compassionate.

We need to remember how to communicate with each other from the higher octaves of consciousness again and discuss the actual core of the issues that face us, the deeper spiritual and philosophical undercurrents. Getting stuck on social issues and assuming we know people based on certain opinions is shallow and doesn't allow for healing or any kind of real evolution in society. If we have any chance to move beyond this chaos, it is through consciously and purposely finding value in one another and allowing a sense curiosity and love towards our fellow Man to begin to synchronize us into a higher way of life. This is how we are designed and we are living beneath ourselves when we do not understand this.

Gigi Young
“..It is not just my job to look at the higher dimensional strings that are pulling you along, it is my job to help you navigate them; to help you move into your highest potential. Intuitive readings fall flat if they are merely a series of predictions with no deep knowledge or guidance behind them. It is my job to help provide clarity on where you are right now and where you have been and then bring the focus on how to align yourself into your highest potential..”
WEBSITE: http://gigiyoung.com
INSTAGRAM: @gigi_young

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TWITTER: @mysticinthemoon

COURSES: https://gigiyoung.com/courses

Credit: here

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