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Ascended Master Kuthumi's Powerful Message for Lightworkers!
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- Written by Chanel Lingenfelder

Conversations with Kuthumi – Letter to the Lightworkers
Ascended Master Kuthumi & Celestial Companions
The sum total of who are
Dear ones, as you enter through the portal of the Life-Giving Force Field kicking and screaming (as it is very traumatic to be birthed here) you take on an intended divine imprint of authenticity which is programmed by several sub-templates.
First, there is the template of soul-spirit decisions, which are pointers that indicate your pre-projected route, from arrival right through to exit opportunities.
This is overlaid by your template of influence, which include nudges from your guides, synchronicity, and your intuition. Then there is the all-important map of point of entry, thus your choice of life circumstances to be birthed into, including your astrological map. Next, you have the imprint of effects that you previously left behind that are still in progress, which include your biological imprint from your parents, grandparents, and so on, all which impacts your DNA along with ‘unfinished issues’ from past incarnations.
Next, the template of the personality self is set to both challenge and support you in every way imaginable by means of modifying and re-scripting yourself, using hurdles and obstacles as well as gifts and talents to refine and redefine your authenticity.
Try and stay connected to your inner child which is your innocent memory of playfulness set to remind you that indeed anything is possible. By remaining ‘as open as a child’ you are not childish but childlike.
You enter into this world as an apathetic aspirant and exit as an expert aspirant as you again take on your iridescent multidimensional crystalline flame expression.
Your Monad serves as a Way Station that filters the Essence of Source into your Higher Self, which in turn filters information and energy to you. As your personality-self awakens, the veil that divides the left and right brain hemispheres thicken, thus your angelic memory begins its decline and the memory of your Higher Self fades. Everything is stored and recorded within the grids of unconsciousness, your cave of consciousness, or Akash, as well as within your cell tissue acting as the sacred connective tissue between your human experience, and your Spirit way of Being.
Consciousness beyond the veil
Beyond this plane, consciousness albeit magnetic, takes on a reflective energy that acts as a hologram to bring about a desired outcome. Can you imagine for a moment if life beyond the veil was anything but serenity, the utter chaos!
Unlike earth, there is no need for anyone to direct the flow of correct thought or action, therefore all that is within Spirit Consciousness is coherently sublime. It is this omniscient expression of LOVE and PEACE that you yearn for whilst in an embodiment. This Light, as with Love, knows no opposites, as these form the foundations that carry you upon the Hands of God changing your composition from spirit into matter and vice-versa. It is these particles of Creation that keeps you grounded within Light Consciousness once you leave here and it is these exact particles that are infused into every cell of your physicality held in place by your life cord extended from the Breath of God. It is by these very particles that you are KNOWN and it is with this Breath that you return.
This fragmented God-Consciousness within also anchors every memory of your God-consciousness stored within your Akash. Your Diamond Core Consciousness acts as the radar for the god in you, as you can never be separate from our Creator. It is your integral source of direction, knowing, perception, understanding, and being, which was imprinted within you long before your physical body completed its formulation, thus you can never be alone.
The veil that divides this earth illusion from eternal bliss is like a magnetic strip of divided consciousness. It is within this ‘bandwidth’ of transcendence that you tap into your cave of consciousness or Akash. As your awareness expands, so does your reflective and receptive radiance, which is infinitely visible beyond dimensional divisions. On a physical level, this is mirrored through your eyes, the smile on your face, the touch of your hand, and enhanced by your reaction to your lower and higher senses.
The Warrior Awakens
“As a bride prepares for her groom, we said to you ‘Prepare yourself for one of the most exhilarating life-terms you lived thus far’ and here you are as part of a commendable global team! If inspiration has gone and irritation has come, step back and think how far and long you have traversed, and all you had to endure to be where you are at now, for you to come into your current awakening.
Your instinctive DNA knows you are in the midst of a most powerful shift. You experienced the ending of a time, and the birth of another, along with the voyage between tangible matter and that which is mysteriously magnificent. You, the forerunners, have seeded the energy of Love that preceded the current awakening, and your future self will see this through by demolishing every matrix of control and fear.
You are the Starseeds, you came with an unconditional commitment to be that Love, and to assist others to discover and understand the passion behind the new unfolding reality. You came with the knowing that magnificent tools will be revealed to you along the way, as you assist to bring an end to the disaster that many have lived through within so many lifetimes. Again, you heeded the urgency of Mother Earth’s calling whilst exploring your free-thinking mind.
As the order of the new day is balance, the left/right brain hemispheres along with your masculine/feminine templates must marry to assimilate your past, present, and future as you step through The Doorway of Higher Consciousness by integrating your Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart, which facilitates the merging of the solar-heart, crown-mind, and other chakras. You are once again at a consciousness crossroads. There is a knock on the door of your heart, and the only one that can open it is your Personality-Soul-Spirit Being, thus the totality of who you are, as above, so below.
This lifetime is about masterhood for many, which means having to go against the flow at most times, a task that may seem arduous and even impossible to some, as you work towards being cut free from the illusion. As Atlanteans, and other ancient races, many of you felt a similar uneasiness towards those ‘end times’ because you struggled to flow alongside darkness and density as is currently the case, which you recognise as the end of an Epoch. You feel this stirring within your awakening memory, thus take life head-on, walk with your head held high, and remember why you came.
Unlike magnificent quartz disguised as a rock that can only reveal its gem qualities once chiseled and polished, know that the One that created ALL need no machinery, appliance, or apparatus to tap into your true gem quality, or cut through your exterior to expose your interior, no matter how unpolished you may think you are, as your power lies in your magnificence and the Creator knows this, for It created you, It knows you.
The earth’s cleansing process may prove to be traumatic for many. The exposure of all that is not good (corruption) is part of this. Restrictions within majority consciousness must shift, and to those who still live in ignorance, we say, wake-up!
Some continue to face challenges of old, sliding back and forth between the worlds of control and surrender. Lust and greed create war, and doubt challenges knowing. There is a familiar nervousness within the air but stand in your truth knowing that doubt no longer plays a part of who you are.
Questioning is a human thing, and we were once human too, we know what it feels like, we loved, we hurt, we cried, we begged, and we prayed, but we never doubted to the extent of the collective, which separated us from the masses.
To experience your current evolution consciously is a gift beyond measure. The worlds are closing in on each other as once again veils are thinning and illusions are drifting. The Grid Systems support your multi-dimensional perception of this. You are living within the most exciting times ever, but the choice to remember, along with ‘re-membering close-circuit members’ (regrouping family and friends) remains yours.
Many lightworkers still beat themselves up dealing with ‘perceived inadequacies’ whilst playing the game of duality. Please drop the “nowhere-near-perfect syndrome” and clear every issue of forgiveness by exploring your High Heart, for the time to be as Fluid Love is here. Stop striving for perfection as expressed through the linear mind which is nothing but a man-made template created to fuel competitiveness, henceforth you needn’t ‘create’ it nor ‘work towards it’ as it is already so.
The end of the drama is in sight and you cannot give up. Despondency causes a collapse within your mental and emotional fields.
Many have suffered betrayal and backstabbing, and understandably nothing is more frustrating than to feel judged with your back up against a wall. Know that by increasing your light frequency you will naturally activate your LightBody according to your Light quotient, but it takes dedication. As your sacred quintessence awakens from its dormancy, further levels of your Light Body become active as timing comes to greet experience. This celestial etheric vehicle of Light allows you to transcend all, as you integrate ‘Super’ Light quotient.
You are all key players within a game that is bursting with quantum possibilities set to unite the worlds of religion and science through spirituality. Lead by example, and Love all others as the self. Who better to ask to create a new matrix of Love than a team of specialist commanders of Light, YOU!
You may be masters in the making on this plane, but beyond this world you are that already. Remember when the serpent of temptation beckons you to cast your nets of judgment, stand firm within Supreme Love Consciousness and allow Acceptance and Gratitude to guide you towards enlightenment. You are quick to give but not to receive which stems from worthiness
Some may think of you as eccentric, yet you are nothing less than what you came to be, a catalyst for the Light. You may even feel that others ‘stare’ at you at times (and they do), yet know most times they are only fascinated by your Light!
Because of your choice to accelerate life lessons, you have never before in your entire soul existence jammed so many soul skills into one lifetime, which is truly admirable, and although there are challenges, or perhaps even obstacles, you will surely benefit from the fruits of your labor.
Your task may seem immense at times, but when you return to take on your celestial cosmic frequency back Home, you will realise the incredible benefits (of the work you did on earth) as you again walk through the cosmic gardens of your own making. You will understand what true recalibration means when it comes to the teachings and initiations that you have taken on whilst in embodiment, which gifts you with far grander intuitive expression than you realise.
We salute you, masters, know you are loved beyond measure as the Grand Master Himself said “I am the Truth, the Way and the Light” - know that the awakening Truth within will always guide your Way to be within the Light. Be pure of intent, express joy, and spread your mighty wings, Human Angel!
May the Light of the Living Christ burn brightly within you. May you illuminate the world wherever you go, and remember that not now or not ever can you be alone, for we are all One.
Article Submitted to via Email from Chanel Lingenfelder with Written Permission to reblog on
Chanel has been a direct voice channel since 2006, and even though she has channelled many other Masters and Light Beings, she primarily works with the Essence of Kuthumi and Diana. She lives in Howick South Africa, close to the legendary Dragons Mountains. Apart from earning mega academic accolades, she’s travelled extensively and recently published her first book “From Party Patsy to Praying Patria.” She hosts workshops on her most loved topics, colour and chakras. She is copy-editor for SA largest online health directory, and publishes in Odyssey SA, and The Sedona Journal. Her dedication towards ‘Lightwork’ remains as unwavering as her wicked sense of humour.
Copyright Chanel Lingenfelder
© Blog posting 2024 All rights reserved. Reprinted With Written Permission From Chanel Lingenfelder.
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