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144 Ascension Chakras – Kuthumi, Diana & Isis Guide Your Journey (Level 2, Part 1)

144 Ascension Chakras – Kuthumi, Diana & Isis Guide Your Journey (Level 2, Part 1)

Arenas of Consciousness – Level Two Part One  

144 Ascension Chakras & 12 Chakric System Series

Kuthumi, Diana & Isis
Transmitted through Chanel Lingenfelder

A grand alchemist, through the act of love, lovingly
command the forces of nature to support its manifestations.

Note – Numbers in brackets relate to the various chakras.

Greetings beloved ones, I AM Kuthumi, and I gift unto thee a divine blessing of Oneness.

Beloved masters, those that follow these mystery school teachings are now standing at the gateway of Nurturance. Many walked a compelling journey working with the teachings of the Ascended Masters, which is applaudable.

You journeyed through many lifetimes getting to know the deeper aspects of yourself authentically. Within the recent earth's evolutionary cycle specifically, most had (and still have) major struggles to overcome to accomplish that. 

Although you tried your best to live accordingly, thus staying within the original line of transcript, and even though you now accept ‘being different’ you understand that your authenticity extends beyond the norm.

Great sadness needed much healing during and after all past lifetimes. On a higher level much was due to constant dreaming, the yearning to be recognized as a unique individual yet to claim yourself as part of the greater whole. You have been stumped through most of those lifetimes, challenged, as you gave your life for some. Now you find yourself in the 21st century walking the grand journey of mastery!

By integrating these and other teachings you arduously worked on yourself to ensure that you continue on the path of evolution knowing that to do so as a lightworker means not always following the path of least resistance. 

The authentic one finds their own way. Before fully awakening your codes of authenticity, you need to embrace yourself as a nurtured being. Due to the lack and even absence of nurturing during many past events and lives, you were criticised, blamed, judged, and even burned at the stakes. Each time you created a vibrational frequency within the etheric fields of thought and matter presenting variable outcomes. Some became upset, and others felt interrogated, and thus became offended about what you presented as they were challenged by what you stood for. 

In this lifetime we hope to show you through these amazing processes, activations, and initiations of deep cosmic truths, of which the first rule remains, always put yourself first, and so must everyone else. If you can’t take care of you, then how can you care for another? To do so you must ACCEPT the art of NURTURE which births AUTHENTICITY.

Through nurturing the self this time around beloveds, you change the outdated rules of worthless sacrifice mentioned before. Because of your brilliance, discovering your magnificence through your multidimensional Starseed awakening, you know who you are. By living your truth authentically through the power of acceptance you nurture every aspect of the fragmented self.

To enable you to ‘move on’ you inspire this exact process to unfold in others. Unlike the past when you judged others because they judged you, you are now going to love them for you know that you cannot kill fire with fire, and there is no greater power than love. And what is love?

Love surely is nurture, care, compassion, understanding, taking a nap, and shouldn’t have conditions. Love is the building block of ALL of Creation, it is the fluid aspect that not only creates the Adamantine Particles but also fills the spaces between. It is the 95% dormant or ‘junk’ DNA as well as the 5% supposedly awakened DNA. Love is the essence of All That Is. To understand the greater concepts of love you must truly “feel” what the process of nurturing is all about.

Emotions are located in the sacral whereas feelings are located in the heart. We refer to emotions as ‘perceived or unstable’ feelings. Emotions are tricky, feelings you can’t hide. Rejection causes ‘hurt feelings’, and the emotion thereof sends you flying.

When someone gifts you a beautiful gift, emotions play out all round through powerful fluid expressions of the divine sacral combined with the higher 6 and 7th chakras which bring tears of laughter or joy. True feelings of nurture means that you allow yourself the gift of unconditional love hence to receive without restrictions.

Nurturing the self, taking a luxurious bath with exotic bath salts, lighting fragrant candles, and enhancing the water’s texture by means of exotic salts and oils influence the senses, especially olfactory, touch, and taste senses.

Through touching (feeling) the velvet texture of the water you embrace the flow of (exotic) emotion activating various levels within the base, sacral, and heart chakras which are also pleasing to the eye (3, 6,7). You lay back, listening to soothing sounds (5) with your eyes closed, transported into a wonderland of your own desire (3rd eye). You know you are in your own heaven (crown). All your aspects are congruent with your fragments (8th). You visualise a perfect Earth (9th), your guides inspire you to spread your wings (10th) to awaken to your Starseed multidimensional self (11th) whilst claiming Christ Consciousness within (12th). Next, you hear shrieks coming from behind the door demanding that you ‘hurry up’ and bang! You are back in the Basin of your Drama! (1,2,3)

This is the usual 3D pathway from nurture to neurotic which involves another. When it comes from emotional trauma within it says “I cannot possibly allow myself this luxury for longer than a few minutes otherwise I lose control”

What value do you place on yourself? Enough to shut the door with a ‘do not disturb’ sign on your terms or another’s? This is the nature of nurture.

To Nurture and be Nurtured as in Nature.

To facilitate a healthy mind and body (and a happy soul) so must your environment be. It is no use clearing out cobwebs whilst hiding skeletons in untidy closets. 

When observing nature in its sublime bliss and at the wink of an eye a massive storm brings about a 360° turn, this too is nature doing its nurturing unless manmade. When nature turns, the natural action is to retract. Once destruction has settled, nature nurtures that which needs balancing back into its full nature.

Seasons have reasons, thus even when the winds of change sweep about a tranquil landscape, that too eventually brings all back into nurture as stunted growth and stagnant waters awaken new life. Even after a devastating fire, once life lost is mourned the gift of nurture springs nature back to life.

This is the cycle of birth and rebirth. Creation is in constant motion, and so too are you. You have been here before and you will return, willingly.

Beloved ones, understand that through the ups and downs of life there is always an underlying energy of nurture. Therefore, to authentically grasp your true self you have to understand your nature. To do so you must allow the natural flow of the nature of your being, to nurture you. Even at times of great struggle, sadness, upheaval, misdirection, and confusion, therein too lies the basis of nurture.

Nurturing the self inspires another to do so too.

How many tips have you picked up from someone else’s cooking?

To nurture is to value.

On the other end, you see two people arguing because one behaves untoward towards the other. A doesn’t feel nurtured by B. A gets angry and upset thus inevitably A devalues itself usually laced with a habit to numb the pain and addictions are born.

This is stored as memory within your DNA. You remember your childhood when A declared victory over its victim archetype (according to its devalued worth) by numbing its pain, and to justify the situation it has to blame B. You however overcome dysfunctions by embracing the true act of nurturing your nature, and authenticity is born.

Scenario – 3 siblings faced the same trauma mentioned above through the A/B example. The one finds comfort in the kitchen, the other finds solace in the neighbour’s arms, whereas the third’s value system demands to be released from the clutches of sacrificial demands breaking the ‘memory hold’ in its DNA patterning by refusing to continue with the habitual lineage patterns of the past. That’s authentic.

Anchoring this divine process of nurture into your nurturing sacral chakra is about re-claiming all the fragments that prevent authenticity. In so doing the path of the authentic one becomes clear.

It is from the Sacral that you clear past influences when it comes to family, ancestral and social. Aborted but perhaps unfinished issues.

Between now and the session to follow reactivating the next 12 Ascension Chakras give some thought to the aspects and fragments that still need your nurturing acceptance. While you are at it, ponder on how that influences your authenticity.

The first 12 Ascension Chakras relate to Acceptance working with the sense of Smell, and the next 12 relate to Nurture and Taste.

Some successful programs also claim through a 12-step admittance plan- “My name is…. I am a….” which again relies on acceptance to ease the conflicting pain. Lay claim to your ‘poison’ and nurture it away. Aggression creates oppression. 


Humanity through mental constraints uses blame and shame too easily to judge another for what they perceive to be a problem, according to them.

The real issue here is that the ‘addict’ relies on their ‘poison’ (tool) to give them a license to do/be what they want, which is often more dangerous than the substance itself! This needn’t be anything way-out or highly illegal.

These fragments thrive on the dysfunctions born from being trapped in victimhood and then becoming the interrogator holding this over another’s head which is common.

Here the addictions of their convictions deny them the gift of nurture, unable to rationalise how much control their dysfunctional addictive wheel of misfortune has over them, and how it impacts another’s reality and thus vitality.

All roots are anchored in the Base Chakra, but at the level of the Sacral addiction dances with its counterpart denial for it to take full control of its demoralising need to hold its fragments accountable for its malfunction. Here chakras 1,2,5 holds the entire system captive just because it can. 

When you are no longer able to enjoy something, it becomes a need, thus it enjoys you. When you become reliant on it, habits become addictions, be it cocaine or coffee. 

Beloved ones, the fertility wheel of fortune as St. Germain so lovingly refers to the Sacral suggests a vitality check. Vitality is influenced by everything you expose yourself to. You can consume a factory full of vitamins and minerals, and walk ten kilometres every day, but it takes one fragment of destress to send you tumbling.

Vitality depends on all aspects of nurture to support immunity including consciousness! 

Allow the magical nurturing aspects of the Orange candles you are working with to gently influence the collective unconscious of your home, family, and social settings.

Too often the lack of acceptance amongst social and professional tribes brings about collapse. You become a recluse because you are hiding from the temptations of your local bakery, then your best friend insists on visiting you, bringing along a cake to make you feel ‘better’.

That is where destruction lurks! The little devil knocks on the door, horns or no horns, it’s the thorns you need to be careful of! Horns are evident but thorns not always. Do as you must, but harm none, thus don’t let your greed feed another’s need.

In saying so, remember all that you do, say, and think, fuels the collective. I explained the importance of recognising, respecting, and (re)creating a morphogenetic field and how it imprints upon everything.

Become aware of what you as a being can do to awaken the sense of value in nurturing yourself and others. How can you positively influence or allow the process of nurture to unfold for another?

Let’s Nurture your Nature

Let us journey forth.

Beloved ones in your mind’s eye place yourself in a beautiful Violet Flame and visualize the Golden Rose in your Heart centre. Pause.

Transport yourself away…See yourself gravitating toward your beautiful massive Golden Pyramid Temple. Diana and I Kuthumi nurture the entrance of your Pyramid in the usual way, creating a triangular energy with the tips of our swords touching. Come to stand under our swords facing the massive Golden Doors, the entrance to your inner sanctuary. Pause.

Again, sense the magnificent crystalline energy spiralling down your chakric column activating all of your chakras, reinforcing your previous activations.

You have spinning within your base a magnificent ruby cube with a superimposed Citrine upwards pointing tetrahedron over that, not spinning. Within the cube you have the White flame of Purity, and the key ‘Acceptance’ infused into that binding the fragments of the Base.

Connect with the Golden Rose, the doorways open up and enter.

In the very centre, you have your sarcophagus and your altar with a vase of multi-coloured roses displayed under it. On your altar, you have your burning red candle with its Acceptance tag hanging from it, along with your ever-present Golden Rose.

Be seated on your sarcophagus and relax.

Beloved ones, until we meet again, take note of the process of nurture by allowing the inner awareness of your grand nature to deliver unto you all of that which will reveal the value of your authenticity.

I AM Kuthumi, I AM the Lord and the Master Chohan of the Golden Rays of Love and Wisdom. Until we meet again, I bless thee in love. Adonai.


Long pause.

Greetings dear ones it is I, Isis.

I greet thee with the most profound love, beauty, splendour and divinity which is evident within each and every one of you.

Let us return to your inner planes of nurturing. Visualize my energy manifest in front of you as I indicate for you to come stand facing me. Pause.

See the presence of Kuthumi anchored behind you. We invoke the presence of my sister Goddess Diana to stand to the right of you, and Lord Melchizedek on your left.

Together we beam forth from our sacral into yours a divine frequency which releases your Citrine upwards pointing tetrahedron within the Base to ascend into your Sacral. See this in its 3D form, whilst the Ruby Cube in the Base continues to spin. Pause.

The four of us activate a full and increasing clockwise spin of our Sacral Chakras which spins your Citrine tetrahedron into motion, whilst your base continues its own spin. Pause.

Once your Citrine spin is fully activated, our spin reduces to stationary, anchoring the four cardinal points within your energy.

We come to stand behind you, with all of us facing your altar. 

Be comfortable with both energies spinning; Ruby Cube in the Base and the upward-pointing Citrine Tetrahedron in the Sacral. Pause

Connect with your Orange candle on your altar. In your mind’s eye place both hands on your Heart Chakra and draw forth from your Golden Rose in the heart the second key of Nurturance. Now place this tag around your Orange candle with ‘Nurture’ inscribed upon it. Pause 

Let this gift be a reminder for you to nurture all. Again, reflect on everything thus far. The Red ‘acceptance’ and Orange ‘nurture’ candles with their respective tags with your Golden Rose alongside that on your altar. You’ve anchored the spinning frequencies in the Base and Sacral. You have the White Flame of Purity within the core of your Base. You are completely enveloped within the Violet Flame along with the Gold/Silver/Mother-of-Pearl crystalline frequencies flowing up and down your Chakric column between the Crown and the Base. Your first 12 Ascension Chakras are active. Pause

Infuse the Orange Candle with every intent of restoring Nurture on every level of your being. Set the intent for this frequency to be absorbed and replicated into your physical Orange candle along with every experience within your sacred sanctum. This physical Orange candle you will enjoy in your home, anywhere, anytime. Pause

Bless your physical candle with every experience needed to validate your value. Become fully aware of the value of others. As Isis, I AM the queen of nurture. Do so on every level.

Man cannot live on bread alone, therefore, by bringing yourself into divine alignment you ‘re-write’ your value, rescripting and re-evaluating what is needed to do so.

The Golden Rose within your Heart automatically carries an imprint of all the frequencies being activated – Love, Illumination, and Enlightenment.

We of the Higher Realms of Light now make our way from your inner sacred sanctuary, give thanks for this experience.

For a moment, lie down on your sarcophagus to allow these spinning frequencies to settle firmly into your energy field. Pause

Once done, gently sit up leaving an etheric imprint behind. Pause.

Before you exit, again connect with everything you have been initiated into thus far. Pause. See the candles, flames, tags, flowers etc. Connect to the spinning platonic solids within your Base and Sacral, and your first 12 Ruby ASCH. Pause.

For a moment, bring the essence of your senses into this activation. Can you relate to a specific smell and taste? Acceptance and Smell in the Base, with Nurturance and Taste in the Sacral. In your mind's eye, see and hear this play out, the flames flickering and crackling, Touch the flowers and candles. Do you smell the dampness and dust of old times, or the exotic incense of your choice? Remember, the more detail you bring into these visualisations the stronger the communication between your visual cortex and hindbrain which also impacts your conscious Beta thinking and memory. Enjoy and explore! Pause.

Set the intent, by bringing all your lower senses into your sixth sense, your Eye of Horus 3rd eye, for your higher senses to stir into motion.

To support the finer detail that is to follow over time, become comfortable with ‘seeing’ The Eye of Horus imprint within the area of your ‘third eye’ between the brows.

When you are ready, allow the Golden Rose in your Heart Chakra to open your sanctum doors and exit your Golden Pyramid.

Place yourself within your Violet protective flame. Kuthumi and Diana take up their guardian posts at the entrance to your sacred portal.

Ground yourself back into your reality, and again quickly bring to mind whilst in this consciousness all that you have experienced thus far, relate to it. Pause

I AM Isis; I have stepped forward as I oversee many sisters and brothers working with this energy. I assure you I shall return.


Long pause.

Greetings I AM Diana, Goddess of Light.

Beloveds be fully grounded whilst allowing these alchemical tools to settle within your energy field. Journal 12 aspects/fragments relating to nurture and using your Orange candle, reflect on and work through these.

We inspire you to take the mystery out of the mysterious by enjoying your candles openly. The symbolism of the altar is simply a platform of expression, NOT TO BE REVERED!

Do ponder on the next Key, Authenticity, with its sense of Sight, using a Yellow candle.

The nature of nurture is an intrinsic natural tool for survival. It is at times when you go against its flow that things may fall apart. When aligned, the winds of change shall not irritate you, nor will the snow insist that you retreat. The rain will nurture your emotions, and the sun inspire your insights.

Remember no matter how challenging you may think things are, surrender your will into the Divine, and go with the flow of Divine Nature.

I AM Diana, until we meet again, I give you beautiful blessings of nurture. Adonai.

Please Note – Due to the length and intensity of these sessions the full activation of ASCH 13- 24 is on our website www.visionoftheheart.co.za click on Transmissions / The Ascension Chakra Series.

Transmitted thru Chanel Lingenfelder Howick SA

Article Submitted to CrystalWind.ca via Email from Chanel Lingenfelder with Written Authorization to reblog on CrystalWind.ca.

Chanel Lingenfelder
Chanel Lingenfelder has been a transvoice channel for Kuthumi, Diana, the Ascended Masters and other Light Beings since 2006. She lives in Howick, South Africa. Apart from earning mega academic accolades, she’s a published author and travelled extensively. Her book “From Party Patsy to Praying Patricia” is available on all leading platforms. For more info www.visionoftheheart.co.za. Chanel’s dedication toward lightwork remains as unwavering as her wicked sense of humor!

Below is a link to Chanel's book. 

From Party Patsy to Praying Patricia 

Submitted to CrystalWind.ca by Chanel Lingenfelder and reprinted with written authorization. Do Not Copy!
Header image courtesy of CrystalWind.ca.

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