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144 Ascension Chakras - Kuthumi, Diana & Isis Guide Your Journey (Level 3, Part 1)

144 Ascension Chakras – Kuthumi, Diana & Isis Guide Your Journey (Level 3, Part 1)

Arenas of Consciousness – Level Three Part One  

144 Ascension Chakras & 12 Chakric System Series

Kuthumi, Diana & Isis
Transmitted through Chanel Lingenfelder

A grand alchemist, through the act of love, lovingly
command the forces of nature to support its manifestations.

Note – Numbers relate to the various chakras.

I am Kuthumi, and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom, and I gift unto thee a divine blessing of Authenticity.

Beloved earthlings, dear gentle masters, as you gather in the silence of your heart and the beauty of your soul, you know your true essence. As lightworkers, you understand even the unexplainable which most don’t. Your Authenticity clarifies that.

As a personality solar-being, it is up to you to reclaim your uniqueness, a gift extended to each individual to explore. It carries your stamp of approval. Under most circumstances, it has the approval and guidance of your higher self (without judgment no matter what) as you express your personality-self which usually eventually ‘listens’ to your soul song to uniquely manifest what’s needed to fuel your pathway of authenticity. It is what separates your uniqueness yet brings you together within the cosmic seas of united consciousness.

The pathway of the authentic one is an ‘ever-present’ commitment and not some ‘ethnic stamp’ that you toss and retrieve as pleased. It is the realization and claiming of Christ Consciousness within, and thus always thrives when supported by your inner child.

Be childlike, not childish

You know the words from the Grand Master - Those who wish to enter the Kingdom of Heaven be like a child, for that is the kingdom of heaven within. The pathway of the authentic one lays claim to all that you profess yourself to be. It vibrates according to your soul song frequency carrying your unique signature stamp of approval from all your fragments/aspects. Yes, authenticity claims all of you, the good, bad, bountiful, beautiful, ugly, and everything else you can think of as from a higher level there is no separation.

Then there are levels of uniqueness. There may be many master bakers, but the true unique authentic one needs no recipe! They can adapt to just about anything having an endless supply of proverbial rabbits in their hats.

The true authentic master never dances according to the beat of their lower ego. The authentic one recognizes and supports this in others for they understand the unique difference between being competitive and demoralizing competition. Here you hold the hand of your inner child whilst you bring all your facets and fragments within the 8th Chakra into the Heart and 3rd eye boardrooms, all seated at a round table with no sharp edges between conflicting personality fragments or aspects.

This journey has its egoic tug-of-war challenges playing out between the evolved and unevolved solar plexus, and your eccentricity plays its part in this. You support your friend’s authenticity without compromising your uniqueness. Support others by complementing their individuality. In so doing you close the door to your ammunition chambers within Chakras 1,2, 3 – giving way to the birth of your humanitarian qualities within the 4th, Heart.

You command “Enemy get thee behind me” as you retract your troops, taking back your power.

War is imminent ‘down under’. Chakra 1 you declare war, chakra 2 you strategize flight or fight, chakra 3 your attitude determines your altitude thus attack, retract, or agree to a peace treaty involving 4. The authentic one unequivocally beams love into seas of disruption without expected returns. As lightworkers, you are in training to be authentic warriors wearing your armour of love without judgment. 

The journey of reactivating your Ascension Chakras will stir every one of the 12 main archetypes within your 8th Chakra (and many more) creating a beautiful mosaic of diversity. Working with this process as you do will activate memory codes within your cell tissue and DNA to enable you to hopefully consciously, definitely subconsciously, transmute fragments into facets or aspects. 

“Aspects are attributes that complement no matter how obscure in the eye of another. Fragments splinter creating fissures, thus separation, which encourages duality. One of the major causes of fragments is fear” – ASCH level 1 part 1    

Eccentric not Egocentric

Authenticity separates the chaff from the core. No matter the situation, focus on your survival intuition/gut instinct (Solar Plexus) and stay dear to your cause. The authentic journey of awakening and personal ascension demands nothing short of guts to be here. Then when the time comes to leave, do so with love in your heart no matter the ridicule, and then allow that love to continue no matter the circumstances. That dear masters, is the authenticity of your Soul-Spirit Being, and as a human should be no different.  

Claim those feathers in your authentic cap. We teach and serve from highly evolved planes through Unconditional Love with Integrity. I AM an Ascended Master from beyond the 12th dimension. I have earned my noddy badge on your planet many times over apart from earning a poetic license as you say. Your authenticity knows what I am speaking of. This life is but a cosmic wink. Don’t allow the fears and stress of the lower world to eat you like Packman. 

It takes tenacity, commitment, trust, focus, and determination to birth the authentic one. You are reminded of this through nudging’s according to your pointers which at times may feel like a slap through the face and then asked to turn the other cheek. 

To confirm your uniqueness, even though you share similar biology and bio-fields your fingerprints amongst other aspects differ accordingly. 

Awakening, or focused consciousness, is the natural way of the authentic one. As you brew your cauldron of uniqueness don’t ever forget your part of Oneness, thus harm to one is harm unto all. This is the path of self-mastery.

If you told those close to you that you are placing a stone on your dining room table that helps anchor your mastery they would run. Burn some beautiful, coloured even fragrant candles and no one blinks an eye.

Ponder on how you would describe yourself as authentic. Journal your unique qualities and that which you can and want to acquire. Journal the 12 fragments/aspects of this process and how to further discover more about the self than you ever dreamt of. From my point of view, you are beautiful and loved beyond linear understanding, no matter your experience.

Only the brave ones will opt to have their heads banged again and then some more, entering this most difficult earth school, time and again. But the brave ones that awaken. See this as a multidimensional game and doorway of transformation.

Taking on a scholarship on this planet enables you to experience and overcome the duality curriculum, which by no means makes you unique or authentic. That is the eventual path for all. It is how you play the game that shapes your uniqueness!

The authentic one shatters the mold of victimhood and lust, as with vanity and reverence for anything but God. We don’t recognize you by your paint and parade, we recognize you by the reflection of your Soul Star Chakra, or the multicolor reflection of your 8th.

Want to make God proud of you? Dare to live! Remember there are no hard and fast rules bar being the best that you can be. Constitutions and institutions of what was formally spiritual and now religious are created by man for man. Listen to your Heart-Call!

144 Ascension Chakras – Kuthumi, Diana & Isis Guide Your Journey (Level 2, Part 1)


In your mind’s eye place yourself in a beautiful Violet Flame. Connect to the Golden Rose in your heart.

Visualize yourself floating amongst white clouds with your Golden Pyramid in the distance. Gravitate towards it. Pause.

Diana and I guard the entrance with our crystalline swords in the usual way. Come to stand under the tips of our swords. This time a Diamond Silver Crystalline frequency coils clockwise from our swords throughout all of your chakras into the core of Gaia and is met with an upward counterclockwise masculine Golden frequency intertwining with the downward spiral, flowing along your chakric column between chakras 1-12, anchoring your divine masculine (Gold), feminine (Silver), inner child (Crystalline), and Diamond (Christ Consciousness). Feel this sublime up-down flow or reverse connection unleashing your authentic inner child. Pause. 

For the moment relate to chakras 8-12 above the head contained within your auric field. We will eventually anchor the higher chakras into your lower system, bringing Heaven unto Earth. 

From your Golden Rose Heart space open the doors and enter into the sanctuary of the authentic self. The usual scene awaits; your sarcophagus with an etheric aspect of the self, your altar with the colored candles, Golden Rose, and the gift of Roses below your altar. Each colored candle connects to the related Rose below your altar.

Come to stand facing your altar. Pause.

In your mind’s eye see a connecting energy form between your Solar Plexus and the Yellow candle on your altar. Set the intent for all to be integrated into your physical candle. Pause.

Ask for assistance and guidance for your authentic self to be revealed on every level. Pause.

Light your physical candle(s). Pause.

As you do so, set the intent for the Light of Christ and your Soul-Spirit self to be anchored within so that you may awaken to your divine uniqueness authentically. Accept your talented blessings, gifts, and uniqueness as a divine sovereign God-conscious being.

Visualize your first 3 candles burning on your altar. Connect to your spinning Base Ruby cube with the white flame along with the spinning upwards pointing Citrine tetrahedron and its Violet flame. Feel their connection to the first 24 Ascension Chakras flowing from the base of the skull along the Chakric column respectively. Pause

Feel this etheric electric magnetic crystalline frequency connecting these areas. Pause.

Visualize your Pineal and Pituitary (crown and 3rd eye) and Thymus glands (heart) encased in a spinning crystalline mother-of-pearl star tetrahedron. Oscillating at the frequency of Love. Pause.

Bring into your awareness the Eye of Horus imprint within your 3rd eye. Set the intent with the assistance of these keys and senses, and by implementing these teachings, for your sixth sense to awaken and your 3rd eye to come to life the way Divinely Intended.

Claiming your unique authenticity, you embrace the lower senses to support the higher senses and vice versa. This will further awaken your multidimensional qualities, recognizing the self as a divine cosmic entity playing the game of life on earth. You Accept that at the end of this, there is no ‘diploma or degree’ but a mere recognition of scholarship as part of this ascending planet, which like you, remains ‘a moving constant’. Long pause

Invoke the essence of Artemis, Diana, Hilarion, and myself Kuthumi to join you, representing the 4 cardinal directions. Pause.

Our Solar Plexuses connect, crossing through the core of your Solar Plexus. Pause.

We beam an exquisite Heliodor ray, the most brilliant bright yellow frequency almost touching on Gold into your solar plexus creating a directional cardinal cross effect.

Our energies start to spin faster and faster which releases the downward pointing ‘Citrine’ tetrahedron that’s superimposed over the spinning upward pointing Citrine tetrahedron within the Sacral to ascend coming to rest in the Solar Plexus where it transforms into a bright Heliodor frequency. Pause

You now have the first 3 spinning platonic solid frequencies, Ruby Cube in the Base, upward pointing Citrine tetrahedron in the Sacral, and downward pointing Heliodor tetrahedron in your Solar Plexus. Relax into that. Pause.

Allow this energy to bring your unique authenticity to life, peacefully. Pause

Our frequencies slow down, and we come to stand behind you, all facing your altar. Pause.

See manifesting in front of you an aspect that you can relate to as your inner child. See this little being facing us, with all of us facing your inner child. Relate in any way you feel comfortable. This is a mere aspect of your inner child which is part of you.

Your inner child offers you a Golden Key to anchor within the Golden Rose in your heart. Your inner child stands close to you and joins us all facing your altar. Feel this connection. Pause.

For a moment physically cusp your hands over your heart, consciously connecting to this energy. The Golden Key carries your Soul Signature, the vibration of your Soul Song. Pause.

Now visualize drawing from your heart essence an aspect of this key to ‘supercharge’ your Yellow candle on your altar. Pause.

For a moment open your eyes and physically extend this to your physical candle. Pause.

Close your eyes and see the ‘Authenticity’ key tag hanging from your Yellow candle. Let this forever remind you of your unique authentic gifts.

We make our exit. Give thanks for this experience. Pause. Give thanks to your parents for gifting you the gift of birth and your inner child for birthing you with the gift of an authentic life. Pause.

Set the intent for all to be infused into your physical candle. Pause. When you are ready, exit. Again, connect with the Diamond/Crystalline/Golden/Silver frequency pouring from Diana and my swords flowing up/down along your chakric column. Pause. Enforce the protective shield over your ascension chakras.

As with the Ruby and Citrine, duplicate the Heliodor frequency into your hands, feet, heart, 3rd eye, and crown. Activate your protective Violet Flame to encapsulate your energy field and ground yourself fully. Pause.

Beloved ones, embrace all that’s needed to live your life authentically. May you awaken each day to the greater truth of the Divine Christ within. You are a master of light, an ambassador of the new awakening Christ Consciousness upon your planet. Know that not now or not ever can you be alone. I AM Kuthumi, Adonai.

Long pause.

Greetings I AM Artemis.

You have just received a very special and powerful message which I sincerely hope you will integrate in support of awakening your flame of authenticity. You are a unique aspect of Creator Consciousness.

As mentioned, remain focused on what you want, and not on what you don’t want. You must support each other through these shaky times. We understand that many of you crave stability and direction often feeling lost. You are masters of your own making. If that which you desire is not within reach, perhaps reach out to that which is.

The Solar Plexus, your centre of Authenticity, is the powerhouse of self-esteem, potential, and survival intuition. Let the journey of the Yellow candle remind you of this. Authenticity is not a riddle or trivial puzzle that you need to discover. These authenticity codes are engraved into your energy. It is what makes you different, the code of your uniqueness to live by and love, no matter what.

The codes of authenticity are engraved within all of our garments of light. It is what uniquely differentiates us who reside within the higher realms, and you within your fleeting lower visit. It is what makes me Artemis unique, yet I am part of the greater whole, the sisterhood of Isis, Diana, and so on. We, you and me, are all uniquely part of Oneness.

Authenticity takes ‘guts’ for you to stand firmly in the shoes you enjoy wearing. Be proud of yourself, not filled with egotistic pride. Don’t let those who are subconsciously intimidated by the reflection in their own mirrors convince you to follow flock consciousness.

This is the journey of self-mastery, and I salute you for this.

For a moment close your eyes again and spin the Ruby cube from your base to encapsulate your entire energy field. Then follow with the up and downward pointing Citrine and Heliodor tetrahedrons superimposed over the cube, all three spinning clockwise. Pause.

Keep practicing this. Lessons and lectures alone cannot make these frequencies come to life, yet practice will, and you WILL feel it! Your multi-dimensional light vehicle in the making! One step at a time!

No two of you share the same soul song or signature, yet we all share Its origin.

I AM Artemis, until we greet again, Adonai.

Transmitted thru Chanel Lingenfelder Howick SA

Article Submitted to CrystalWind.ca via Email from Chanel Lingenfelder with Written Authorization to reblog on CrystalWind.ca.

Chanel Lingenfelder
Chanel Lingenfelder has been a transvoice channel for Kuthumi, Diana, the Ascended Masters and other Light Beings since 2006. She lives in Howick, South Africa. Apart from earning mega academic accolades, she’s a published author and travelled extensively. Her book “From Party Patsy to Praying Patricia” is available on all leading platforms. For more info www.visionoftheheart.co.za. Chanel’s dedication toward lightwork remains as unwavering as her wicked sense of humor!

Below is a link to Chanel's book. 

From Party Patsy to Praying Patricia 

Submitted to CrystalWind.ca by Chanel Lingenfelder and reprinted with written authorization. Do Not Copy!

Header image courtesy of CrystalWind.ca.


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