Practical Tips to Realign Your Chakras
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Chakras are energy centers that dwell within our subtle body or aura. The 7 Major Chakras have both individual and inter-related communication within our physical body, organs and systems. Blockages or imbalances can occur from trauma, negative experiences, negative belief systems, or simply from life’s daily ups and downs. Chakras can function as portals to receive energy or as transformers of energy. They can both absorb and radiate energy. Sometimes, the first sign of imbalance is a physical or emotional symptom. Frequent colds or persistent relationship problems, for example, could indicate that you need a chakra tune-up.*
Here are signs of imbalance for the 7 Major Chakras and suggestions for realigning them energetically:
First/Root Chakra (Red) – Survival, instincts, basic needs.
Signs of Imbalance: Anemia, fatigue, lower back pain, sciatica, depression, poor circulation. Frequent colds or cold hands, feet and nose.
Rebalancing Methods: Physical exercise and sound sleep, gardening, working with clay such as pottery and sculpture. Red foods and teas such as beets and pomegranates. Red gemstones such as ruby and garnet. Wearing red clothing, bathing with red oils or flowers such as ylang-ylang and sandalwood.
Second/Sacral Chakra (Scarlet/Orange Red) – Birth, sexuality, creativity.
Signs of Imbalance: Eating disorders. Alcohol and drug abuse. Depression. Low back pain. Asthma or allergies. Candida and yeast infections. Urinary problems. Lack of feeling, dulled senses, impotence and frigidity.
Rebalancing Methods: Swimming, especially in natural settings such as lakes, oceans or hot springs. Water aerobics, massage, walking in rain, watching rainstorms. Orange colored foods such as carrots and oranges. Orange gemstones such as citrine and topaz. Orange colored clothing. Using melissa or orange essential oils.
Third/Solar Plexus Chakra (Orange) – Self-confidence, emotional balance, digestion.
Signs of Imbalance: – Indigestion, liver problems, gallstones, pancreas disorders such as diabetes or hypoglycemia, self-shaming, overachiever personality.
Rebalancing Methods: Taking classes, reading informative books, doing mind puzzles. Sunshine. Detoxification programs. Yellow foods and teas such as squash and chamomile. Yellow gemstones such as agate and tourmaline. Yellow clothing. Using yellow oils such as lemon or rosemary essential oils.
Fourth/Heart Chakra (Yellow Gold) – Love, relationships, compassion.
Signs of Imbalance: Heart disease and disorders. Breathing disorders. Breast cancer. Chest pain. High blood pressure. Passivity. Immune system problems. Muscular tension.
Rebalancing Methods: Nature walks, time spent with family or friends. Volunteer work. Golden foods and drinks such as golden beets and ginger tea. Gold gemstones such as topaz and amber. Wear gold colored clothing. Using gold colored oils such as sandalwood and frankincense essential oils.
Fifth/Throat Chakra (Blue-Green) – Communication, truth, personal voice.
Signs of Imbalance: Thyroid imbalances, swollen glands, sore throat, fevers and flu, laryngitis, jaw stiffness, neck and shoulders problems, anxiety, nightmares, fear of speaking, stuttering.
Rebalancing Methods: Singing, reciting, poetry, Calling old friends and having meaningful conversations. Blue foods and teas such as purple potatoes and blueberry. Blue gemstones such as aquamarine and lapis lazuli and blue clothing. Using blue oils such as chamomile or geranium essential oils.
Sixth/Third Eye Chakra (Indigo) – Imagination, intuition, divine self.
Signs of Imbalance: Learning disabilities, coordination problems, sleep disorders, delusional thinking, poor concentration, poor memory, inability to concentrate, psychic misinterpretations.
Rebalancing Methods: Stargazing, journal writing, walking in moonlight. Indigo colored foods and teas such as figs and black currant. Indigo gemstones such as azurite and sodalite. Wear indigo or deep blue colored clothing. Using patchouli or frankincense essential oils.
Seventh/Crown Chakra (Violet) – Rules inspiration, unity, oneness with the Universe.
Signs of Imbalance: Headaches, confusion, mental illness, neuralgia, senility, worry, skin rashes, hyper-intellectuality, lack of faith or belief.
Rebalancing Methods: Start a dream journal or a vision board. Create a medicine wheel or mandala. Violet foods and teas such as plums and elderberry. Gemstones such as amethyst and sapphire. Violet colored clothing. Using lavender or jasmine essential oils.
*The above list is not all inclusive and are only suggestions for areas of life to consider. Always consult a qualified physician or other health care professional before starting a self-care program.
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