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Aura Real & Proven: Tap into Your Biofield Power
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- Written by Alue K. Loskotová

The ancient sages knew from time immemorial that there is a man visible and invisible, who lives in the shell of the visible (more precisely, he penetrates every human cell of the physical body).
For a long time, materialistic science perceived the teachings about the subtle bodies of man as delusions, superstitions and nonsense, but time finally showed how it really was.
About a hundred years ago, Jodko Nardkjevic was working in Russia, who discovered that by bringing any object close to a Ruhmkorff induction coil or a Tesla brand generator, a bluish glow, an aura (vibration) is created around it. This is how coins, tree leaves, ore samples, and even parts of the human body glowed.
Not only could people observe the bluish aura themselves, but it could also be photographed without using a camera. These images showed that the size and sharpness of the radiation of the human body changes depending on the mood and overall psychological state of the individual.
The research did not take long, the results were enthusiastically taken up by doctors, theosophists, occultists and spiritualists. An important Russian magazine Niva he printed a long article devoted to this very light, and it seemed that the method had a bright future, but the First World War broke out, then the revolution, and then it was no longer possible to engage in such mystical phenomena.
In 1923, the Russian scientist AG Gurvich made a discovery that was considered the best achievement in the field of biology, because he recorded the energy radiation of human cells and for the first time formulated the concept of the biological field, or bio field.
It turns out to be a genetic envelope that contains information about a living being, which is why Gurvich named it mitogenetic field. The researchers thus came to the conclusion that the cells emit information, coded electromagnetic signals in the ultraviolet spectrum.
The existence of a special energy and information field around each object, which copies the form of the given object and carries its basic properties, was also discussed in his time by VI Vernadsky, who developed the idea of the noosphere.
Gurvič proved that in any organism there is an energetic (polar) or informational "skeleton" and that the formation of the physical body takes place precisely according to the pattern of this "skeleton" or biofield, which therefore represents a specific basic plan or intention, according to which the creation and the development of the human individual.
Currently, when researchers have already discovered and explored the fifth basic interaction, i.e., information correlation, it was found that the properties of torsion fields, carriers of information, admirably match the specifics of cell fields discovered by A. Gurvič. Scientists have already succeeded in formulating a simple torsional model of the cell.
Another important step in the research of radiation, which is invisible to the human eye, was made by the Russian biologist Lepeshkin. While investigating the details of the moment of death, he made a very important discovery in the early 1930s, based on Gurvich's work.
Lepeshkin researched that at the moment of death, a powerful discharge of radiation occurs, which was unknown to science until then. It seemed that a kind of energetic being lives in the physical body, which at any given moment begins to separate from it (breaks out of the cells) and leaves the earthly envelope. The biologist labeled this strong postmortem radiation as necrobiotic radiation.
A little later, the experiments of Russian researchers AF Ochatrin and VN Sochevanova proved that if the energy structure of a person (they called it quantum envelopes) is not fed and replenished, it disintegrates. The half-life is nine days and the complete decay is forty days.
As is obvious, these periods correspond to the traditional Western concept of mourning for the dead. It is on these days that energy recharging of quantum envelopes occurs with the thoughts and emotions of relatives and friends.
Doctor of technical sciences GA Sergeev, who developed new methods and built devices for registering the so-called human stress radiation. Similar radiation also prevents clinical (reversible) and irreversible death.
Sergeev's equipment was once also placed on a motor boat and during the voyage it recorded two signals at the place where two people drowned the previous evening. It follows that the energy emitted by a person (already dead at the time) is captured in a certain way in space.
GA Sergeev himself explains it like this: „We discovered that in any object that has been exposed to stress radiation, the micromagnetic properties at the spin level change sharply. This spin excitation anomaly can be detected remotely using a liquid crystal sensor. The deviation arises in the place where the tragedy related to the destruction of the living protein has occurred. At the level of micromagnetic anomalies, this effect on water properties can, in the extreme case, be recorded even after 300 years.“
Currently, these deviations are called phantom. A similar conclusion was reached by the researchers of the Department of Theoretical Problems of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR under the leadership of academician PP Garjaev.
These researchers conducted experiments with preparations obtained from cell nuclei of chicken embryos. They discovered that during a violent death, an energy and information explosion occurs in the nuclei, the explosion creates a wave cluster of energy, a torsion field. The spins of the vacuum in the surrounding space are oriented according to the spins of this strong field, which created the dying nuclei, and copy its structure. In this way, a phantom is created, which remains there long enough and seems to be connected to the place of death.
Similar phantoms can also be found in the violent death of a human individual, because it was precisely the presence of phantoms of drowned people that GA Sergeev's devices recorded.
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