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Strawberry Lemurian Seed Crystals – The Scarlet Temple to the Heart & Beyond


Tania Marie

Another new find of crystal is the Strawberry Lemurian Seed Quartz – sometimes known as Scarlet Temple Lemurians by some. These are very rare and very powerful, natural crystals that have a gorgeous strawberry red color as a result of being coated with high quality Hematite, which is the mineral form of Iron Oxide. This Iron mixing into the Quartz is exceptional and is said to come from collapsing stars, which gives these crystals links to the Cosmic and Ethereal Realms.

With the addition of Hematite’s properties of grounding, protecting, balancing, and overall strengthening of personal vitality and our connection with the Earth from the Source of Cosmic awareness, it creates a very harmonious synergy when integrated with the Strawberry Lemurian’s energy.

Strawberry Lemurians are a very new find from Minas Gerais region of Brazil that, after millions of years within the Earth, are now surfacing. Because they are so new to our “re”-discovering, there is limited information about their energy and properties, but as more and more people work with them, this information is coming to light.

The images you see in this post are of my special Strawberry Lemurian friend, which I also discovered (unbeknownst to whom she traveled through to reach me) is a Starbrary as well. This makes her a Strawberry Starbrary – say that 10 times fast LOL!


You may remember my post on Starbraries where I detailed the different Star Systems each derive from and some of the unique types that include Master Starbraries and Starbrary Rosetta Stones. Well, this sweet Strawberry Starbrary that has graced my life, I have discovered is from one of the Star Systems more recently discovered – Lyra – and is a Rosetta Stone Starbrary. (this is the 2nd Rosetta Stone recently I’ve become aware of, as a friend of mine discovered she had one too after my Starbrary post)

Rosetta Stone Starbraries help to translate between a minimun of two Star languages and this one from Lyra translates for Cassiopeia and the Pleiades. Very opportune, since my Lightning Strike Starbrary is Pleiadian. :)

Check out her deeply embedded Hexagons, along with her numerous encodings that are very pronounced on three of her shafts. Then on the rest of her shafts she has the identifiable ladder-like grooves that Lemurian Seed Crystals are known for (this is where they have been programmed with spiritual information and wisdom from the ancient Lemurians), along with tons of tiny Morse Code dot-patterns accompanying these grooves. (both the grooves and dots were harder to photograph)


I am still discovering so much about her, but she happens to be what is known as a “Window Crystal” as well. The name itself will likely mirror to you that old adage “a window into your soul,” and that is just what they are. Window Crystals have a small diamond-shaped face at the corner where two of the parallel faces meet. (You can see this diamond shape in the photo of her to the left.) These crystals help you to see what is inside yourself, hence are introspective, and help to draw forth deep things or things you hide from yourself, so that you can effectively deal with them and make the correlating changes in your life to do so. In this way they help you to understand the “why’s” behind challenges you are experiencing and help you to face things head-on. Window Crystals are very personal crystals and it is said that if one comes into your hands, it is intended to help you specifically. And I knew the moment I saw her, that she would come home. Her Hexagon markings were another clue, since those show up so much for me as well.

But back to these amazing Strawberry Lemurians…

Strawberry Lemurians date back to the times of Lemuria and Atlantis where they were used in healing ceremonies by the High Councils, Priests, and Priestesses to provide insight, guidance, and assist with healing, as well as stimulate recall of the “beginning.” They are said to have been encoded by the Wizards of MU.


Strawberry Lemurians are each structured differently with their own purpose, helping to activate the Heart and Crown Chakras for self-empowerment, self-guidance, self-reliance, and self-sufficiency. Through the Crown you are able to access the ethereal energies to integrate and activate your leadership role from the Source of your Essence. They are also powerful healing tools to assist with distance healing and Reiki, help enhance Earth healing and energy transfer, and support access to the divine, compassionate love of Oneness. It’s no wonder that they vibrate to the number 1.

But they are especially vibrationally aligned for stimulating and opening the heart center and drawing forth the love and harmony into integrative balance in your life – basically filling your whole being with the feeling of true, unconditional love. Strawberry Lemurian Quartz is known for its ability to provide opportunity for you to travel (stimulating the astral body) to the “center of the universe of life” to receive the available information there. This to include thepathway to the source of knowledge and relevant data that relate to the actual, chosen reasons of your soul for the reality that is of most importance in your life, as well as the creation of the planetary forms, reasons behind everything, and guidance with respect to living fully in each moment.

While very powerful, Strawberry Lemurians are extremely gentle, calming, and nurturing with the ability to help you to recenter, restabilize, and rebalance your energy field through the guidance of your Higher Heart. This refreshing energy provides a sense of emotional strength and love. They can also help you to access past life information, if desired, and can bring exciting discoveries about Universal origins that can become assimilated wisdom.

I really love this crystal….

Well goodness, yes I love them all, but there are some you develop an extra bond with and these are the ones that remain with you for long periods of time, if not your lifetime/s. ;)



Tania Marie is a visionary artist, sacred tattoo designer, author & Reiki Master Teacher whose creations, workshops and retreats in the healing arts are inspiring people globally.

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