Chevron Amethyst Healing Crystals
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- Written by AndEl

These beautiful and powerful Chevron Amethyst crystals come from Brazil. They hold the powerful presence of the Violet flame and the White Light. These are a perfect gift for those who need to transmute negativity and just do not know how. Just by holding them, the shift occurs. The violet flame is one of the greatest spiritual tools on the planet. It is an aspect of God's light known as the flame of forgiveness it is an amazing process for the transmutation of negative energies.
The Violet Flame is Spiritual Alchemy in action. Its purpose is to transmute denser feelings, actions, deeds, karma, etc. into a higher vibrational frequency. The violet flame forgives as it frees, consumes as it transmutes, clears the akashic records of past karma and sets you free into a place of holding a higher light. Every day in every way the violet flame flushes out and renews the cells of your mind, body and spirit.
The Violet Flame was brought to earth by Ascended Master St Germaine. It is an intelligent fire; it cannot destroy, but only free restoring energy to its original purified blueprint. On a scientific level, the Violet flame can be directed at a sub-atomic level to the particles of energy that accumulate in the open spaces around the cell nucleus. Accumulated substance inhibits the flow of light around the electrons. This cellular clogging can have all sorts of manifestations in the physical body. Violet flame invocations can transform negative energies instantly. If you are feeling sad, depressed, fearful or angry, the violet flame can help you immediately. When you call to the violet flame and surrender these unwanted energies the fire instantly begins to breaking down particles of substance that have accumulated over thousands of incarnations.
When you invoke the violet flame, visualize yourself surrounded by a violet-flame pillar extending from beneath your feet to over the top of your head. See the violet flame come to life allowing the flames to rise and pulsate around you. Keep this visualization in mind throughout the day. Every time you think of it, you are reinforcing the Violet flame.
There are unlimited ways to use the Violet Flame. Bring the Violet Flame into your body. Ask your Higher Self, a Master, Angel to assist you, or just ask the Flame to "be made manifest." visualize that there is a ball of violet fire above your head. Then ask that ball of fire to come into your body and fill every speck of your entire body. Spin the flame in and around your body asking it to come out through your heart chakra and encircle the outside of your body clearing your emotional, mental, spiritual bodies. Ask the Violet Flame to transmute everything you wish to be eliminated from your life.("transmute anything and everything standing in the way of becoming a Christed Being. on all dimensions, on all levels, through all time and space, past, present and future")
Chevron Amethyst or banded amethyst is a combination of Amethyst and white quartz. It has all the healing properties of Amethyst and then some. Chevron Amethyst is one of the best stones to work with for activating the Third-Eye, enhancing both intuition and physical vision on all planes of existence. You can use Chevron Amethyst to cleanse the aura to promote spiritual healing, and to enhance one's psychic abilities. it can deepen the meditative state, allowing one's higher guidance to communicate. Chevron Amethyst to help remove resistance to change, and to dissipate and repel negativity of all kinds. It creates a strong healing field around the user, speeds up the healing process and strengthens the immune system.

As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
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