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Crystals and Stones for the Tarot

Crystals and Stones for the Tarot

For those of you who Read Tarot cards, here is an added divination practice.

For those of you just starting out in the Metaphysical world, please give this divination method a try.

For simplicity of this article, I have kept to the traditional names of the particular Tarot card, although there are different card names to certain decks. 

The Major Arcana


0. The Fool

Corresponding Stones: A multicolored Agate.  Petrified Wood.

These stones will help in these issues: Scattered energies, extravagance, waste, "head in the clouds," imbalance, pride, ego, vanity.

1. The Magician

Corresponding Stones: Quartz Crystal. Rock Quartz. Clear Quartz.

These stones will help in these issues: Magical attainment, control,  power, balance, center, unification of spiritual and physical, self-knowledge, depth, confidence.

2. The High Priestess

Corresponding Stones: Snow Quartz. Green Quartz.

These stones will help in these issues: Spirituality, secrets, power, Earth religion, the unknown, female mysteries.


3. The Empress

Corresponding Stones: Rhodonite. Starry Jasper. Red Jasper.

These stones will help in these issues: Receptive energy, women, cycles, fertility, creativity, abundance, growth, love, female sexuality, money, mother.

4. The Emperor

Corresponding Stones: Aventurine. Nephrite Jade. Green Turquoise.

These stones will help in these issues: Projective energy, men, compassion, force, movement, aggression, male sexuality, father.

5. The Hierophant

Corresponding Stones: Yellow Quartz. Rutile Quartz.

These stones will help in these issues: Authority, captivity, confinement, abandonment, advice, employer, honor, technology.


6. The Lovers

Corresponding Stones:  Rose Quartz. Rhodochrosite.

These stones will help in these issues:  Love, sexuality, relationships, friendship, duality, polarity, symbiosis, balance, beauty, family

7. The Chariot

Corresponding Stones:  Andelusite. Twinned Crystals

These stones will help in these issues: Earth Power, nature, self-control, triumph, success.

8. Strength

Corresponding Stones: Herkimer Diamond. Quartz Crystal Points. Danburite.

These stones will help in these issues: Power, courage, will power, activity.


9. The Hermit

Corresponding Stones: Blue Quartz. Sodalite.

These stones will help in these issues: Wisdom, knowledge, mysticism, enlightenment.

10. The Wheel of Fortune

Corresponding Stones: Obsidian. Apache Tear.

These stones will help in these issues: Transformation, fortune, luck, exterior energies, unknown factors.

11. Justice

Corresponding Stones: Carnelian. Garnet

These stones will help in these issues: Law, legal matters, dominance, submission, outside authority.


12. Hanged Man

Corresponding Stones: Aquamarine. Kyanite. Lapis Lazuli.

These stones will help in these issues: Introspection, trials, tests, sacrifice

13. Death

Corresponding Stone: Amber. Brown Tiger Eye.

These stones will help in these issues: Renewal, beginnings, endings, health matters, trials.

14. Temperance

Corresponding Stone: Amethyst. Lepidolite.

These stones will help in these issues: Moderation, scattering of energies, non-focused, closed, disciplined, balance.


15. Devil

Corresponding Stones: Black Tourmaline. Black Onyx. Smokey Quartz.

These stones will help in these issues: Addiction, delusion, pity, depression, violence, pettiness, lack of vision, control by others, submission.

16. The Tower

Corresponding Stones: Lodestone. Iron Pyrite.

These stones will help in these issues: Adversity, accident, challenge, oppression.

17. The Star

Corresponding Stones: Granite. Jet.

These stones will help in these issues: Universal energies, astrology, eclipse, travel, hope.


18. The Moon

Corresponding Stones: Moonstone. Blue Chalcedony. Angelite.

These seones will help in these issues: Psychic-ism, emotions, depression, night, winter, sleep, dreams, tides, magnetism, water.

19. The Sun

Corresponding Stones: Sunstone. Citrine.

These stones will help in these issues: Mental activity, over-intellectualism, thought, visualization, contentment, employment, day, summer, the seasons.

20. Judgment

Corresponding Stones: Turritella Agate. Shells.

Turritella Agate and Shells will help in these issues: Reversal, outcome, evolution, growth, life, childbirth, lessons.


21. The World

Corresponding Stones: Multi-colored Fluorite. Purple Fluorite. Green Fluorite.

These stones will help in these issues: Interplay, success, movement, harvest, overview, ability, completion, higher forces.


The Minor Arcana

Aces: Crystals: Brings forth Clarification.

Twos:  Serpentine: Balances and harmonizes.

Threes:  Chrysocolla: Bringing all forces to your aid.

Fours:  Malachite: Let the rich greens guide your journeys.

Fives:  Leopard Skin Jasper: Freedom and change are in your world.

Sixes:  Chrysoprase: Mother Nature at her best to aid you.

Sevens:  Sugilite: Spiritualism and high faith. Passion.

Eights:   Zebra Stripped Agate: Black to let go, white to bring in.

Nines:   Hematite: Strength on the surface in inwards.

Tens:  Tourmaline: To see a project through to the end.

Pages:  Rhodonite: Inner joy with peacefulness.

Knights:  Flint. Strength with open mindedness.

Queens:  Bloodstone: Passion with wisdom.

Kings:  Indicolite (blue tourmaline): Knowing with awareness.



Credit: sandiespsychicstones.com

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