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Rhodochrosite Crystal Ritual To Increase Self Worth

rhodochrositecrystal increaseselfworth

When it comes to the value of our friends and family, there isn’t a number high enough that we’d attribute to the priceless image of them we hold in our minds. So why is it, then, that when we appraise ourselves, we suddenly act as if we’re evaluating a used car? We bring up a life long list of accident reports to judge, take a magnifying glass to every ding and scratch, and deem ourselves less valuable with every mile we gain. How can we stop seeing ourselves as depreciating, and appreciate ourselves for who we are? Self-worth isn’t something we can look to anyone else to give us. It’s a gift that only we, through inspecting our attributes instead of our flaws, can grant ourselves. This is where your touchstone of a rhodochrosite crystal can come into play!

Many times, it is often not as easy as simply deciding to love ourselves. Even when we do, our mind can still drift to dark places of self-criticism without us being totally conscious of it. Social media provides an abundance of seemingly perfect people to compare ourselves against. Where before we felt fine, after half an hour of scrolling through snapshots of other people’s daily highlights, we wind up feeling inferior, or that our life is substandard. To break that cycle of comparison, we have to recognize that everyone has flaws. No one is perfect. Striving for perfection is an unrealistic goal. We don’t need to be perfect to be worthy of our own love.

There are a lot of things we can do to build self-esteem and to increase self worth. Beyond ditching the comparisons to others, you can also write down the things that you like about yourself. Positive self-affirmations that you can check back on are a great reminder of who you are when you’re not busy tearing yourself down. Focusing on what you can do to make positive changes in your life is another way to build a good self-image through establishing goals. Just as you likely admire passion in others, you should admire your own ambitious pursuits. Strive to be the kind, gracious and supportive person you’ve always wanted to be. Support and love the success of others. Recognize that the accomplishments of other people are wonderful, and not at all a reflection of something missing in you. Surround yourself with people who will remind you how wonderful you are, instead of people who will judge and critique you. Use this rhodochrosite crystal ritual to get started on implementing these habits for a healthy mind. Stop loving who you wish you could be, and start loving who you are now, with this rhodochrosite crystal ritual to increase self-worth. You deserve it.

Grab Your Rhodochrosite Crystal + Let’s Get Started

Timeframe: 11 days

What you’ll need:

  • Rhodochrosite crystal –This crystal shows you what you can do to love yourself more, increasing your self worth and sense of self love. A Rhodochrosite crystal doesn’t let you off the hook – it demands that you take ownership and that you go deeper to that next layer of love.

Rhodochrosite crystal ritual steps:

  1. Sage your space, yourself and your crystal to ensure they are cleared of any unwanted energy and previous programming.
  2. Hold your rhodochrosite crystal in your hands. Feel its energy.
  3. For the next 11 days, give it the job of being your touchstone to help you remember to nurture, love and honor yourself on a daily basis.
  4. Carry this rhodochrosite crystal with you throughout the day. The reason it’s important to carry the stone with you is that every time you see it or hold it in your hands it’s a reminder to give yourself a little self love talk. It’s a daily reminder to love yourself everyday -not just once a day but multiple times during the day because your worth it. Place the rhodochrosite crystal in your pocket or purse, or on a desk at work so you can look at it or hold it often. If you take a bath, add it to your bath water.
  5. Every night, place it on your nightstand before you go to bed so it’s the first thing you see in the morning
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 everyday for 11 days straight.

The more attention you give something, the more importance it will have in your life. 11 days is a good starting point to increase self worth. And it’s easy to do! All you have to do is carry your rhodochrosite crystal with you. Let this be the start to a blossoming new relationship with yourself; one where you make yourself #1. Over time, loving and nurturing yourself will be your new normal.

Energy Muse jewelry pieces are designed with gemstone combinations that have a specific energy focus. They can aid you achieving wealth, finding love, enhancing performance and improving health. When you wear our jewelry and combine the energy of the gemstones with your thoughts and your own energy, a powerful union is created to help you achieve what you desire.

Credit: energymuse.com

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