What Different Feather Colours Mean
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- Written by AndEl

The Native American people had a great spiritual understanding about feathers, their colours and their meaning. They would take the utmost care of any feathers that came their way as they saw it as a sacred gift, or a powerful talisman in battle.
When considering feather colours, firstly I always recommend seeking the answer within yourself first. Do you have any particular personal association with the colour? What does the colour make you think of or feel? What are the universal meanings of that colour to your knowledge? Does the feather you found act as an answer to a question or some kind of acknowledgement. Always go with your gut and the first impressions you get, and trust. I recommend noting it down and keeping a journal of signs and synchronicities. You might see more in connection to this sign, so stay alert and enjoy the mystery of the process.

Below is a brief rundown of the possible colour meanings of feathers (though trust your own heart and use this as a general guide - you can experiment with this!):
WHITE - purification, spirituality, hope, trust, faith, protection, peace, Heaven, angels, and also act as blessings and wisdom connected with the moon.
RED - the root chakra (money, possessions, security, career), physical vitality/energy/life force/action, good fortune, passion, emotions, courage.
BLUE - throat chakra (communication, acceptance, speaking your truth) peace, inspiration, mental abilities/knowledge, connection with spirits, spiritual protection and psychic awareness.
YELLOW - solar plexus chakra (gut intuition, happiness), blessings and wisdom connected with powerful sun energy, intelligence, playfulness, joy, cheerfulness, mental alertness, vision.
GREEN - (heart chakra - love, emotions, relationships, forgiveness), health, healing, nature, environment, nature spirits, plant spirits, animal spirits, growth, fertility, harmony, unity, money, prosperity, success.
ORANGE - (sacral chakra - sex/physical relationships, love, appetite, attraction), energy, change, optimism, and ambition, success, new ideas, will power, creativity, physical love, new ideas, will power, independence.
PINK - unconditional love, romance, feelings, friendship, caring, compassion, harmony, service, empathy, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, honour, inspiration.
GREY - peace and neutrality (as it is in the middle of black and white), authenticness, flexibility.
PURPLE - (crown chakra - universal consciousness, spiritual connection), heightened spiritual growth and experiences, higher thought.
BROWN - earth, stability, grounding, endurance, home, friendship, respect.
BLACK - protection, warning, repelling or warning of negative energy, death (as in a closed chapter), mystical wisdom - a sign that you are undergoing a spiritual initiation, growth or increased wisdom. When the feathers are iridescent, it represents high mystical insight (especially if there is a shiny iridescence).

- Black and white mixed feathers can represent protection or the sense of union.
- Black mixed with purple represents a very deep spirituality. I would take it as a deeply mystical sign.
- Black, white, and blue mixed feathers denote change on the horizon.
- Brown and black striped pattern (like a pheasant/s feather) - balance between the physical and the spiritual.
- Brown and white - happiness, and you will go under the radar from psychic or other harm.
- Feathers with red and green in them or together would denote that you are being assisted financially. I would take it as a very lucky sign.
- Grey and white symbolise hope.
Original Source Here: nataliakuna.com
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