Crystals in the Home
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- Written by AndEl

The energy and essence of the stones you have in your home and surroundings will affect the energy of your home and the people in it. Crystals and other things in your home can also absorb and hold the emotional memory and energy from events and people who come into the space, because of this it is important to clear them and the room frequently. There is a file on clearing crystals and another on smudging in the files section that may help you with clearing.
Arrangements of stones in the home can help maintain the clarity and wholesomeness of the home's energies. You can use arrangements of crystals in your home or yard to help keep the areas energy clear and to call in desired energies. The crystals can be part of the decorative features of your home while providing energy or can be placed out of sight if you do not want them visible. They can also help reduce the effects of stress and electro-magnetic pollution.
Crystals can absorb, repel or transmute unbalanced energies and set the energy note or tones of a room making the area more suitable for whatever purpose you use the room for. An arrangement of crystals or a single stone can also provide a focus for meditations. Agate bookends and other carved stone pieces serve double duty as decorative and useful elements while contributing to the room environment.

It is quite common to place a stone or crystal in each corner of a room or of the house to provide basic clearing and protection. Though some people prefer larger stones even tiny quartz or amethyst points taped to the walls at the corners have been quite effective.
The most common room placement may be putting a quartz crystal in each corner of the room and or the house. Amethyst is also often used. These corner crystals are usually kept in place at all times and cleared or replaced often. A single terminated quartz crystal is placed in each corner of the room with the points facing into the center. Some people use a small bottle or container with chips of stones such as a chakra or rainbow set possibly combined with herbs oils and /or salt or water. A small box preferably pyramid shaped can be filled with the stones of your choice too.
As you place each stone you can dedicate or program it for the function of maintaining a protective and clear environment in the area. The stones do not actually need to be all of the same kind. You can certainly place more than one stone in or near each corner. They can be chosen to bring in a specific quality of energy to represent the elements or by personal intuition. Many people also place stones facing or near doors such as an obsidian sphere or large agate for grounding and protection or some rose quartz to "greet" visitors.
Both Rose quartz and Amethyst help keep the atmosphere of a room light and positive. Some people choose a stone to be placed facing the door as a guardian stone. Sometime a stone native to the area is used as a guardian.
Petrified wood helps keep people in the room grounded and calm and helps keep people in touch with inner wisdom. Clear quartz and citrine can help with mental clarity. Gypsum Roses are nice in areas where you read or study. You may want to keep a crystal cluster or some obsidian, stibnite, hematite or other stone near the computer, monitor or television whether or not you are sensitive to the energy radiating from them. All electrical equipment can create strong electromagnetic field.
Keeping a small bowl of tumbled stones near the telephone will help you deal with those difficult calls by giving you energetic assistance to help you maintain your own energy field, prevent over involvement in other peoples problems, increase your sales resistance and many other benefits.
Citrine and Malachite are a traditional accent to the office and store or areas where bookkeeping is done. Some people match stones by function to the appropriate area.

Some stones and crystals can assist with special needs such as mental alertness or creativity or to make sleep easier and with many other purposes I recommend that you select stones carefully for your specified purpose and consult your intuition and spiritual guidance before doing any specific programming because quite often rooms are used for multiple purposes and a permanently running programmed stone may only support some of the needed purposes.
A classic crystal placement for the bedroom is to take three singly terminated quartz crystals and place then under the mattress between the mattress and box springs one is placed point in at the top center of the bed the other two are placed point in at each corner of the foot of the bed. This is supposed to put you in a nest of very relaxing and protective energies. Some people report that large crystals in the bedroom can disturb their sleep. There are many crystals that are used for sleep or for dream work but you may find it better to keep only a few in the bedroom.
Seashells and rose quartz are often placed in the bathroom and many people find that bathing with rose quartz or other water safe crystals or even plain old rocks enhance the bathing experience dramatically.
There are a many ways to keep and use crystals throughout the home please share your experiences with stones in your home.
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