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How to Forge a Telepathic Connection Using a Crystal

telepathy with crystals cw

Every so often, I want to get a message to someone, and either I am not able to physically talk to them or I don’t want to physically talk to them. (Don’t judge me. You know you’ve sent a text before to someone because you didn’t feel like having a drawn-out conversation. I’ve even called people before hoping that the voicemail would pick up so I could just leave a message, but I digress.) If you are looking for alternatives to having that conversation, another way you can communicate with someone without actually talking to them physically is by using telepathy. But first you have to forge a telepathic connection.

Telepathy is the sending of thoughts from one person to another. One person is typically a sender while another is a receiver.  Telepathy can be useful if you’ve had an argument with someone and you want to prepave having a better conversation with them. It can also be helpful if you don’t have the time or the opportunity to catch up via a real-world conversation.

If you’re looking to enhance your telepathic skills or forge a telepathic connection with someone, you may be surprised to find that there are certain tools that you can use to make telepathy easier. One such tool: crystals. I came across an interesting exercise in the book The Ultimate Guide to Crystals and Stones by Uma Silbey. If you’re interested in learning how to use crystals to send and receive energy, protect yourself from negative energy and for chakra healing, I highly recommend this book because of all of the practical exercises it includes.

How Crystals Can Help You Forge a Telepathic Connection

All you need is two quartz crystals that are approximately the same size. (Quartz crystals are known for their healing and purification properties. There are many different types of quartz crystals, such as clear quartz, smoky quartz and rose quartz).

For this exercise, pick up the two crystals – one in each hand. Make sure the tip of the crystal in your right hand points away from your body while the tip of the crystal in your left hand points toward your body.

Focus your thoughts on the crystals and how they feel to your body. I’ve always found that I can sense the energetic qualities of crystals. Some make me feel better than others. They all have their own unique qualities.

Once you have a sense for how the crystals are making you feel, think of a thought you’d like to send to someone. Focus on that thought until you aren’t noticing any other competing thoughts.

Next you want to visualize the thought traveling through you and then through the crystal that is pointing away from you toward the person you want to receive the thought. Bring that person to mind and envision him or her receiving the thought.

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