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5 Essential Oils to Heal Your Broken Heart


“A broken heart bleeds tears.” ~ Steve Maraboli

Aromatherapy is a powerful holistic modality that incorporates the use of essential oils to promote and maintain physical, psychological and spiritual wellbeing. Combined with intention, touch and smell, this can be a transformational catalyst. It may include massage, topical applications, inhalations, bathing or in skincare products.

The inhalation of essential oils stimulates the olfactory system in our brain, connected to our sense of smell. A signal is then sent to the limbic system of the brain, which controls emotions and retrieves memories. This releases chemicals, which causes a person feel relaxed, calm, or stimulated depending on which oils are used.

So how can we benefit from aromatherapy to ease heartbreak?

1. Release with Eucalyptus

When a relationship ends, it’s natural to feel a big sense of loss and you need time to grieve. There can be an overwhelming range of emotions. Eucalyptus has a very expansive, refreshing energy and assists in releasing all that has been held onto. Let it go.

Inhalation:  Take a bowl of hot water to the table and add 2-3 drops of eucalyptus essential oil.  Place a towel over your head to enclose the vapours. Inhale the aroma for up to 5 minutes with the intention of giving yourself permission to release pain and sadness being stored in your lungs. Let yourself cry, watch a weepy movie and nurture yourself. Eucalyptus is also great to use in a diffuser.

2. Breathe with Frankincense

When we experience intense emotion, we unconsciously protect ourselves and can tense up and engage in shallow breathing.  This results in storing emotions for longer in our bodies. Historically, Frankincense has played an important role in the religious traditions of ancient civilisations during rituals. It stills the mind and supports the respiratory system, encouraging us to deepen our breathing. Exhale it all out.

Topical application:  Add 6 drops of Frankincense (optional: include a couple of drops of Eucalyptus) to 2 teaspoons of a base oil, such as jojoba, coconut or almond.  Apply to your heart and chest area with the intention of breathing deeply and allowing all of your feelings. 

3. Forgive with Immortelle (also known as Everlasting or Helichrysum)

It’s common to blame ourselves or the other person when we are in pain. Judgements arise as we try to make sense of all that is occurring.  We hurt ourselves when we withhold love and close down our hearts. It’s freeing when we let go of the illusion that our past could have played out differently.  There is no set time for this healing process. Be kind to you.

Massage:  Create your own blend with Immortelle and take to a massage appointment or speak to your aromatherapist. A relaxing style such as Swedish, Aromatherapy or Thai is wonderful with lots of stretching. This is so nurturing for the nervous system. You can also use a topical application as mentioned above.

4.  Acceptance with Roman Chamomile

Coming to a place of acceptance allows peace within to grow. When we can let go of feelings of rejection, transformation can occur.  Stress releases from our mental, emotional and physical bodies and our wounds can be soothed.  Roman Chamomile has an apple-like scent and an innocent quality and is also supportive for Inner Child work, particularly when addressing feelings of abandonment, which can be triggered during these times.

Bathing:  It’s comforting to bathe with Roman Chamomile.  Fill a bath with warm water and add 6-8 drops of essential oil and agitate. You can also add the oil to a tablespoon of milk if you prefer. Including Epsom salts is supportive as it replenishes our magnesium levels, which become depleted when we are stressed. Drinking Chamomile tea will also further support this intention.

5.  Self-love with Bergamot

It’s an opportunity to refocus some love back to ourselves. We can be so focussed on the other to fulfil our desires, rather than satisfying our own needs.  Bergamot is uplifting (think of Earl Grey tea) and strongly supports the solar plexus chakra, where we store self-esteem issues. This can become congested during these experiences. It has natural anti-depressant properties and is soothing for the digestive system.  Bergamot helps us to relax and regain self-confidence again.

Anointing oil:  create your own oil by placing 6-8 drops of Bergamot into 2 teaspoons of base oil or cream.  Massage into your solar plexus and abdominal area with a loving affirmation. Use this as a natural perfume each morning and after bathing.  It’s beneficial to take a multi-layered approach and create this loving practice for yourself.

So over to you.  Which essential oils have you found supportive when recovering from heartbreak?  You can share your comment by joining the conversation in the comment section below :)

Michelle McGrathThis article was written by Michelle McGrath. Michelle is an author, Lovepreneur & Self-love Mentor. She is the creator of Sacred Self’s self-love range of alchemical oils and self-love cards. She’s the author of ‘7 ways to love yourself’ ebook and co-author of “Love and Oneness” in the best-selling Adventures In Manifesting series. You can connect with Michelle on her website www.sacredself.com.au, Facebook Page www.facebook.com/SacredSelf and Twitter www.twitter.com/sacredselftips


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