How To Safely Use Essential Oils For Bathing? [ Definitive Guide ]
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- Written by Aditya Sneh
![How To Safely Use Essential Oils For Bathing? [ Definitive Guide ] How To Safely Use Essential Oils For Bathing? [ Definitive Guide ]](/images/stories/contributors/aditya/pic1.jpg)
What Is Essential Oil?
Essential oil is a concentrated, fragrant liquid that comes from plant origin. It contains the essence of the aroma and smell of plants.
Essential oils are used in perfumes, cosmetics, or natural remedies because they have medicinal properties which help treat various ailments such as infections, inflammations, or colds.
They can also be aromatically inhaled to achieve certain states of mind like relaxation or fresh thinking for example.
Why essential oils are great for bathing?
Essential oils for bathing are great because they have multiple benefits.
Most of them contain relaxing and calming properties to help us relax or sleep better, as well as purifying properties that contribute to the cleansing of our skin from dirt and toxins accumulated during a day at work.
Essential oils can also moisturize your skin thanks to their nourishing components such as fatty acids which repair damage caused by cold weather, dryness, or irritation.
The best part is that since essential oil molecules are very small in size compared with other ingredients present in cosmetic products (such as water).
They penetrate deep into the dermis layer where they do not only hydrate but also recharge cells, fight deficiency signs like wrinkles or fatigue spots and stimulate blood flow towards problem areas such as under-eye circles or cellulite.
What are the benefits of using essential oils in the tub?
The first benefit is that they help you relax after a long day of work.
Essential oils are usually infused with relaxing components such as lavender or chamomile which will automatically soothe your body and mind, helping you relieve stress built up during the course of the day thanks to their natural anti-depressant properties.
The second major benefit is purification: essential oil molecules can easily penetrate into pores due to their small size and reach deep within our skin where they fight bacteria responsible for bad odors, acne, or other infections by killing them without damaging healthy cells around them.
They also contain antiseptic elements like eucalyptus oil which helps combat inflammations caused by rashes on different parts of the body (face, legs, or arms) for example.
The third major benefit is nourishment: since essential oils are composed of a complex mixture of molecules, they hydratedrate & smooth skin.
List Of 5 Best Essential Oils For Bathing
These essential oils can be used for a wide range of purposes. They are natural, organic, and safe to use but you must respect the precautions.
If you want to take a bath with them, here is what you should do:
In order to make it easier for you, I have listed the 5 best essential oils for bathing. In addition, I will provide some useful information about each one of these oils as well as their benefits, safety measures, and precautions.
So let's get started!
1) Lavender oil:
This oil is very popular for its benefits and uses. It can be used as aromatherapy and it soothes the body, mind, and soul. Lavender oil has a long list of benefits:
Skin: Using this oil on your skin provides relief from itching, inflammation, and other types of skin infections.
It can also reduce acne and other blemishes caused by bacteria or fungi. In addition, lavender oil prevents premature aging signs such as wrinkles.
What Should You Do? Add one single drop to your bath water before getting into the shower.
If you have dry skin then add two drops instead of one! Store the opened bottle in a cool place away from sunlight to preserve its properties for long.
2) Lemon Oil:
Lemon oil is great for the skin because of its antioxidants and vitamin C content. It makes the skin smooth, soft, and glowing.
Moreover, this essential oil reduces acne breakouts, fades age spots, and also treats sunburns.
3) Rosemary Oil:
Rosemary oil has analgesic, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties that provide relief from many health problems such as osteoarthritis, rheumatism, pain in joints and muscles, etc.
This oil is also great for memory because it improves blood circulation to your brain cells.
4) Peppermint Oil:
Peppermint oil can be used as aromatherapy as well as massage oil because of its numerous benefits.
In addition, this essential oil soothes muscle pain and also relaxes tired legs. Furthermore, it strengthens the immune system and prevents infections such as colds or flu.
5) Tea Tree Oil:
Tea tree oil is one of the most powerful essential oils because of its disinfectant, antiviral and antifungal properties.
In addition, it has analgesic and antibacterial effects on wounds and insect bites. This oil can also be used as an anti-dandruff treatment when mixed with shampoo.
What To Do Next?
Once you have added these oils to your bathwater, sit down and relax for at least 20 minutes.
Then rinse yourself thoroughly with fresh water. Finally, dry your skin gently with a clean towel!
How to diffuse essential oils in the bath?
The best way to use essential oils in the bath is by placing a few drops of your favorite oil directly on the water when it is about to start filling up.
Then, turn on the tap slowly so that you can help spread the oil all around.
When in this state there are two things you need to consider:
1) if you're using high-quality pure essential oils then do not let them come into contact with metal conducts or place that piece of equipment in any kind of plastic container.
This is because they will break down and lose their essential properties.
2) do not leave the oil in contact with water for more than 10-15 minutes after you have turned off your faucet.
This is because you will again let many of its organic compounds evaporate and this could be dangerous for your health (especially if you suffer from allergies, asthma, or any other respiratory problems).
How to use essential oils before taking a shower?
Essential oils are very beneficial especially when they are used before taking a shower.
The first thing that you should do is apply them directly to the parts of your body where there are pains or other types of discomfort.
Then, take your bath as usual but make sure that you rub these areas well with each part of your skin during your shower.
In this case, you can also add a few drops of oil directly to your bath water before turning on the tap.
Safety Precaution While Bathing With Essential Oils
To enjoy a sensual and relaxing bath at home, you need to use pure natural essential oils that are 100% safe for your skin.
In fact, they might be more beneficial than normal shower gels or soap products because their chemical components help increases the blood circulation on the surface of your skin which is why many people say that they feel really relaxed after bathing with these natural liquids.
However, there are some precautions that everyone must follow if they want to stay healthy and prevent any potential side effects:
1) Baths vs Showers:
Stay away from long hot showers as well as baths over 30 minutes because they dry out the skin and leave it less hydrated than before.
The best thing you can do is opt for a quick shower and then jump into your bathtub already filled with water and essential oils for about 10 minutes.
2) Use only 100% pure natural essential oils:
Do not forget that it is very important to use only 100% pure natural essential oils because they are less dangerous for health than artificial ones.
For this reason, try to avoid popular brands that have chemicals in their composition or just check the list of ingredients before you buy them at the store.
Keep in mind that even certain types of tea tree oil can trigger allergic reactions so always perform a patch test first.
3) Safe storage:
Essential oils are organic compounds which means they are highly flammable substances so make sure you keep them away from light, heat, and air.
Also, if you plan on using more than one variety at the same time then store them in different containers for easier identification.
4) Avoid contact with eyes:
Some essential oils are not safe to put into contact with your eyes or open wounds so always remember to check the label before you do it.
In general, they are usually labeled as either being suitable for ingestion or topical use only so try to avoid using in other ways.
We hope you enjoyed our blog on how to use essential oils for bathing. We understand that having a bath is a great way to relax and recharge after a long day.
As mentioned in our post, there are a few safety things to be aware of when using essential oils in the bathtub.
We hope that this post has helped you to feel more confident about using essential oils in your bath. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you for reading, we love writing articles like this!
Author's Bio:
Aditya is a natural beauty & aromatherapy geek and co-founder of healjunkies - an all-in-place for authentic essential oil & beauty resources.
This article was submitted exclusively to by Aditya Sneh.
© 2021 All rights reserved. Do Not Copy.
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