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These 6 Essential Oils Are Great Natural Alternatives to Pharmaceutical Medicines


The pharmaceutical industry has come under fire recently in light of overwhelming evidence suggesting the production of malicious medications that actually keep people sick, and thus reliant on drugs. “The Truth About Cancer” documentary series is a great place to start if you’re just now learning about the true nature of prescription drugs.

As one could imagine, people have become completely turned off to the idea of pharmaceuticals, and are seeking out new, natural and alternative treatment options. Including essential oils. Derived from various plants, flowers, herbs, fruits and other naturally-occurring substances, essential oils are used for a variety of different reasons, including improving one’s overall health and well-being.

There are over 90 different essential oils available today; here are six that are used for everyday purposes:


A natural favorite for many people, Lavender can be applied to almost any part of the body and tastes great when mixed into lemon water. Health benefits of this essential oil include reduced anxiety, faster healing of wounds, improved sleep, healthy skin complexion, anti-aging properties, relief from joint pain, and it fights symptoms of diabetes.


Lemon, as you may or may not know, is chock-full of healthy properties. It can be used in cleaning solutions, soaps, and toothpastes, or as a breath freshener. Lemon oil provides health benefits like improved oral hygiene, improved digestive functioning, sore throat relief, stomach pain and nausea relief, and even acts as an aid in weight loss.


Considered one of the more versatile essential oils, peppermint can be used for a lot of things. Not only is it perfect for muscle pain and migraines, but it also helps treat sinus infections, itching of the skin, sunburns, fevers, ADHD, and can improve hair health. It’s also been seen to be effective in treating cancer, to some extent.


This essential oil is often referred to as the “king of oils,” and with good reason. It is great for people seeking to reduce stress levels, reach deeper levels of meditation, improve the health of their skin, or reduce the visibility of stretch marks and scars. It also provides a healthy boost to the immune system, helping to prevent how often you get sick.


This essential oil is perfect for anyone wanting to add a bit of clarity to their life. It naturally promotes improved memory function, clarity of the mind, relaxation, and calmness. And, as an added bonus, it’s a natural aphrodisiac, so you can use it to spice things up in the bedroom!

Tea Tree

Tea tree oil is a great solution for dealing with problems relating to the skin and the respiratory system. Not only is great for treating ingrown hairs, but it also helps treat acne, chickenpox, cold sores, respiratory infections, earaches, fungal infections, head lice, psoriasis, and halitosis.


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All post and information provided within this blog is for educational and informational purposes only, and is not to be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action should be taken solely on the contents of this website.  Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any dietary or lifestyle changes or taking supplements that may interfere with medications. Any products or information discussed are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any illness, disease or lifestyle. Please consult your physician or a qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health and wellbeing or on any opinions expressed within this website.


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