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5 Best Essential Oils for Acne & Scar Prevention: DIY Recipes

5 Best Essential Oils for Acne & Scar Prevention: DIY Recipes

Acne can be a frustrating condition to deal with. It not only leaves your skin looking less than its best, but it can also lead to profound psychological effects as well.

The good news is that there are many ways you can treat acne using natural remedies - without the side effects often associated with store-bought products.

In this article, we will discuss 5 essential oils for acne and scar prevention along with their corresponding DIY recipes!

Our top five essential oils for acne and scar prevention:

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is known to be one of the most potent natural antibacterial agents available.

It has been used successfully as a traditional remedy against skin infections such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, and other inflammatory conditions.

One study showed this special compound was even more effective than benzoyl peroxide in reducing inflammation associated with mild to moderate cases of acne.

Lavender Oil

Lavender oil contains many therapeutic benefits that make it an excellent choice when treating various skin problems including blemishes caused by bacteria or fungus.

As a matter of fact, the lavender essential oil can actually help reduce the appearance of scars!

This antioxidant-rich compound also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that help heal any imperfections.

Positive results can be achieved when using lavender oil to treat acne, thanks to its ability to reduce inflammation and kill bacteria!

Argan Oil

Argan oil is a powerful antioxidant with remarkable skin regenerative qualities.

This emollient deeply penetrates the dermis layer of your skin's topmost epidermal layer while reducing scarring caused by pimples or other types of damage.

Sandalwood essential oil

Sandalwood essential oil is gentle enough for delicate skin and has powerful anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant characteristics that may help those who suffer from cystic acne breakouts.

Its oil content helps it to penetrate deep into the skin, avoiding the production of acne pustules or pimples on the surface.

Incorporate it into your skin-care routine for optimum skin care.

Frankincense Oil

Frankincense oil can be considered one of the most versatile essential oils, as it has been used throughout history for its therapeutic properties against skin problems like eczema or psoriasis and also to treat anxiety (source).

It is often mixed with other carrier oils such as coconut oil due to its thick consistency which makes it difficult to apply directly on your face.

This type of "carrier" will help you avoid any adverse reactions that may come from using pure frankincense alone.

As an added bonus, frankincense essential oil actually helps reduce scarring by stimulating collagen production.

Now that you know about the top five essential oils for acne and scar prevention, it's time to move on to our DIY recipes!

Here are some simple ways in which you can use these wonderful compounds:

DIY Recipe #01 - For Acne Scar Prevention & Treatment:

Mix one drop of tea tree oil with two teaspoons of jojoba or coconut oil and apply directly on your skin once a day.

DIY Recipe #02 - For Oily Skin (and an Even Complexion):

Combine three drops each of lavender, frankincense & argan oil into any moisturizer or carrier cream such as almond oil and gently massage onto the face.

Apply before bedtime for best results.

DIY Recipe #03 - For Combination Skin with Acne Scarring & Redness:

Mix one drop of tea tree oil, two drops each lavender, and frankincense oil into your moisturizing cream or lotion.

Apply once a day to treat acne scars.

DIY Recipe #04 - To Treat Fungal Infections (like Athlete's Foot):

Combine three drops each of tea tree, eucalyptus & argan oils in any carrier cream such as coconut oil.

Gently apply onto the affected area several times during the day until symptoms subside.

We hope that you enjoyed this blog about how to use essential oils to prevent acne scars.

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Author's Bio:

Aditya is a natural beauty & aromatherapy geek and co-founder of healjunkies - an all-in-place for authentic essential oil & beauty resources.

This article was submitted exclusively to CrystalWind.ca by Aditya Sneh.

© 2021 crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved. Do Not Copy.

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