Essential Oil Background
- Details
- Written by AndEl
Essential oils are some of the most concentrated natural extracts of plants known, exerting significant physiological and psychological affects. Essential oils are called the life force or blood of plants.
These volatile liquids are stored in special cells, ducts or glandular hairs that are distributed among the roots, leaves, bark, stems and flowers of plants. Essential oils protect the plant from insects and other herbivores, bacteria, molds, fungi and other micro-organisms.
Essential oils have the ability to penetrate cell membranes, travel throughout the blood and tissues delivering oxygen and nutrients into the cells, stimulate the regeneration of tissue, stimulate nerves and enhance electrical frequencies – all of which makes them highly beneficial to humans.
A single oil contains anywhere from 80 to 200 chemical constituents that are molecularly aligned with precision to trigger a number of responses in the human body. Essential oils are very complex, concentrated and powerful, and just a drop or two applied topically can produce immediate and significant results, if they are therapeutic grade essential oils.
The fragrance alone of a therapeutic essential oil can directly affect everything from your emotional state to your lifespan. The fragrance can cause an instinctive reaction because of the way smells trigger memories. As a fragrance is inhaled, millions of olfactory receptor cells which line the inside of the nose are picking up the molecules from the fragrance which causes the nervous system to fire and send messages to the limbic portion of the brain.
Each one of the hundreds of millions of nerve cells within this membrane is replaced every 28 days! The lining of nerve cells triggers electrical impulses to the olfactory bulb, which then transmits the impulses to the gustatory center (where the sensation of taste is perceived), the amygdala (where emotional memories are stored) and other parts of the limbic system of the brain which control heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, memory, stress levels and hormone balance.
And all of this happens in less than a second! One of the most beneficial ways of using essential oils is topically, since essential oils can travel throughout the entire body in a matter of minutes.
Essential oil molecules vibrate at frequencies that match those found in human cells. Frequency is a measurable rate of electrical energy that is constant between any two points, of which every living thing has. There has been much research conducted and many books written on the relationship between frequency and dis-ease.
For reference, processed/canned food has a zero MHz frequency compared to fresh produce which can measure up to 15 MHz; fresh herbs range from 20-27 MHz. Therapeutic oils start at 52 MHz and can go as high as 320 MHz, which is the frequency of therapeutic grade rose oil. A healthy body typically has a frequency ranging from 62-78 MHz, while dis-ease begins at 58 MHz.
When the body is out of balance, therapeutic oils can help the cells resonate at proper frequencies and increase the vibration of the entire body, restoring homeostasis to all systems. The emotions of fear and anxiety, for example, creates an acidic condition that activates the transcript enzyme that transcribes that emotion onto the RNA template and stores it within the DNA.
The emotion then becomes a predominant factor in our lives from that moment on. Therapeutic grade oils change the genetic structuring by calming the central nervous system through the amygdala and pineal gland, enabling the release of stored trauma and negative emotions.
One can appreciate the importance of using only pure, therapeutic grade essential oils in order to experience significant results. We are a physical manifestation of what we eat, think and believe!
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