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Is Your Family Karma Affecting Your Journey?

family karma

Many of us experience the pressing feeling of not ‘belonging’ into our families or where we originated. In our attempt to break free or rebel against family structures we often struggle with lifelong family and relationship issues, which are very often interconnected. Depending on our karmic set-up, family constellation and childhood experiences these inner and outer conflicts can have a very important purpose, namely to free ourselves from karmic binds and to create optimal circumstances for healing our deeper aspects – if we can recognize their connection!

There is recent scientific evidence (keyword Epigenetics) that shows how trauma can be genetically inherited to future generations (click here to read a sample study) . This groundbreaking new understanding of how our lives are not just influenced by what we have consciously experienced, but also by the pain and suffering our ancestors have experienced leads us to whole different view on our personal journey.

In Energy Work we have been observing this correation all along. The active and conscious self-healing path always leads to inherited karmic family aspects - in fact, I cannot recall a single energy field without karmic attachments. However, this doesn't mean we are doomed the relive our ancestor's lives, on the contrary! Let's explore how our journey influenced by energies from previous generations and how we can transcend those:

Karmic Aspects can play a major factor in trying to understand the deeper purpose but also the struggle of our life’s journey. Anyone with the sincere desire to evolve their consciousness eventually encounters karmic patterns in their life, regardless of whether we believe in Karma and Reincarnation or not. Karmic Patterns have nothing to do with Reincarnation. All the while they can be linked to possible past lives, this is not always the case and therefore can be restricting if we understand karma only in this way. Recent research has shown that trauma, recurring relationship issues, but also ‘luckiness’ or our ability to attract or repel wealth can be inherited from our ancestors.

Without looking at the different aspects that may be passed on from our parents and forefathers or the collective group we are in our personal our karmic load will be difficult to contextualize – in fact, I would even go as far as stating that major break-throughs in our consciousness journey are not possible without looking at the bigger picture of the different Karmic Aspects that influence some of our dispositions.

Karmic Family Aspects belong to Group Karma on our closest level. They often include genetic dispositions for mental, physical or emotional patterns or imbalances; however, in the scope of all karmic aspects those are the easiest to identify and to overcome. Unresolved issues that inherited within a family lineage (typically up to 7 generations backwards as well as forward in time) can include extremes, such as forceful deaths through murder, war or accidents, family tragedies, abuse, alcoholism, suicide, depression, etc., but also more subtle tendencies like addictive structure, disdain towards Femininity/Masculinity, degradation, control, manipulation, self-worth issues, superiority/inferiority, or hypercriticism. Nobody is free of Karmic Family aspects, which is why we often start our Karma Work here.

Typically, we engage in our deeper karmic healing processes unconsciously through repeat: Without being aware of it we ‘re-create’ the same/similar circumstances of our childhood, so that outer condition force us to change our inner conditions. One of the most commonly recreated patterns is taking on a karmic family role: Mother, Father or Child. Statistically, 85% of us tend to duplicate unhealed Karmic Family and Inner Child experiences into their current relationships.

Most commonly, the repeat of such unresolved and often unconscious inner child aspects shows in our choice of partner, our parenting style and very often also in general problems with relationships, such as intimacy, commitment or trust issues. On a practical level, many of us have the strongest energetic ties with breaking free from negative cycles in life, moving out of imposed pathways or excelling beyond our socio-economic or ethnic backgrounds, in spite of advanced spiritual understanding.

Re-living certain circumstances and taking on unconscious family role identification can be an opportunity to heal the most pressing aspects of our energetically anchored karmic or traumatic load. However, if we never uncover the purpose of underlying repeat pattern it can also lead to retraumatizing and cementing our original pain, fears and beliefs.

While most people remain unaware of those lifelong inner energetic binds, it can be life altering to release and heal our karmic ties and childhood wounds, but until we begin to actively work with these often hidden parts of us many are unable to see the connection with karmic family and attachments.

Identifying karmic patterns and repetition cycles can be a major game-changer in our inner healing process - if we can connect with the underlying energy to correct them. Therefore, it is often needed or beneficial to work with the guidance of a trained counselor, energy worker and conscious self-healing techniques. Energy Work allows to bypass our mental and emotional preoccupations and therefore help to release our unconscious trauma load.

Unwinding Karmic Family Aspects

Experienced shortcoming through our parents, family constellation and upbringing often make us choose the according parent role to ‘correct’ some of the inadequacies we experienced as child. For example: Absent fathers or mothers often result in picking the child-role later in life, which allows us to process this wound through ‘properly being taken care of’. However, the limitation in this pattern if not properly healed, can be the development of neediness and codependent behaviors.

Overbearing mothers or authoritative fathers often create the tendency to take on a parent role and to develop controlling behaviors. Either way, there is no judgment of our parents in this view. Our parents have their own journey and from a karmic standpoint we ‘pick’ them for a reason (as they picked their parents), namely to evolve this pattern and ultimately to break the cycle between our Inner Child wounds and karmic repetition.

The most underestimated aspect is that rebelling against our parental and karmic inheritance is not exactly helping in cutting our karmic ties; on the contrary! Resistance, defensiveness and ‘leaving in anger’ often further energizes the underlying energetic bind. If you find yourself charged with anger, judgment and non-forgiving thoughts chances are that you will carry these inner sentiments into your romantic relationships or pass them onto our children!

Learning energetic reconciliation techniques can greatly contribute to understanding, forgiveness, compassion and resolution finding, especially if reconciliation in person is not possible!

The purpose of looking at what we often perceive as shortcomings of our karmic circumstances is not to manifest or justify our own limitations; the objective in investigating our Family Karma is in understanding the connection between our suffering and karmic disposition for suffering. The purpose of energetic Karmic Family work is recognizing patterns and karmic repetitions so that our consciousness can evolve beyond those restrictions and to begin to transcend them.

To read more about Karmic Attachments click here

transCODES offers a variety of Remote Energy based Karmic Clearing modalities and Energy Coaches who can help with contextualizing and resolving your personal karmic attachments.

In Group or Individual sessions, Energy Work can initiate:

  • Removing energetic ties and binds inherited down by generations
  • Resolving existing and past family patterns
  • Connecting with Mother & Father energies (lineage)
  • Applying compassion, non-judgment and gratitude for all experiences
  • Letting go of energetic patterns not serving anymore
  • Increasing awareness and perception of inner patterns and programs

Karmic Family Work is a very powerful tool for self-healing and outer reconciliation. In this transMISSION process participants come together with the intention of releasing energetic family binds. For many, this is a very fundamental release of inherited energies as well as cellular deletion of past-life experiences.

Karma Work can help to reduce our karmic load and free up our and our future generations' energy:

For more info check our Karmic Clearing transMISSIONS here.

Thank you for your time.


jona bryndis

Energy Coach and founder of transCODES

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