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Time, Prophesy, Predictions and Oracles - Part 2

Time, Prophesy, Predictions and Oracles - Part 2

Today we continue our examination of the evolutionary leap humanity took in 2012, the nature of mind, ego, Soul and our purpose for being here as we move through our transitional era into a much different era than before.

Yesterday we began to explore some basic elements about perception, assumptions, and the traps of glamor, illusion, and Maya. However, because we are Soul/Spirits having a human experience, with training we can easily overcome the problems these create once we find the right point of view. That requires understanding the nature of the ego-mind, as well as what to watch for when it comes to oracles and proclamations about the “New Age.”

Ego Mind and its Attachment to Fear and Separateness

False polarities and dualities are created by ego-minds seeking control and dominance, whether the world of ideas, feelings, or actions. This is where the ego finds power and reassurance of its existence. It is the driver of those who want to make a name for themselves with glamorous proclamations about what is and what will be, regardless of the venue these ego minds choose.

I have found it’s good to be alert to any message that uses fear or fear-based imagery about anything current or future, prophetic or proclamation, since where there is fear, there is ego. Though it has been hardwired into human existence since the beginning of time, ultimately fear is a useless response and a dangerous disease. Fear and fear-based teachings have no place in the evolving era.

We are all being tested to get beyond old fear and control based systems by embracing a more Soul-ful life, experiencing our oneness with the collective Human Soul and the Soul of the world. The Soul, regardless of anything else, unites us all, individually and collectively, and always seeks relatedness, whether with other ideas, views, activities, or realizations.

The Soul is fundamentally inclusive. That's why most separative arguments are fallacious and cannot lead us to the experience of Soul on any level. Anything that seeks to create fear and division are not soul-ful. Anything which divides you from your heart’s inner knowing is not soul-ful.

We are told “the heresy of separateness” will die in the coming Age. That’s because separateness exists only in perception, which is impermanent. In my experience those things which generate any sense of exclusivity are to be avoided, since they cannot expand the totality of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding of a thing, and often don’t have anything to do with existing knowledge or wisdom.

Sometimes in our search for Truth we encounter situations where we're told we need to acquire more knowledge or experience before we'll understand. It IS true that we often "don't know enough" to ask intelligent questions, much less understand the answers. I've been there myself many times, as has everyone I know.

That’s why even if I encounter something supposedly esoteric or transformational, I still choose to suspend “believing or not believing” it until I learn more about it. I also keep in mind that no one approach has the whole Truth of a thing. No single source has all the answers to our questions.

However, as I pointed out yesterday, nothing which is true is unrelated to previous source material on that subject. Truth builds upon truth. Our job is to separate the untrue, the apparently true, and the conditionally true from those things which are inherently true.

To find a well-rounded understanding of any given thing, we need a many sided approach to explore the many avenues of inquiry related to that thing. The “compare and contrast” function of our mind then allows us to examine things with a degree of detachment and dispassion, and hopefully not fall prey to illusions based on assumptions or limited views.

Predictions and Oracles

There was a tremendous amount of turmoil and debate going on in 2011-2012 about the Mayan calendar and it’s purported prediction of “the end of time.” While there were no doubt some accurate elements of the Dreamspell philosophy revealed at that time, I offered that much of what was “predicted” assumed that we knew how the ancient Maya or Toltecs interpreted time, and what they did or did not have or use to determine the meaning of their space-time references.

At the time, we had no real knowledge of how that particular calendar worked. Recently “time workers” cracked the code, and found that it works via interlocking multiple long wave cycles. In any case, I found that there are several Mayan calendar systems, and none predicted the end of the world. I had contacts with Mayan spiritual leaders and scholars at the time who made it clear they completely disagreed with the glamorous pronouncements being made by North American “authorities” on the subject.

We do have some Mayan prophesies about the coming era, as well as the years of transition from the old Era to the new Era, via Chilam Balam, but these, like the prophesies of Nostradamus, can be interpreted many different ways. Then we have the nuances of the translators, trying to re-frame the metaphors of long ago in contemporary terms. It is easy to see how literally, much could be “lost in translation."

That's definitely the case in terms of the modern Bible. Oracles are seldom easy to interpret, even under the best of conditions and lengthy training in such things. And it’s weird that given the amount of hype and nonsense about the Mayan Calendar predicting “the end of time” in late 2012, it has basically been ignored since then.

The Maya, as well as other pyramid builders, have been with us for hundreds of thousands of years, have left their mark many places on Earth, and had to know some pretty sophisticated knowledge to do such things with precision. They didn't just create buildings - their constructions served as electromagnetic field focus points in some amazing alignments with the planet itself. What we don't know and have assumed about the Maya, their calendar, and other prophetic oracles could no doubt fill many books.

In my experience, there have been many dubious opinions and predictions about the New Age. I just don’t take some assertions very seriously, especially if it’s about other dimensions, evil aliens, glorious pronouncements and messages from "ascended masters," paradigm shifts, and personal "ascensions," to name but a few. I find a lot of it highly speculative, usually exclusive rather than inclusive, and not based in source knowledge about the requirements for human evolution as we have known for many centuries.

I am particularly wary if it seems like it's a) threatening, b) cheerleading, or c) assuring us that we don't have to take responsibility for being here and to whatever degree is possible, selflessly contribute to a better world while freeing ourselves from glamor and the causes of suffering. Basically, if a grand pronouncement about breakthroughs in human evolution doesn't apply to South Sudan or Bangladesh, Syria or Ukraine, it's probably more local than global and needs further examination before being proclaimed as a universal fact or Truth.

A Larger View of Where We Are and What's to Come

Yesterday I introduced the fact that Glamor, Illusion, and Maya (the Sanskrit Maya, not the people) are serious traps for any truth seeking Soul. Part of our tool kid we need to develop to come to a greater understanding and awareness of what’s real and what’s not is our “glamor dispelling mechanism" (a.k.a. our “BS detector”) so we can see things without various glamors and illusions distorting our perception and understanding.

One collective illusion is that some privileged few will “ascend” from this Earth, which is impossible for those who actually want to leave the Earth. We’re here to pay it forward, not take the awareness and run to some lofty exalted state where we avoid the challenges of being an eternal in a human form. When we get out of our own way, our own eternal awareness will show itself in some very loving, wise, and intelligent ways.

We shift into "higher consciousness" as we actively embrace our evolutionary process and align with Dharma, our “Truth of Higher Being-ness.” The more aware we are, the greater awareness of the interrelationships of all of life. This is a process, and not a noun. And yes, forms of “enlightenment” do indeed happen in the flash of an instant, throwing us into a new perceptual dimension that changes us forever.

Given what we know about the larger evolutionary indicators involving sub-races and Root Races, I suspect those who leave this Earth for differing evolutionary paths in the coming decades will be those who are not in harmony with the gentle beauty and fruitfulness of our Earth. Those who are in harmony with the Earth, those of us who are striving for Truth, goodness, beauty, kindness, compassion, and forms of service and higher awareness, will be here for many thousands of years to come.

Simply put, no true Disciple would ever be in a hurry to leave this beautiful Earth and our family of loved ones near and far. "All our relations" is not just a slogan in Native American culture. It is in fact our state of everlasting connectedness with “All-That-Is.” As we have been loved and taught and encouraged, we are here to love and teach and encourage.

In the larger space-time evolutionary point we've moving through at this time, it seems we’re at the end of a long cycle and moving into another, but we’re also just barely past the mid-point of a much larger circumpolar cycle. Our current "path of return" should last another 10-12,000 years, followed by another 26,000 year period much more evolved than anything we've known before now, since we are past the densest point of the larger evolving period. Reference The Holy Science by Sri Yukteswar for a quick glimpse into the cycle of Yugas we're dancing within.

We're definitely on the cusp of a transition between Ages, but it is important to remember perceptual context. If an Age is approximately 2160 years, then allowing for a transition of 3 degrees out of the old sign and 3 degrees into the new, we are partway into the swirl of major transition lasting about 430 years mas o menos. This is of course a time period when things are in radical change and comings and goings are accelerated.

Since our lives are a very small span of time relative to the cosmic timekeepers, most never get a large enough perspective to understand what's actually happening and why. From a cosmic perspective, we truly “are but a moment’s sunlight, fading in the grass.” However, we can always find a larger point of view and an ever-broadening perspective as we open to our Eternal Self.

For those interested in the larger evolutionary scheme for humanity, the Earth, the Solar System and beyond, anyone can find out all they need about the "other dimensional bodies" of the planets in our Solar system by referencing The Secret Doctrine by HP Blavatsky. Translated in 1888 from extraordinarily ancient sources, it opened up everything we know about such things as chakras, Rays, planes and sub-planes of consciousness, sub-races and Root Races, and the Rounds, Globes and Chains of human, planetary, and Solar systemic evolution. You will find many things about the relationship of Venus to the Earth and both to the Solar Logos, the star Sirius and the Pleiades, and the Kumaras.

A lot to consider as we stand on the edge of Time.

(Here's the original article from 11 years ago with a comment stream dialog that covered a lot of ground involving Truth, Buddhism, Vedanta, New Age thinking, and many more subjects than I can list here. It's really interesting in many different ways, some of it impeccable scholarship, so if you want to see some very erudite responses that went all over the map, by all means check it out! I may adapt it for a future article, but in the meantime, between this article and part 1, each time you re-read them you’ll get more insights from a bird’s eye view of this magical intersection of Fate Street and Free Will Street as we move and groove down Eternity Boulevard.

Reprinted on crystalwind.ca with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected. 

© Copyright 2023 Robert Wilkinson


© Copyright 2023 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com

About the author:

Robert wilkinson An internationally-known astrologer, author, public speaker, metaphysician, and futurist, with over 25 years experience as a counselor and educator. He has presented hundreds of public talks on all aspects of Astrology, the Eastern Wisdom tradition, the Western Wisdom tradition and promoted many mass gatherings and cultural events. Some of his specific areas of interest and expertise include personality profiles, degree patterns, integrative astrology, various aspect harmonics, among others.
Source Here

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Reprinted on crystalwind.cawith written persmission from Robert Wilkinson.

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