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We Will Not Pass This Way Again

We Will Not Pass This Way Again

- Reflections on the End Of A Way of Life -

It’s not hyperbole to say life will never be the same again. The entire world is wondering, questioning, and confronting an epidemic like we haven’t known in a hundred years. While we are told to separate, somehow this is curiously unifying. Sometimes it takes shared tragedy for us to remember we’re all in this together. This is one of those times.

In the past few weeks, various long wave cycles have been re-set and new decades’ long eras have been born. We are in the birth pains of a new era. Long after the virus has subsided as a global killer, many things will have been disrupted in ways they will never return. Countless stores, shops, restaurants, and bars have closed, and even if they re-open, it would take months before people could spend freely again, since so many millions are now out of work.

It is clear that the old economic and social era is dead, since our leaders have utterly failed us and we all see the emperor has no clothes. Humanity has looked for leaders and made them in charge, believing they have our best interests at heart and are looking out for the benefit of the nation. That is now exposed as a delusion and a fantasy. As this monstrous pandemic grew larger and stronger, no one in our government stood up and told us the truth, nor what they were doing to mitigate the disaster.

We’ve always believed that our government had a plan for epidemics and other disasters, and yet as the Earth accelerates the extreme things that come forth every month, with each disaster we find the system is completely broken. Floods wiping out millions of acres of food? Send them a few thousand dollars. People out of work for months? Send them a few thousand dollars. Businesses failing? Send them money. This is how nations fail.

We have spent trillions of dollars on tens of millions of drugs, and yet somehow the next mutation always kills many thousands, if not hundreds of thousands. Even now, we’re told by our public health “experts” that we cannot implement drugs that have been around for over 50 years as potential cures, since they haven’t been cleared by our bureaucracy for use against this specific disease. Unbelievable. People dying and the bureaucrats insist the drug used by China and South Korea to block the virus shouldn’t be used here? Inexcusable.

Even when we have anti-viral drugs, our approach to cures is to fight today’s battles with last year’s vaccines. This is the problem with a health care system dominated by the assumption that only a drug can cure a disease. No natural methods need apply. And drugs take years of expensive testing before we’re allowed to buy them at extremely high prices.

It’s why capitalism is inimical to a healthy society. Capitalism has squeezed our health care providers to the bare bones, where money is everything so nothing’s in stock and it all has to be ordered on the fly. Then we find that we have no supplies because they were all made on the cheap overseas and we can’t get them.

The curious thing is we have given trillions to the Pentagon to equip all they need wherever they need it anywhere in the world. We have enough medical supplies and military medical facilities to handle a huge caseload. Think war. We had thousands of respirators in storage, as well as surgical masks, gloves and anything else we could want. And yet our government sat on these supplies and refused to open their facilities until the virus cases spiked through the roof.

Americans have gotten complacent and have taken a lot for granted for a long time. With each larger disaster, whether hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, tornados, firestorms, mud slides, or epidemics, more people were given more money to continue to do exactly as they had done before the disaster. Now the disasters are pushing us all past the tipping point. What do we do with a massive earthquake disaster when we’re all supposed to be quarantined? How will we deal with floods when we are not supposed to leave home? When a town is devastated by a tornado, how can they practice “social distancing?”

America has become sorely divided between irreconcilable approaches to life; one is holistic while the other is fractured; one is selfish while the other thinks of the greater good; one denies science while the other understands the value of an objective approach to life and Nature so we may understand how to cooperate with Nature to leave a better world to our children and grandchildren. This is a moment in time when all can see who is willing to cooperate in doing what they have to do to mitigate the crisis, and who isn’t.

When a real crisis hits, we find out who is willing to set aside fear and selfishness and work with others as fellow humans having a hard time. This is the true value of the Divine “Fire by Friction” through which our species evolves. When our feet are “held to the fire” we find out who will come together and who won’t. This is a time when we can’t just make a superficial gesture of cooperation. As I offered you in the long article on the history and cycles of coronaviruses, this is when we all learn, in the immortal words of Dr. Benjamin Franklin, “We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.”

Eventually this pandemic will pass. It may or may not kill as many as we think. Of course, we’re just beginning to check the spread globally, so we will see it continue for a while. Eventually the “experts” will tell us they’ve begun to have enough tests and enough drugs and enough whatever hoping it will help calm a frightened but resolute nation.

How we live during this crisis will determine a lot on the other side. This is a perfect time to take stock of our blessings. It is a perfect time to show appreciation to our loved ones and friends. It is a perfect time to slow down, go inward, and reconnect with Spirit, with Source, and with the Earth Herself.

This time of quarantine can help us step back from the old routines and remember we are Spirit learning how to BE in matter. We can check in with ourselves and see what we fear and why we fear it. We can connect with those close and far, if only by phone or computer or a loving feeling sent their way.

In just the past two days, I’ve been part of two digital video conferences, one international and one local. It makes me appreciate the digital age, since we can spend time with people in many ways we never could before computers and face time and face book and zoom and IM and Instagram and all the other ways we check in with each other these days. Today I will prepare my ground to plant a garden after the New Moon.

Connecting with others, connecting with the Earth, connecting with myself. This is my care plan for outlasting this plague. I hope you will join me. We are Spirits learning how to deal with this mysterious strange thing we call “life on Earth.” This means remembering we are part of Nature Herself, and not separate from Life or each other for even a moment. This is a time to remember our Oneness and connect with others, connect with Earth, and connect with ourselves. I hope you will join us.

© Copyright 2020 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com
Reprinted on crystalwind.ca with persmission from Robert Wilkinson.


© Copyright 2020 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com

About the author:

Robert WilkinsonRobert wilkinson An internationally-known astrologer, author, public speaker, metaphysician, and futurist, with over 25 years experience as a counselor and educator. He has presented hundreds of public talks on all aspects of Astrology, the Eastern Wisdom tradition, the Western Wisdom tradition and promoted many mass gatherings and cultural events. Some of his specific areas of interest and expertise include personality profiles, degree patterns, integrative astrology, various aspect harmonics, among others.
Source Here

Reprinted on crystalwind.cawith persmission from Robert Wilkinson.

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