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Wisdom Of The Ancients ~ Part III
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- Written by Hilton Hotema

**Cave Man**
When the curtain of history first rises, it appears that Europe was inhabited by the Cave Man. That period of time is called the “Stone Age.”
This is the creature that physical science pictures in its theory of Evolution to make that theory appear more plausible. If we ascended from that Cave Man, then it is easier to make us believe that he ascended from the ape.
The Evolutionists have been careful not to tell us that this European Cave Man was the remnant of an ancient race, wandering away from his native home. meeting adverse conditions and reverses that forced him to become what he became. Of his past nothing appears to be known, and little is known of his Stone Age days.
This Cave Man dwelt in dark caverns, hunted wild beasts with crude stone implements, murdered them and subsisted on their carcasses. For protection from the cold, he clad his body with their hides.
At this point physical science steps in and hands the world its theory of Evolution, exhibiting this Cave Man as the link to fill the gap between modern man and ape.
The Stone Age Savage of physical science never chiseled the ancient story contained on the “famous Rosetta Stone.’ He never carved out of solid rock hills the magnificent Temples of India and Egypt. He never built the great cities and temples of Babylon and Nineveh. He never constructed the Great Pyramid of Egypt. He never wrote the story of Creation and the Deluge, contained on ancient clay tablets, unearthed in Babylonia.
Ages before the first Cave Man ever appeared in Europe, and centuries before he ever wandered from his native home in tropical regions, long before the biblical patriarchs pitched their tents under Syrian sunny skies, thousands of years before Moses saw the Tablets of Stone on the Mount, there were millions of spiritualists, prophets, sages and seers in Ancient India.
When history gives us the first glimpse of the fertile region of the Euphrates, the land even then was inhabited by a highly civilized race. When Herodotus published his account of the ancient city of Babylon, the Greeks refused to believe his story, and termed him the “Father of Liars.”
It was twenty-four hundred years after the days of this Greek historian that the modern world has come to know something of this amazing city of that dim world of long ago.
**Less Than 300 Years Ago**
There is an interesting passage in the diary of Samuel Pepys, written in 1665, less than three centuries ago, when the eating of vegetables in England was still almost unknown by the descendants of the carnivorous Cave Man of Europe. In that passage Pepys records his delight in taking up his first study of arithmetic.
Pepys was then a man of middle age, holding the high office of Secretary of the Admiralty of England, and one of the leading figures of his country, we may say. He tells with childish joy of learning the multiplication tables.
Blinded by prejudice, ignorant of the true history of past ages, Pepys believed then, as we believe now, that his country and his people stood at that time at the very apex of human development and progress and that his nation was the light-bearer to all other races, in time and place.
So completely had the valuable records of the Ancient World been destroyed by the fathers of Romanism, that Pepys and all the rest of the children of European Cave Man knew nothing of the great civilizations that rose, flourished, and disappeared while his own country was covered with shimmering sleet and glistening snow in the cold Ice Age.
Two thousand years before Pepys’ day, Alexander the Great had crossed the Hellespont and carried his conquering Greeks into Asia. When he reached the site of ancient Babylon, he found the remains of a city which “in magnificence,” wrote Herodotus, “there is no other city that approaches it.” And the Greeks of that time thought they had some great cities.
The European Cave Man originally came from the native home of humanity in some warm region. No one knows why nor how he became separated from his native land. Our picture of him is dim. Of his history we know nothing.
The term Stone Age first came into recognized use by the publication in 1865 of “Prehistoric Times,” by Sir John Lubbock, who compiled and set in order an account of the discoveries made in the deep gravel of the Somme Valley in France.
The Ancient people who built the Pyramids lived in a Stone Age, but it was a Stone Age that modern man has not yet been able to equal.
**Human Progress**
For century after century, Romanism has fed the deceived masses on its fraudulent diet of fishes and loaves. (Mat. 14:17), and the misled masses filled their stomach with this dish and asked for more.
Romanism first destroyed the history of the Ancient World. Then Roman authors could safely make their story depict man as coming up from the savage that worshiped idols and knew nothing of God, until he reached the stage where Romanism gave him other idols and a personal God.
The whole scheme is to make man believe that he owes to Romanism his rise from Barbarism and idolatry to what he is today. That task is done so well, that millions of unthinking people refuse to listen to any facts that upset the scheme.
In the 11th edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, published in 1911, appears an essay on “Civilization,” by a famed sociologist and anthropologist, from which is summarized the following –
“The entire period of human progress may be divided into nine periods, defined as follows:
- The lower period of savagery, terminating with the discovery and application of the uses of fire.
- The middle period of savagery, terminating with the invention of the bow and arrow.
- The upper period of savagery, terminating with the invention of pottery.
- The lower period of barbarism, terminating with the domestication of animals.
- The middle period of barbarism, terminating with the discovery of the process of smelting iron ore.
- The upper period of barbarism, terminating with the development of a system of writing.
- The first period of civilization, terminating with the introduction of gunpowder, the compass and the printing press.
- The second period of civilization, terminating with the invention of the steam engine.
- The upper period of civilization, which is still in progress, but which is probably nearing its termination.”
The author then predicts the 10th period:
“The great revolutionary invention that will usher in a new era is already being evolved.
“The airship is destined to be the mechanism that will give the new impetus to human civilization. The conquest of the air will become a factor in the full emergence of humanity from the insularity of nationalism to the broad view of cosmopolitanism.”
**Facts of Human History**
To these largely empty and unfounded statements, the actual facts of human history reply:
There is not a scrap of reliable evidence on earth to support the Theory of Evolution as advanced by physical science, or to support the assertion of Romanism that infant man was ever a savage and then a barbarian.
Granted that modern civilization is based upon the Roman Bible, it must be remembered the books thereof were written so far back in the night of time that there is no record of their origin or their authors.
These authors must have lived in the days of savagery, but their scriptures still are and remain the only Torch that lights the Path which leads to God.
No group of men in “the upper period of civilization” has been competent to produce any literature that can compare with the Bible. Furthermore, the Bible is composed of symbols, parables and allegories which modern scientists of “the upper period of civilization” have not the knowledge and intelligence to understand, interpret and explain.
The most wonderful structure on earth today is the Great Pyramid of Gizeh, in Egypt, which was built so long ago that there is no record of its construction and no trace of the mechanisms and instruments that were used in its erection.
According to the above outline, “the first period of civilization ended with the invention of gunpowder, the compass and the printing press.” In that case, the great engineers, architects, mathematicians, and mechanics who designed and built the pyramid, lived way back in “the lower period of savagery,” which ended “with the discovery and application of fire.”
Fire is something man never discovered. There was fire on earth for ages before the first man ever appeared to use it. Volcanoes have belched forth fire from their bowels since the first dry land appeared on the face of the earth and when the surface of the earth was still so hot that it was as barren as a desert.
Volcanic eruptions so great that they destroyed continents have occurred way back in the days when the earth was young, comparatively.
Due to recent discoveries, physical science is coming to regard the prehistoric periods and the “stone age” quite differently from the way in which they have been pictured by the Roman authors who have controlled and written our history for over sixteen hundred years.
Piles of evidence have been dug from the ruins of great cities of past ages in the last half century, disclosing the surprising culture of the prehistoric periods, thus making it impracticable any longer for people to be deceived by the Roman pictures of ancient savages and barbarians.
For against that Roman history there now appears the ruins of prehistoric science, art and philosophy far superior to anything we have now. In view of these facts, the “stone age” is coming to be considered as the fall and degeneration of antecedent civilizations of a high order.
No civilization ever begins itself. There exists no evolution that begins by chance or accident, and proceeds methodically and mechanically. Only degeneration and decay can thus proceed.
Civilization never starts as a natural growth, but only through artificial culture.
Some leader, possessing learning and wisdom received from Masters of the past, sets out to educate and instruct a special group. He gives the group a science and religion, formulates laws, builds temples, introduces writing, and creates the beginning of art, architecture, astronomy, mathematics, which beginning spreads from group to group and from nation to nation continuing its progress until crushed by some despotic ruler.
**Sunken Continents**
The earth is very old. Its age is variously estimated at from three to five billion years. Man has been on earth for millions of years.
In the old Azoic rocks there can still be seen the igneous remains of the First Root Race.
The Atlanteans are termed the Great Fourth Race. Far back in the night of time, some three million years ago, the Third Race had appeared. Long before, the Second Race had perished by a flood.
Romanism destroyed the history of the ancient world, ancient people, and ancient civilizations so well, that it has been only within the last century that archaeologists have begun to uncover the evidence of antiquity. There is little physical evidence of man’s accomplishments in science and philosophy prior to about 70,000 years ago.
Another reason for this is the fact that each epoch prides itself on being greater than those preceding, and makes its claim safe by destroying the physical evidence that shows the advancement of man in previous periods.
That is being done now. Prejudiced historians claim that the first period of civilization terminated with the introduction of gunpowder, the compass and the printing press. All this has occurred in quite recent times. These claims are false, and are intended to mislead and deceive.
For centuries the theory of lost continents was expressed in books and manuscripts, and was ridiculed by physical science and Romanism.
In the last fifty years the archaeologists have found inscriptions on stone and clay tablets relating to these lost lands.
The British Government has had a ship taking soundings for years in the Atlantic, and discovered evidence of a high state of civilization under that body of water in certain regions.
The lost Lemurian continent, also called Mu, was much larger than Atlantis, and now lies under the blue waters of the Pacific. Inscriptions on stone describe the destruction of Lemuria, when the earth’s crust was split by mighty earthquakes and the continent sank in a fiery abyss.
**Basic Principles of Religion**
It is said that Lemuria was the motherland of Man. It sent colonists to the Americas, then to Atlantis. The other way, they went to India and to the northeast coast of Africa. All the rest of the known world was under its dominion, and from its temples issued forth the True God Science and Religion of the Masters.
That is the mysterious reason why the same basic principles of religion are found in all ancient civilizations. Accounts of these things are preserved on clay tablets, carefully guarded by the high priests of India, where the records are concealed in the temples.
It is said that in a certain valley in the Himalayas there are three secret depositories of all ancient script. In one of the vast temples, carved out of solid stone in this valley, is “the record of Man thru the ages.”
In these records there are maps of the world in the days of Lemuria, and later during the time of Atlantis. The record states that Atlantis was destroyed by the force of three tremendous explosions, spaced several thousand years apart, the final two islands sinking approximately 10,000 years ago, burying a mighty race.
James Churchward, famous archaeologist, spent years investigating the matter and found evidence that Lemuria did once exist. He went to India and one of the high priests showed him the record. He studied and mastered the Lemurian language, and wrote two books, entitled “Lost Continent of Mu” and “Sacred Symbols of Mu.”
This means that we are now getting history over 70,000 years old, direct from the original source, and not after it has been copied, translated, edited, colored, changed and falsified by prejudiced men, who distort and falsify facts to support their religious dogmas and scientific theories.
Inscriptions on stone tablets cannot be altered without detection. Stone tablets have been discovered in excavations of a prehistoric city with inscriptions that have given us the complete Lemurian alphabet, and much of its history, written in that language.
Certain inscriptions show that they had airships that were powered by atomic energy, and cosmic ray guns that shot down other airships.
This mighty sidereal force was named by the Atlantean as Mash-Mak. It is the Vril of Bulwer Lutton’s Coming Race.
**Terrible Force of Destruction**
According to the Ashtar Vidya of the Aryan Rishis, this Cosmic Force, aimed from a flying vessel, reduced to ashes 100,000 men and elephants as easily as it would a dead dog. It is allegorized in the Vishnu Purana, the Ramayana and other ancient writings. This mighty force could reduce Europe in a few days to its primitive chaotic state, with no man left alive to tell the tale.
“Will ours be the next civilization to be destroyed by Cosmic Energy?” asks P. B. Noyes in his work, “The Pallid Giant.”
Noyes asserts that the Cro-Magnons, 25,000 to 50,000 years ago, were descendants of a great people who possessed literature “written many millions of years before the Cro-Magnon age,” and this literature was in the possession of the Cro-Magnons who “enlarged a natural grotto to make a fitting temple for the sacred things of their race.”
According to this ancient literature, millions or years ago, when the earth was younger and shrinking much faster than now, earthquakes were frequent. Great mountain chains were being born, and the people, in terror, searched desperately for means to moderate the violence of the convulsions. By intensive study of the earthquakes and the gases emitted, they discovered the secret forces in Nature and how to control and utilize them for their benefit and protection.
They developed a formula for neutralizing cohesion, and thus dissolving visible substance into that infinitude of basic particles of invisible substance. In this work they discovered the Death Ray, which they termed “Klepton-Holorif,” – a force that would sweep from the earth whole tribes of people.
In the experiments, when the Death Ray was directed toward live creatures placed against a hill, they crumbled into dust, and with them every form of vegetation straight away beyond the hill. For no mass, however great, could check the Death Ray.
**Evidence of Science and Religion**
These Lemurians left evidence of their science and philosophy, culture and religion, in the form of writings and symbols, on clay and stone in various parts of the world, which have now been deciphered and translated by our own archaeologists and geologists, unprejudiced by scientific theories and religious dogmas.
These reveal the story or man’s earliest ancestors. Nor were they savages or barbarians. They were highly cultured people, who had a science and religion which came directly from God’s own spiritual teachers, and which was not distorted and falsified by ambitious priests and unprincipled despots for their own personal power and profit.
It is now known that the temples of India and the Pyramids of Egypt were built by the colonists from Lemuria; and the Masters who taught in these temples were sent directly from the Motherland, with the God Science and Religion handed down by the Seven Spirits before the Holy Throne. (Rev. 4:5)
All races have legends of a Flood that destroyed their home land. The sinking of Lemuria and Atlantis is probably the Flood mentioned in the Bible.
There is in the Roman Bible no record of the red, yellow, brown, and black races being taken into Noah’s ark; yet these people are all over the world, with history extending back for thousands of years.
Recent excavations in the Gobi desert revealed remains of cities of a prehistoric civilization over a hundred thousand years old. The inscriptions on the stone and clay tablets are in the Lemurian language.
**Gigantic Pyramid Found by Fliers**
In 1948, U.S. Army fliers found a gigantic pyramid near this region, reported to dwarf the great pyramid of Egypt. It was estimated to be 1,500 feet wide by 1,000 feet high. The base covered approximately 50 acres. Its great age cannot even be conjectured.
The stone inscriptions show that a highly civilized people inhabited this region long before the Flood, and were well advanced in art, architecture, astronomy, astrology, mathematics and philosophy.
These inscriptions show where certain sections of the Bible originated; as some of the Old Testament is copied verbatim from these inscriptions, thus making it easy to discern the true from the false, the original from the deceptive interpolations, and sift the grain from the priestly chaff.
In northeastern Africa, in Asia Minor, the Balkan Peninsula, the islands of the Aegean sea, Greece, and Turkey are ruins which, even in their present crumbling condition, still reflect a grandeur that modern civilization does not even begin to approximate. At Smyrna, six cities have been discovered, each built on the ruins of the other. We cannot imagine the antiquity of the original city at the bottom of the ruins.
At Baalbeck, the ruins of which lie northeast of Beirut between the eastern end of the Mediterranean and the northern end of the Syrian desert, appears a typical example of Lemurian architecture at its best. One of these, known as the Great Temple of the Sun, is regarded by archaeologists as one of the most majestic of the earth’s ancient structures.
The temple is nearly 300 feet long, 160 feet wide, traversed by tunnels through which a train may easily pass. It had 54 giant columns, six of which still stand. These, with their entablatures, are over 90 feet high, and more than 9 feet in diameter.
Stones of prodigious weight compose the wide platform of the temple. The stones are 13 feet square and over 64 feet long, set into a massive wall 200 feet above ground level.
Ape-man, cave-man, stone-age savage never built such a mammoth edifice, then sculptured the stone so artistically that they suggest the delicacy of filigree lace.
In India, Babylonia, Assyria, and Egypt are ancient and colossal sculptured temples carved out of solid stone. One of these in India is of incalculable antiquity, towering to a height of several hundred feet, while the sculptured portions, hewn out of solid rock, are so prodigious in size that they impress and bewilder all who see them to a degree of reverence and awe. Many who gaze upon these magnificent temples have attributed their construction as representing some unknown but mighty race of semi-supernatural or superhuman abilities, and of whom we have no record – a lost race.
Wm. Niven, mineralogist of Mexico, made archaeological discoveries, showing that man existed in a high civilized state tens of thousands of years before the geological Glacial Period and the European Pleistocene man, and thousands of years before the Aztecs appeared. The Aztecs were newcomers, and ravaged with fire and sword the cities built by the Toltecs, Chmecs and Mayas.
Niven found iron oxide in use in casting ornaments out of precious metals. This is the oldest record known of the use of iron, and antedates the bronze age by tens of thousands of years.
He found that when Prince Coh of the Dan Dynasty of Mayax was buried 16,000 years ago, the descendant’s wife was depicted in frescoes on the walls of his mausoleum. Thousands of years later the same custom was followed in the burial chambers of the most ancient Egyptian kings.
Niven found a copper axe that was highly tempered showing that this now lost art dates back into the Tertiary Era. So modern science is not so modern.
He found images of all the southern Asiatic races, showing that the people of that region and those of America came from Lemuria.
It is estimated that the buried city where Niven made these discoveries in Mexico is over 200,000 years old. This evidence shows that highly developed and cultured people inhabited Mexico tens of thousands of years before the European Pleistocene man lived.
At the site of another ruined city, several miles northwest of Mexico City, Niven excavated over 2,600 stone tablets more than 12,000 years old, covered with ancient writings and symbols. The writing on one stone was dedicated to the “Sacred Four,” no doubt meaning the Four Elements: Air, Fire, Earth, Water.
This stone was a masterpiece in symbolism, with a dual meaning in every line of writing, which was in the language of Lemuria. One of the inscriptions said, “Mu, the Motherland; the lands of the West.”
At Uxmal, in Yucatan, is an ancient Maya structure, called the Temple of the Sacred Mysteries, with inscriptions on the stone walls that connect ancient man with the early history of Egypt and Babylonia. This temple is more than 12,000 years old.
On the temple walls was an inscription reading: “This edifice is a memorial commemorating the destruction of Mu, the Lands of the West, whence came our Sacred Mysteries.”
Another inscription stated that the temple had been destroyed three times by earthquakes, and had been rebuilt three times.
Ancient inscriptions show that during the forming of the great gas belt under central America and Yucatan, 12,000 to 15,000 years ago, huge cataclysmic waves were formed, which rolled over the land. Earthquakes “shook the land like the leaves of a tree in a storm,” and the “land rose and rolled like ocean waves.” The account states that the shocks and rolls of the quakes shook the structures into ruins, and huge waves of water followed, blotting out all life.
A most ancient Aztec tradition in Mexico states that the “first settlers in Mexico were a white race,” which was conquered by a darker race and driven from the land. The white race “embarked in their ships and sailed to a far-off land towards the rising sun, and settled there.” Perhaps these people settled along the northern coastline of the Mediterranean Sea.
Gas belts under Lemuria caused tremendous volcanic eruptions, and the ancient records say that the land was “twice upheaved, twice kicked from its foundations.”
This continent was located in the tropical Pacific ocean. It was five to six thousand miles long east to west, and 2,500 to 3,000 miles wide north to south.
Lemuria, in the Pacific, perished by fire. Atlantis, Queen of the seas, perished by water. “Lo! Thou man of today: By fire thou wilt depart in the fullness of time. But fear not – for years yet [to come].”
Excerpt from Immortalism: Wisdom Of The Ages
See Part I here. See Part II here
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