The Goddess Among Us
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- Written by José Stevens PhD

The Goddess is here and always has been but for a very long time she has been hidden away behind veils of denial from world culture that has supported patriarchy, supported science divorced from spirituality, and become hopelessly addicted to the god of money to the detriment and destruction of mother earth.
But that old paradigm has seen its day and a new one is ascendant that demands she take her rightful place in people’s lives once again. The events of the coming year/s will see to it that she does. Buried information, secrets revealed, the revelation of lies and new discoveries will all do their part to shift the world’s understanding of who we are and what we are about. Naturally, there will be major pushback from those afraid of losing their imagined ego advantage but so be it. That pushback is already here in the form of attempts to crush all vestiges of women’s toward equality and liberty. In fact, these attempts to squash are so brazen as to reveal the level of fear that the return of the Goddess has created. When you witness the backlash and general trends of the literalists to restore the patriarchy you can easily get the idea that they have won and that Goddess movement is dead but that would be a rather massive illusion. The baby and young souls behind this cannot prevail any longer because the evolution of consciousness and the increasing population of mature and older souls are, in a word, overwhelming. There will be massive setbacks to the careful preparations and plans being carried out by the literalists to control the world. The Goddess is on the move.
So, who and what is the goddess and how does she operate? First, let’s clarify some distortions here. There is only one Goddess but she has many faces and has appeared and been honored in many different forms throughout history. She is Isis, Mary, Helen, Bridget, Kali, Tonantzin, Athena, Electra, Demeter, Juno, Hera, Venus, Sarasvati, Durga, Lakshmi, Parvati, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Corn Maiden, Guadalupe, Sophia, and on and on. She is the full range between nurturing and massively destructive, loving and totally terrifying, warm and cold as ice. Next, the Goddess is not out there somewhere but rather she lives in awareness, in consciousness that is everywhere and infinitely present and she is already a powerful and influential aspect of who we are. In other words, she is within us as an aspect of Spirit and she is us whether we have a male or female body or one that may be both. Next the Goddess is not a conventional woman. She is an energy, a feminine energy to be sure, but not a human woman, or even a female anything and she is not exclusive to women just as the Christ energy is not exclusive to men even though some would like to think it is so.
Understanding these things is critical to understanding what is happening to the human race, what is happening in the world today, and what is about to happen. We can make this journey harder than necessary or we can take the struggle out of it and make it a powerful and dynamic liberating transformation. Either way it is happening and there is no going back.
If we go back forty thousand years these things were well understood, but as the world evolved and tribal nomadic life transformed into nation states, and hunting and gathering transformed into agriculture, the way we told the story of the Goddess changed and metaphors were used that today would be considered politically incorrect and that is unfortunate.
The classic story of the Garden of Eden the way it is told today is nothing like the story that was told long ago in nomadic tribal times. In the current version a wrathful male god figure warned the first man and woman not to eat of the tree of knowledge, of good and evil, or they would be banished from paradise forever. Of course, as the current story is told, Eve, the woman derived from Adam’s rib as an afterthought by so called God, seduced by the snake (Satan), ate of the forbidden fruit and seduced Adam into eating it too. Of course, they were banished forever from paradise and it was all her fault.
What nonsense. Long, long ago the tree of knowledge was depicted similarly but Goddess figures were distributing the fruits of the tree of knowledge to everyone to support their kundalini rising on their road to enlightenment. After all it was the tree of knowledge, the symbolic metaphor of the human spine with its rising kundalini. All very natural, all good, all absolutely aligned with truth. No nonsense. So, a powerful story based on truth became a famous story based on lies and went from sensible to nonsense.
As times changed and beliefs changed there were attempts to explain the goddess’ role to the people but distortions were already afoot. Many similar stories arose to attempt to tell the tale of human evolution from primitive to sophisticated in ways that it was believed people would understand. There arose many stories across cultures that depicted this journey. The tale of Sophia is such a teaching story meant to be a metaphor just as the garden of Eden stories were not to be taken literally but metaphorically.
In this story Sophia, a young goddess lived with her father and brother in paradise in total satisfaction. However, as she grew older, she began to grow interested in meeting her romantic partner, a male lover. She also became very curious about human life on earth and wanted to check it out. So, one day she ran away to find her lover but, in her innocence and ignorance of human ways she was too trusting and met a series of men who took advantage of her and then abandoned her. To make a long story short she suffered grave hurt, became depressed and lost, and was overtaken by pimps and human traffickers, ending up a fallen woman in a house of prostitution. She called to her father and begged him to rescue her from her plight. God the father sent her brother to rescue her and after quite an odyssey found her and rescued her. She was overjoyed and realized that he was the one she had been dreaming of meeting all along. She was immediately in love with him and he with her and they ended up consummating their partnership and became as one. Back to paradise they went.
Well, that was a little awkward but what does this story actually mean? To understand it completely we need to go back in time a bit. When this story was first told it was in nomadic languages that used a word for the Creator Spirit that meant both father and mother. So, it is weird that Sophia was just living with her father and brother and there was no mother around. When this story was translated from nomadic languages to Greek, Latin and so on, Mother was dropped and it became just father. Then she is identified as a fallen woman, as if she and all women were weak and needed to be saved from their own passions, and then could only be rescued by a man. As usual people took this story literally and these distortions were translated into whole philosophies about the sinful, trashy qualities of women and how they were not deserving of equal status with men. They were just property, good for making babies who can then become the heirs to owned lands and property rights to keep dynasties going. And who the goddess really was became denied. But I am getting ahead of the story here.
Now the story of Sophia is recounted in many, many other stories from various parts of the world and this is a huge topic which we cannot go into in detail here but it is very interesting. It is important to remember that the story of Sophia is only one tiny aspect of the Goddess. She is also all of nature, all of birth and death, total destruction and total benevolence, forgiveness and kindness. She is the absolute void, the sparkling darkness, and incredible light. She is beyond any human description that we could come up with. For the Hindus she is more powerful than all the Gods put together. That scares us.
So, now back to the story of Sophia and what is the story actually about? The creator Spirit, father and mother, live in paradise, an infinite and eternal, non-physical realm of awareness and consciousness. They are one presence, not two. But in our understanding, they gave birth to children, a son who was the Christ energy, the highest vibration that could be experienced in the physical form. The Christ energy is a redeemer, an energy that reminds us who we are, where we came from. Sophia, the daughter is Psyche, sometimes called the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit, the experience that we have as what appears to be individual consciousness and awareness.
Psyche is an ancient Greek word with many meanings, breath, mind, life, spirit, self, and ghost. As psyche we humans each go on an amazing journey where we seem to forget who we are, get lost and imagine we are separate persons, and isolated from the Creator. We then get into all kinds of ego trouble, cry for help, and are redeemed by the Christ energy that reminds us of who we are and that we are all one with the Creator Spirit. What a story, but it’s a metaphor and it has nothing to do with actual human men or women characters. We have the mother and father within us, we have the Christ redeemer within us, and we are psyche, the aspect that has the grand adventure. When we are all united, we are in paradise again. When we seem to be divided then we suffer horribly. This is a classic teaching story but taught with culturally induced distortions. The story doesn’t work at all if we leave Sophia out of it and that is exactly what we have done, denied Sophia, the Goddess of Wisdom. Why is she wise? Because she knows the whole journey and has become wise because of it.
We have denied Sophia because she makes us uncomfortable, she is the whole enchilada, the curious one, the traveler, the one who senses and experiences, the confused and lost one, the seeker, the found one, the one who remembers. She is the one who suffers through the journey she takes but because that pains us, we resist that fact, and in so doing we deny her.
She is the wise one, the one who has taken the journey and has learned everything there is to know. She is our wise counsel and she tells it like it is with no embellishments. That is why she was the great teacher to the ancient Greeks, the pagans, the Gnostics, the Essenes. She has compassion for us, she looks after us, she knows us like no other because she is us. She is not woman, not man but the feminine in both. And she is not whole until she unites with the Christ energy that redeems her and that makes her one with that energy as well. And she has returned to the Mother Father God and is one with that. She reminds us that we have already returned as well because how could we not be one with our creator? Because we are identified with being on the journey, we pretend that we have not completed the journey but at the end of the day we realize we have. This is why the great Taoist Sage laughs long and loud at the cosmic joke of it all.
The Goddess in us can only be denied for so long and the time for remembering her has come because we can make no more progress without her. The human race has decided that it is time to remember her and there is no real turning back from that choice. All the most significant prophecies speak of this and most of these are quite ancient, thousands of years old. Get ready.
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