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Feeling A Little Down? So Are Many

Feeling A Little Down? So Are Many

Even though the holidays are over, it’s natural to feel low energy because in the Northern Hemisphere the days are still short and the nights are still long with a minimum of Solar force available. Today we take a new look at how to manage any difficult feelings which may be associated with the holidays and western New Year.

I give you a variation of this each year since it’s very human to feel down from time to time. At the holidays (and it seems even after the holidays) many feel very conflicted emotions, from joy to sorrow, hope to frustration for what is and what isn’t. For millions, various holidays where we’re supposed to feel “up” don’t work that way, because of the countless memories and often frustrated hopes and dreams we confront.

Because we are all part of the One Life, we all feel what’s in the collective atmosphere. This is a particularly grim time because of various factors, including all those who died the past few years due to the pandemic and the wars. Millions have died or come close to dying. These collective sorrows pervade the atmosphere, regardless of where we live.

One of the tasks of learning to navigate this impermanent reality as a Soul in a body with feelings and thoughts requires us to see how to feel all there is to feel without getting thrown off our inner equilibrium. That means we have to unlearn our tendency to repress or deny our feelings while finding appropriate coping skills to turn emotional struggles into a healthy self-expression.

We Feel Everything Even If We Don't Know It

We feel all there is to feel, even if we don’t consciously register it. We are tuned into our environment and the life which is all around us. Many of us feel what others are feeling, even at a distance. Remember that as we interact with reality, going to stores and other places, we are feeling all the feelings around us to a greater or lesser degree.

If they are grieving, we will pick up on it. If they’ve lost a loved one, we’ll feel it to whatever degree we’re tuned into the field around us. The pandemic contributed to millions of deaths in 2020-2021, which as I termed it at the time was our “season of saying goodbye quickly.”

The quarantine contributed to a widespread feeling of isolation in those who didn’t know the value of solitude. Even with the rise of zoom, it wasn’t the same as being able to hug another. This loss of touch, the loss of contact, was jarring to the collective consciousness, as hundreds of millions were suddenly no longer able to go out and mingle freely.

Besides the pandemic, the wars and widespread killings in every nation are also affecting us in conscious and unconscious ways. We’ve all lived within a pandemic of violence all our lives (with a few brief exceptions) which has certainly generated a lot of rage, grief, and despair in those who have been victimized by violence. We also live and breathe and feel those feelings as well. A good deal of the emotional distress people feel has to do with the massive death toll of the violence in our nation and our world. Too many are dying needlessly.

Many choose to go numb; others displace the frustration and grief into works or habits, both good and bad. Regardless of what’s going on consciously or subconsciously, we always have the task of remembering we are a loving wise Soul who is having a human experience and simply BE the best we can be in each moment.

That’s why even when our human self is having a hard time, it’s best not to take it personally. We may just be tuning into the field for whatever or no reason. And then there’s also the individual biological responses which accompany being in a body.

As a kid, I had Seasonal Affective Disorder in Winters because of a lack of sunshine. This compounded the usual frustrated expectations and unfulfilled desires all children and most adults experience from time to time. And because we’re all part of the one Life field, we can pick up on others’ SAD and they ours. I’ve found that when I feel sad, it could be coming from many sources, and many times is a combination of biological and environmental factors.

When I feel sadness around me, I have trained my mind to send out a loving thought to the source of that sadness. While it’s normal to feel sad from time to time, we can also counter that sadness a number of ways. I first reference my heart’s direct knowing and allow it to lead my mind to an understanding.

I focus on the promise, not the disappointment; I focus on my blessings, not my frustrated expectations or desires; I focus on what I can do in that moment to generate a positive action, feeling, and thought rather than stay stuck in the sorrow. Our ability to generate “the will to good” is the one power we have to overcome the deadening pessimism and sorrow in the collective field. As we generate the Light, the darkness vanishes.

We don’t have to wait until some arbitrary “new year” point in time to examine what’s going on, what’s been fulfilled, and what is yet to be fulfilled. A self-examination about where we’re at with our own life yields valuable insights into our field and focus, and how on track we are to achieve our Soul’s intention. This is where many comparisons are not helpful, since we tend to amplify our past without knowing what the future could hold.

Our untrained desire mind often gets agitated by what it hasn’t received. That’s the source of many unhappy states of mind. When the desire mind compares what is with what it wants, it will lead to difficult and conflicted feelings. While it’s very human to feel like we should be doing more, accomplishing more, having more, knowing more, and all which we want fulfilled, we also are limited by our Higher Self’s intention to keep us out of trouble AND offer us unlimited promise for the future.

Life Is About Loss and Renewal

Throughout our lives we learn to let go of people, goals, dreams, attitudes, and lesser desires as we grow into new ways of living life with each changing chapter. We’re all on a path to become better humans, expressing the Love, Wisdom, and Understanding of our Soul. This means letting go of lesser things and ways of living. It is impossible to indulge lower pleasures while achieving higher ones except for a relatively brief period.

While I miss many who have left my life, I also know that we have to learn to let go of those who no longer are in alignment with our energy field. Sometimes we hit forks in the road, and we go one way and another goes a different way. It helps to see that every ending promises a new beginning, and that whatever leaves has fulfilled its purpose in our life and the void will attract something or someone better for who we are in that moment.

The wonderful thing about being a Spirit in a body is that we can redirect what we’re doing, feeling, or thinking any time we want. This is our divine ability to detach, see everything with the eyes of compassion, and move in a new direction of our choosing. Even in the midst of sorrow, we can find joy; even in the midst of feelings of failure, we can see what we learned, what we understand, and move in a new direction while simply BEING fully present in the moment.

We have the power to coax forth better feelings and thoughts if we persist in not feeding the sorrow or confusion or negativity and take heart in the moment, breathing and loving the best we're able. Over time this enables us to move through the strong feelings in the collective field with compassion. Every time we practice taking “the high road” in our responses, our difficult human feelings fall away and leave us fully present in the moment.

Everything’s Changing All the Time

If we don’t clutch at frustrating feelings, they will pass. If we re-focus our mind and emotions to a more positive direction, over time we achieve mastery over our ego and its problems. This enables us to feel everything we need to feel without losing our equilibrium.

If we’re having a hard time, it’s an opportunity to demonstrate how well we are able to care for ourselves. Being kind and gentle with our lower self helps it grow. It’s all a test of compassionate detachment as we learn to cultivate an open mind and heart to bless and forgive ourselves and others, turning negative feelings and thoughts to loving ones. As we do this, we also antidote and transmute negative astral energy in the atmosphere.

Over time this leads to the knowledge of what moves the lower self and how to reference our Higher Self and its strength and wisdom. Then we stop doing and feeling things which only make us feel worse and aggravate our frustration or sorrow. There is wisdom in knowing that if we can’t make it better we shouldn’t make it worse by feeding the negativity. There is always a great promise in letting go, as long as we remember to show up and open the door to greet the guest!

We Are Never Alone

While our lower self often feels life is grim, our Higher Self knows we are never alone. Regardless of how badly we feel, we always have the power to cut through the fog and remember we are Love embodied in form. Everything changes the moment we remember our Eternal Self that possesses the Divine Power of Magnetic Attraction.

We are loving, wise, intelligent Soul/Spirits. We have the power to attract whatever offer us a greater awareness, which in turn allows us to find that which fulfills us. We just have to learn to release internal blockages which generate resistance to what would fulfill us. Sometimes it’s as easy as getting outside our personality’s assumptions, rules, and reservations and greeting life with a larger view of where we’re at and where we’re going. We just have to “get out of our own way” allows our Higher Self to express its wisdom and understanding Then we flow with life rather than get stuck in negative states.

Life is about feeling all there is to feel so we may master our emotions. That’s part of learning to master life rather than be a victim of circumstance. We also have to think all we need to think to understand delusions, illusions, and how many things are now as they seem.

As we see how our thoughts are leading us to “life or death,” we are offered opportunities to use our mind to build positive and productive thought forms while rejecting erroneous perceptions and assumptions. These disciplines allow us to practice applying our Divine powers, taking them from latent to active by mastering different parts of our personal and interpersonal interactions.

As we have mastered our feelings and our minds, we are able to assist others who struggle with the same issues we once had. Then our awareness is able to help them to overcome feelings of isolation. When we demonstrate our loving light in the darkness of worldly experience, our understanding antidotes the fear, anger, and suffering of others to the degree they are receptive to those higher healing eneregies.

So if you’re struggling with dark moods or loneliness, accept your power to detach from the mood. It is an illusion manufactured by your subconscious mind. View it as a passing thing with no substantial reality. Instead of playing to the mood, focus your receptive mind to seeing a way to growth, development, and security. That will remind your mind that you have the power to use your skills and understanding on your journey to a greater life, love, and wisdom.

Remember too that any sense of loneliness is also an illusion, since we are not separate from life, love, each other, and "All That Is" for even a moment. We are as surrounded by Life and Love as a fish by water. Each step we take this life furthers our self-awareness and knowledge of how to "do our Being" with greater skill and compassion, both for ourselves and the general human condition.

So if you're having a hard time, you're not alone. And you can find your way to peace, love, and a sense of well-being if you find the right mental and emotional "antidotes." If you're not having a hard time, then send a prayer to those who suffer.

And if you’re having a hard time, you could always go to to Where the hell is Matt? – 2012 and start dancing to pump up your endorphins!! Or you could just go to his main site and learn more about Matt Harding and his global dancing efforts at Where the Heck is Matt.com His videos are pretty infectious fun!

Reprinted on crystalwind.ca with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected. 

© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson


© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com

About the author:

Robert wilkinson An internationally-known astrologer, author, public speaker, metaphysician, and futurist, with over 25 years experience as a counselor and educator. He has presented hundreds of public talks on all aspects of Astrology, the Eastern Wisdom tradition, the Western Wisdom tradition and promoted many mass gatherings and cultural events. Some of his specific areas of interest and expertise include personality profiles, degree patterns, integrative astrology, various aspect harmonics, among others.
Source Here

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Reprinted on crystalwind.cawith written persmission from Robert Wilkinson.

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