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Big Changes Are Here

Big Changes Are Here

I was in the Peruvian Amazon jungle for the elections and just returned. This was the second time I was in the Amazon when this president was elected.

Then as now, shock seems to be the prevailing emotion but this time it is accompanied by some resignation and of course exhaustion, even some relief for people to know once and for all who won and that the unimaginable violence that awaited if the result had been otherwise has been avoided, at least for the time being. “What now?”, people are asking. Some are extremely depressed, others elated, some making plans to protect freedoms, some planning to leave the country, and others planning on taking advantage of the new opportunities to be in the right place at the right time. So far, the outcome unraveling has been highly predictable following the plan described ahead of time by the president elect. The plans include: loyalty oaths and bended knees at all levels of government; revenge on so called enemies within; plans for expunging hordes of migrants; plans for massive tariff hikes on imports that will raise prices for most Americans; massive tax relief for the ultra-wealthy; preparations for drilling on public lands everywhere including the National Parks system; deregulating business to allow for massive corporate profits; wiping out the EPA, FDA, and regulatory agencies and much, much more.

Reading this list will cause some to jump for joy, but for others it is more like a drumroll before an execution. Either response is based on what is not important because it is all just more of the same wheel of karma that has been going on for eons. You can cry or laugh but at the end of the day it is just a passion play based on greed, self-destruction, arrogance, and martyrdom with a little stubbornness thrown in for good measure. These are the fare of the ego, the false god, who believes it is in control, permanently in charge, and does not know that it is only an  illusion, here today, gone tomorrow.

But…but…..but“, you may argue. “This is serious as it may impact my life and other unfortunate people very negatively. What about the environment, the plants and animals, the poor folks and so on?”. So, it is time to look under the hood and see what is actually running things and to find out what really matters.  This little discussion is going to be extremely condensed to fit limited space but this is actually an advantage too.

Science and most people today believe that consciousness, awareness, is a product of the brain and the body. This is not only inaccurate it is arrogant. It downgrades awareness to be second fiddle, just a reaction and denies the role of Spirit altogether. This, is the opposite of what is actually true. First there is consciousness and awareness, the expression of Spirit, then come objects. Without objects consciousness is quiet, but then there is a little impetus from the “I Can” aspect of consciousness and an idea is produced that may or may not take form. Consciousness is immediately aware of the idea and takes notice of what it has spawned. The body and the brain are objects created by consciousness. Consciousness is behind every perception, feeling, sensation, memory, and thought. These things are all temporary and fleeting, subject to change. Resistance causes them to stick around a little longer. Acceptance causes them to disappear much faster. For the most part most people are completely unaware of this fact. They are also ignorant of the other obvious fact. Consciousness is not fleeting but infinite and eternal and we are all participating in it. It is another name for Creator Spirit.

Back to elections now. How does all this apply? Every aspect of elections are created and held in awareness. Flags, media, money, politicians, plans, ideas, passions, skullduggery, corruption, votes, rallies, and so on are objects that are completely powerless unless given some sort of status by awareness. In a word they are nothing. Just items blowing in the wind, here today, gone tomorrow. So is the world and everything in it. It is just a simulation, sometimes a beautiful one or an ugly one but its purpose is learning. It is an online classroom that appears very real and we get attached to it, even the parts we say we don’t like. We forget it’s a classroom, we forget it is here inside us, not out there, and we forget it has no power but what we give it. This simulated world is a mirror to show us what we have wrought so far on our journey of awareness back to Spirit. Oops! It looks pretty terrible at times. “But its all their fault. They are ruining everything!” Not exactly. It is in fact exactly the long term result of who we have been and what we have thought was true! “Oof. You can’t be serious’. Yes, it’s just a mirror to invoke transformation. When I resist it, it persists. When I accept it, not agree with it, it begins to disappear. We are the mirror to one another. After all, the mirror reflects a lot of terrible scenes but at the end of the day the mirror is not sullied at all. It is innocent and clear. That is essence in all of us.

What to do

Look at the pageant and say, “Oh, is that so! Look at it with interest. What can I learn here? Instead of adding my passions to the mess which will only make it worse, I can see Spirit within the context of everything“. All the politicians are aware and conscious that they are alive. That makes them an expression of Spirit. They are just as they are, doing what they are supposed to do, learning exactly what they need to, not on our time line but theirs. And each one of us is doing exactly that at our different levels of evolution. The wheel of karma is playing out. Let it be. Soon the consequences of these Spirit-denying events will come to bear and everyone will learn exactly what is needed. Plans will implode, infighting will take over, spontaneous events will occur, in short it will be a real shit show and it will fall apart. And then it will slowly evolve into exactly what a more spiritually aligned outcome would look like because that is inevitable. To paraphrase Ghandi, “There have always been tyrants and dictators but in the end all will fail, all will fall”.

Our job is to always align with Spirit and not against what we don’t like. Don’t give it any energy. Sure you can take some positive actions by donating to constructive organizations or doing what you can but you are not going to be able to interfere entirely with others’ lessons or there will be no learning. Certain things have to play themselves out. What you can do is align with Spirit by seeing Spirit in everyone and everything. This causes everything to be become new. No, a turkey will not turn into a swan before your eyes but the turkey gradually will discover ways of being more in alignment with its true nature. Eventually it will shed its turkey body and reincarnate as a swan. When you recognize Spirit is everywhere an alchemy occurs that allows the diamond to emerge from the clay and reveal itself completely. You don’t make this happen. It happens because Spirit gets it to happen. In other words, we are all standing on the shoulders of a giant and when we make a small gesture the giant massively moves below us. So, yes it’s the little things that count because of the help we are getting.

“But what if I am just fooling myself here and we really are headed for annihilation. Maybe I am justified in screaming my head off”. You can do this if you want to but it is another reinforcement of the denial of Spirit that has brought us to this crisis in the first place. That is just part of the problem. Get it together a little bit. Stop screaming, open your eyes and see what is true. Open your heart and start being grateful, loving, and being in awe at being alive and conscious. What a gift. Spirit really is all there is.

Change Has Come

Change Has Come

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José Stevens PhD is an international lecturer, corporate team builder and organizational coach, consultant and trainer. A psychologist, licensed clinical social worker and author of more than twenty books and numerous articles, he is also co-editor for A Journal of Contemporary Shamanism and a board member of the Society for Shamanic Practitioners. He is the founder, with his wife Lena, of the Power Path School of Shamanism and The Center for Shamanic Education and Exchange, a non-profit organization dedicated to educating youth in indigenous cultures. He has completed a ten-year apprenticeship with a Huichol Maracame in Mexico and has studied with the Shipibos of the Amazon and the Paqos of the Andes for the last thirty years.

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