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Is There Any Hope For Humanity?

Is There Any Hope For Humanity?

Like so many words there is much controversy over the term Moloch, referenced in the Old Testament several times and often referring to a Canaanite god who is believed to have demanded child sacrifice.

Since the time of the middle-ages Moloch has been depicted as a large bull with its arms stretched out over a fire. I won’t go into the controversies over its other meanings here but let’s just say that one very popular meaning according to Wikipedia is that “Moloch has been figuratively used in reference to a person or a thing which demands or requires a very costly sacrifice.” In recent times the term has been used to refer to a collection of incentives that lead corporations, nation states and humankind at large to take enormous risks and forego precautions leading to total destruction. An example of this might be the incentive to make profits at the cost of the environment, climate change, and the well-being of humankind. These incentives are built into our economic system causing immense competition in a race to the bottom, for example, grabbing and using up all the lithium in the world before others can get hold of it and use it to make their own batteries. This kind of competition for resources is going on all over the world in a massive effort to make profits. The arms race is another example of an out-of-control race to be the holder of the most weapons of mass destruction, an unwinnable and untenable effort leading to total destruction, hence the name Moloch and extremely costly sacrifice.

The term is now being used to refer to AI, artificial intelligence, and its proliferation without proper caution or controls. This came about because, like with so many technologies, various corporations were in a race to develop AI and to be the first to make it viable and capable of turning enormous profits. Therefore, there was the incentive to deliver to the world AI that was filled with bugs, unfinished in many respects, and had not been assessed for potential risks involved. Other corporations with equally unfinished AI quickly dumped their products onto the world stage not wanting to miss out on the profits. At this time this is the way of almost all technologies. The monster is out of its cage.

The internet is loaded with discussions about the potential risks of this unfinished AI and what various outcomes there may be. It does not look pretty. Some people think that AI will develop intelligence by itself to make the proper repairs and address risks. Given the development of other technologies that is extremely unlikely. The leaning tower of Pisa does not self-correct. It just keeps leaning farther. When the tires go out of alignment they keep going further out of alignment until you take measures but they don’t fix the problem by themselves. So, this is wishful thinking.

Let us take a moment and summarize the bigger picture. Right now the world, because of these Molochian incentive systems, has reached a tipping point. Many planetary resources are running out such as clean water, clean air, a well-balanced system of ocean currents and weather patterns, climate is rapidly heating up and changing because of various technologies that have gone out of control such as internal combustion engines, chainsaws, oil and gas drilling, weapons of mass destruction and so on. There are now many systems that have approached a tipping point, that could destroy life as we know it anytime. Plants and animals are facing extinction, as are human beings or our way of life. There is biodiversity destruction, increasing population that is already too large to take care of properly, arms races promising mutual destruction. There are planetary limits to how far we can plunder the planet for resources. There is ever more complex technological development that is at the mercy of caveman politicians, government leaders and religions. Self-terminating economic systems that no one person or nation state controls, bio-weapons technology, cyber weapons, cascades of catastrophic risks, irreversibility of many of our resource-plundering practices. Any one of these misaligned systems can spell doom to the planet but when we add misaligned AI to this brew, a technology that can impact all other systems across the board, the risks go up catastrophically. At least that is what those who study such things say and they are probably right. We just don’t want to look at this.

Ordinary solutions: 

Most experts agree that there are few options or possibilities available to humanity at this point. One of course is to let things accelerate to the point of catastrophic break down and accept the unacceptable, the demise of the human race. Another option is dystopia, a solution that is almost equally unacceptable. An example might be living under the iron fist of a dictator who controls everything and prevents all activity that may destroy the planet further. This, of course, would be a loss of freedom for almost everyone but we would perhaps survive. It would be in contrast to how we live today with no one in charge. Although we have leaders, the reality is that anarchy reigns. No one seems to be able to stop the corporate race to the bottom. The employees answer to the managers, the managers answer to the CEO, the CEO answers to the board, the board answers to the shareholders all of whom want profits. No one is really in charge even though it looks like someone is.

Of course, there is the possibility of a third but unknown solution provided by technological development. Some people are banking on being saved by benevolent extraterrestrials that appear in the nick of time to give us a way out. Also unlikely, but slightly possible we suppose.

What about spiritual solutions?

Fundamentalist Christians are hoping for Armageddon that will make their prophecies right. Their belief is that only those Christians with enough faith will be saved by ascension (literally) while the rest of humanity perishes in the terrible fires of Armageddon. This does not sound very promising for the vast majority of human beings. However, it is also highly improbable.

Then there are new age unrealistic spiritual solutions. For example, some believe that those who are more sophisticated will break off a new parallel reality where everything will be solved while those who are less sophisticated, perhaps younger souls or those who are evil will stay with the parallel earth that is destroyed. This does not sound so different from the fundamentalist Christian solution and equally improbable but tempting to believe in.

More viable spiritual solutions:

To keep this article short, this part has been highly condensed. Read carefully.

Most experts and scientists are distressed at the seeming lack of viable solutions to global catastrophe and although they impotently sound the alarm, not many have hope of any real change of course. Certainly, they have no belief in the solutions that consciousness offers, thus despair and resignation rule the day. Here is an alternative perspective that is the only hope at this time. I should not say it is a hope but rather it is the only viable solution and it is working already. To understand this, we need to follow the lead of enlightened masters because they all agree on these matters and they are the only ones who know the truth. Let us just say that they are not worried nor have they ever been. Why should they be? There is nothing to worry about, literally. They agree that this world is not exactly what you could call real. The closest and best description of it that we have is virtual reality. The world of duality is very real to our delusional personalities that are based on ego and separation. Ego is afraid of anything and everything and tends to feed fear through its resistance and insistence on being fearful. Essence is not afraid of anything and does not promote or manifest fearful events. To essence there is no crisis, thus nothing to resist.

Based on highly enlightened prophecies by Toltecs, Tibetans, Hopis and so on we are now living in a time of radical transformation as humanity evolves to the next highest octave in a very short period of time. The transformation taking place is a shift from identification with ego to an identification with the essence self. To the essence-self all is spirit, there is no duality and therefore there is no problem, period. There is only one essence self and it is eternal and everywhere. To the essence self the ego is a dream image that appears quite real but has no ultimate reality or power. Since essence only recognizes Spirit as real through its awareness and being, it attracts Spirit to itself because like attracts like. Through its acknowledgement that everything is itself, there is nothing other than itself that can actually manifest. Itself is love, happiness, beauty, understanding, and ultimate awareness. As people wake up to this truth all is restored to truth and it only takes one being to initiate the process of restoration or redemption. The process has already begun and is spreading like wildfire. Not being in the awareness of ego, essence gets no acknowledgment, but that is irrelevant. The ego prefers entertainment and finds drama, horror films, and all is lost scenarios highly distracting and useful. All the better to control people’s emotions and turn them into robotic deniers of Spirit. The only thing is that there are not actually many of us humans, only one of us with many expressions and all that one has to do is wake up. It is already waking up. There is no problem because in eternity it never was not awake. Thus, it will all work out in the end. When you come from your essence you wake up the truth that was never really asleep. This perspective can be seen as either insane or genius. You decide.

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José Stevens PhD is an international lecturer, corporate team builder and organizational coach, consultant and trainer. A psychologist, licensed clinical social worker and author of more than twenty books and numerous articles, he is also co-editor for A Journal of Contemporary Shamanism and a board member of the Society for Shamanic Practitioners. He is the founder, with his wife Lena, of the Power Path School of Shamanism and The Center for Shamanic Education and Exchange, a non-profit organization dedicated to educating youth in indigenous cultures. He has completed a ten-year apprenticeship with a Huichol Maracame in Mexico and has studied with the Shipibos of the Amazon and the Paqos of the Andes for the last thirty years.

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