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Find Your Peace Amid the 2024 Election Chaos

Find Your Peace Amid the 2024 Election Chaos

When things are most hectic, it’s the perfect time to slow down, turn inward, and reflect on our loving true Self.

We live in a collective field which is overwhelmed with mental and emotional pollution every 4 years. While wishing and hoping and fearing and accusing are the objects of a media which hungers for clicks and ad money, we have the power to disengage from the noise and feel the comfort of hearing the Signal.

Our Soul loves to bathe in the Eternal Love which is forever our destiny. We are incarnated so that we can recognize our Soul, radiate our Soul, and fulfill our Soul’s purpose in the brief time we have on Earth. We are here to learn and live and love as much as we can, and practice our loving, wise intelligent understanding the best we’re able in every way we can. That’s what our Eternal Self wants to experience.

Once we recognize that, it becomes easier over the years to BE our loving wise understanding in the world. However, given we do not live in a loving, wise, peaceful and thoughtful world, we are constantly being bombarded with sales pitches to like this or buy that. Nowhere does the propaganda machine work harder to distract us than during political campaigns. And it truly has gotten much worse over the years. It’s brutally ugly, which is an offense to our Soul, regardless of our political affiliations.

Not to oversell the past, but it wasn’t that long ago when political ads pitched the virtues of the candidate or policy rather than the stark raving madness of hyperbolic attack ads which lie, misrepresent, and misattribute the horrible images being shown and the ugly words being used to sell you a distorted caricature of “the enemy.” And no, “both sides” don’t do this in any sort of balanced comparison. It began with one party’s decision to paint the other party as the enemy who must be destroyed. This is a dehumanizing sell.

In the past decade, we’ve grown used to living with agitation, hostility, polarization, eroding respect, and a barrage of verbal insults to the decency we all used to admire and want to know was a standard. The explosion of talk media is a nonstop barrage against tolerance and understanding, since contention sells better than being reasonable and peaceful. The money’s in the outrage. This pollutes the airwaves.

So the noise is nonstop, with a built in pulse where every four years there’s a full year of the collective atmosphere filled by a large group of people encouraging others to fight, argue, insult, hostility and rage against all who do not follow their image of “what should be.” Then it wanes for a year until it begins again in the mid-term years, where we are again barraged with ugly attack ads. I wish there were a way to restrict attack ads and make campaigns more positive.

So where does that leave us? As the noise is pervasive everywhere, my wife and I and most of our friends have taken a “TV news fast.” We do something else during the news hour which helps our minds remember the happiness and joy we have managed to achieve in our lives. We turn away from the noise to hear the Signal, the song of Life which is everywhere all the time. Political contentions are the noise; peace and harmony is the Signal.

War is a very heavy thing. We can choose to get caught up in it to whatever degree we want, but it’s more important to remember to step back from the mental and emotional pollution in the field generated to create more fear to sell more clicks and ads so that the fearmongers can raise more money off that fear.

The imagery is ugly. Why look at it? The sound is ugly. Why listen to it? Images and sounds are registered by the subconscious mind even if we are not aware of it. Disturbing images and messages have a way of disturbing inner peace.

Find Your Peace Amid the 2024 Election Chaos

As we cannot “un-see” or “un-hear” what we have seen and heard, it’s better not to see or hear a thing if we can avoid it. That’s why the television is off during the news hour when the most political ads run.

So please, during the next two weeks of very LOUD screaming, accusations, counter accusations, lies and fact checks, and general screeching noise in the air spread by thousands and registered by millions (ensuring it’s an actual factor in the collective consciousness in which we live and breathe and swim), take time to go inward. Detach from the drama, desire, and fear in the atmosphere.

Hear the Signal of your heart. Feel the Signal of the Eternal Love which is everywhere all the time. Regard that which “wants to know what’s going on” as needing direction to look and listen within. By seeing all the political drama as a passing nightmare, then we can remember we always awaken to a new day after the night, with all the renewed potential our imagination brings us at every turn.

There is nothing loving, wise, or intelligent in political ads. There is nothing to be learned. There is nothing to be done. It is pollution fueled by money and greed for power. While we must vote, we cannot do anything about the political ads except not watch them. Turn them off.

Spend time remembering what made you feel happy. Redirect to what makes you happy now. Count your blessings, and be appreciative for this wonderful life with your wonderful friends, past and present.

The noise only drowns out the Signal if we focus on the noise rather than the Signal. The more we listen to our hearts and feel the joy of our Soul, the quicker we redirect our minds to happiness rather than distraction into unhappiness. Take time to detach from the outer dramas, and you will hear the voice of your loving wisdom whisper to your true Self.

That’s what I’m doing during this end game of a strident decade long political drama. I believe detaching is better for my physical, emotional, and mental health since I’m focusing on what I believe to be good and true and beautiful rather than the noise in the air. Please take care of yourselves. That’s more important than any political drama.

Aum and blessings.

Reprinted on crystalwind.ca with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected. 

© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson


© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com

About the author:

Robert wilkinson An internationally-known astrologer, author, public speaker, metaphysician, and futurist, with over 25 years experience as a counselor and educator. He has presented hundreds of public talks on all aspects of Astrology, the Eastern Wisdom tradition, the Western Wisdom tradition and promoted many mass gatherings and cultural events. Some of his specific areas of interest and expertise include personality profiles, degree patterns, integrative astrology, various aspect harmonics, among others.
Source Here

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Reprinted on crystalwind.cawith written persmission from Robert Wilkinson.

The original article is copyrighted by the author listed above. Posted on CrystalWind.ca ©2024. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this content is prohibited without written permission. The title of the article was created by CrystalWind.ca.

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