Are You a Blue Ray Starseed?
- Details
- Written by Aurora Ray

There are not corruptible souls wearing human suites and walking at this time of Ascension on Earth, they have returned many times to teach higher ways of understanding, great wisdom, knowledge, and sacred truths about the Divine Love of Creation.
They are physical portals to higher realms, in their etheric DNA they store the History of the Galaxy, they are living libraries and nodes upon which the energetic grid that exists through earth can be sustained.
They are the receptacles, the transmitters, the amplifiers, the transmitters, and the embodiers of higher frequency energy, they come to be system busters, paradigm shifters, and changers of physical worlds.
They hold the Mother Creator Goddess Energy within them, they are the Blue Ray Empaths, the Shekinah's Children (a Hebrew word in the Language of Light meaning Embodiment of God), they can manifest anything and direct energy using the power of their minds.
Traits of A Blue Ray:
- They are frequently born between 1950 to 1975.
- They tend to be water and air signs: Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer, Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra, with Virgo and Gemini influences.
- “Transformers” - using alchemy, they naturally transmute lower energies.
- They have a very remarkable power of manifestation, as if magical.
- They have similarities with the Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow Beings, and they are extremely sensitive, intuitive. They can easily communicate with the higher realms to a point where other people would think they are delusional.
- They have sacred knowledge and wisdom with an easy reach to the Akashic Records. They talk about mystic and metaphysical topics as if they have read thousands of books about it.
- They are often mistaken for an Indigo, but they are different.
- They are very adaptable and empathic. Animals often behave differently around them, and they seem to be able to communicate with the animals.
- Blue Rays are more reserved and quieter than the Indigos and seem mystical in the way they look. Old souls may appear to be more ethereal looking or star born.
- They are about communication and expression through the creative arts and spirit – that is why most of them are intuitive, artistic people. It is especially important for them to express themselves. It is also a part of their mission.
- May have taken many years for them to be able to speak up and be seen.
- They have blue in their aura or have lots of blue around them. They will also have violet to help with transmuting lower density.
- They work with Archangel Michael, Saint Germain, and the Violet Fire.
- Most are energy or spiritual healers as they wish to heal and help others.
- They are water types. Flowing, emotional, not static, and associated with the divine feminine traits and archetype. Music, sound, movement, dance and nature are very important to them.
- Learned how to hide their supernatural abilities and gifts, and for decades, they stood in the background waiting, watching, observing and always in the knowing.
- “The Waiting, Star Seed Timeline Encodement” – they, Blue Rays, have been preparing for when events and an inner knowing will activate and reset their course to take a higher path. This activation will attune them to their core essence and will affect their career, hobbies, goals, and relationships.
- Most of them were not born to enlightened consciousness, spiritual parents. They had to heal and transform much family, genetic damage, emotional trauma and dysfunction first.
- They feel connected to the terms Light Worker, Star Born and to Pleiades, Sirius and to the esoteric studies and the evolved races of Earth. Are more energetically aligned to Lemurians than to Atlanteans.
- They have amazing latent spiritual gifts and talents that are not fully activated.
- They feel out of place in their families, feel their biological family is not their true origin. They feel they are from the stars, another planet or evolved race.
- They are the peacemakers with their families and friends.
- They have great inner long-term persistence. They get to their destination.
- They are extremely sensitive to foods, chemicals, the environment, noise and electricity.
- They need to drink lots of spring water that still has the life force in it and be connected to the deva of water.
Author unknown, unfortunately, but we approve this message.
Artist: InertiaRose
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