Starseed Series: Spicans
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Starseeds: Spicans
Spica, the brightest star in the constellation of Virgo, harbors a unique rarity among starseed souls. The presence of Spicans on Earth is estimated to be minimal, likely not surpassing a few thousand individuals.
On their native planet, Spicans exist as lightbodies within a less dense and sparsely populated environment compared to Earth. The bustling and densely populated nature of Earth proves challenging for Spicans, who often prefer quieter, less crowded areas outside urban settings. Sensitivity to electromagnetic energy is a prominent trait among Spicans, leading to the suggestion of maintaining gadget-free spaces, particularly in bedrooms, for improved rest. While it may be challenging to detach from devices like computers, cell phones, and TVs, creating a clean environment during sleep is recommended.
Being in the company of a Spican offers a rare sense of serenity in today's fast-paced world. Despite not being inherently quiet, their tranquil energy reflects the energetic quality of those around them. Interacting with a Spican is akin to stepping into a serene forest lake, where every ripple is a reflection of one's own actions. This contrast to the bustling energy of our crowded 'swimming pool' environment may initially surprise or even discomfort individuals accustomed to constant activity and numerous energy exchanges.
Spicans’ Ideal
Spicans arrive on Earth with the purpose of facilitating the enlightenment process and fostering a harmonious existence. They understand that enlightenment transcends mere discipline; it revolves around recognizing one's authentic essence. Rather than striving to ascend to a higher state, it involves a profound revelation.
Among Spicans, there exists a spectrum of approaches: some expressively pursue this ideal, while others opt for a quieter existence. However, a shared trait among all Spicans is their unwavering commitment to their chosen path. They exhibit a steadfastness in their approach and are not easily swayed to change their ways.
Spicans’ Gifts
Some individuals may find themselves apprehensive about the serene nature of Spicans. However, the inherent serenity and clarity they possess offer an invaluable gift to our world. Acknowledging their presence is the first step toward enhancing and benefiting from these qualities.
Spicans’ Challenges In Loving Relationships
Spicans, known for their loving and compassionate nature, may encounter challenges in their romantic lives. Their serene demeanor might be mistaken for aloofness by those accustomed to attachment or manipulation as expressions of love. Despite their non-judgmental nature, individuals may find their own judgments reflected back when in the company of Spicans. Additionally, Spicans' requirement for quiet alone time to maintain energetic balance might be perplexing to some.
For Spicans, the path to finding a compatible partner lies in intuitive connections rather than treating dating as a numbers game. The conventional approach to dating often exposes them to individuals conditioned to misconceptions about genuine love. When Spicans discover a suitable match, they demonstrate deep contentment and unwavering dedication in their relationships.
Spicans’ Challenges In Career And Finance
Within the Spican community, observed variations exist in career trajectories and financial achievements among individuals. Diverse approaches to spiritual development are evident, suggesting an experimental phase in understanding Earthly dynamics. The suggestion is for Spicans to continue their explorations, recognizing that even perceived 'failures' contribute significantly to long-term growth and understanding.
Spicans’ Role on Earth
The role of Spicans in Ascension remains shrouded in mystery despite their believed purpose in guiding enlightenment. Speculation suggests they may function as distant role models and mentors, offering subtle guidance without direct involvement. Their emphasis on clean and balanced energy implies a nuanced approach toward enlightenment, hinting at directions rather than advocating prolonged study and practice.
The upcoming post in the Starseeds series will provide a brief overview of parallels and Earth souls, marking the series' penultimate installment.
Continue reading here: Starseed Series: Parallels and Earth Souls
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