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Starseed Series: Polarians

Starseed Series: Polarians

Starseeds: Polarians

This series delves into the unique characteristics of starseeds with heightened sensitivity to energetic fluctuations.

The Earth’s axis and the North Star

Polarian beings originate from the star system of Polaris, known as the North Star. Previously, Earth's axis was aligned directly towards Polaris, but a catastrophic event occurred when Maldec, a planet that once occupied the current asteroid belt, exploded, causing profound effects on various planets, including Earth.

Historically, the Earth completed its orbit in a year consisting of precisely 360 days, corresponding symbolically to 360 degrees within the solar system's design.

Polarian individuals embody the essence of true north, characterized by their loyalty and grounded approach to life. Their souls retain memories of a prior existence and harbor resistance to current changes, particularly the impending shift of their home star from its position as the pole star. Some Polarians subconsciously react to this impending change by attempting to influence Earth's gravity through weight gain.

Additionally, Polarians possess a heightened sensitivity to Earth's energy, making them susceptible to the impact of geological events such as earthquakes. It is advisable for Polarians to remain calm during seismic activities, even if occurring at a distance from their location, including earthquakes, tsunamis, or volcanic eruptions.

Polarians’ Ideal

Polarian individuals play a pivotal role within groups, serving as the cohesive force that binds members together towards a common goal. While not characterized by overt charisma or conventional leadership traits, they possess a unique ability to unite and maintain a collective spirit. Embracing the belief that the collective whole surpasses individual contributions, Polarians aspire towards unity and holistic cohesion.

In the Polarian ideal, a communal setting where open discussions lead to collective decision-making prevails, reminiscent of ancient communities where inclusivity and appreciation for all individuals were paramount. This vision stands in stark contrast to the fragmented nature of the modern world, addressing the profound anguish stemming from societal isolation. However, this ideal also mirrors a kindergarten setting, emphasizing the importance of belonging while acknowledging the significance of independence. Polarians must acknowledge and respect others' desire for personal space, understanding that not everyone seeks constant inclusion. Developing trust and allowing others the autonomy to make decisions independently are crucial lessons for Polarians to grasp

Polarians’ Gifts

Polarian individuals embody a unique gift centered around unity and wholeness, offering a valuable contribution to our fragmented world. Their emphasis on group dynamics and community while maintaining a balance with individualism holds significant importance.

Notably, Polarians exhibit a distinctive characteristic with two points of vibration. Unlike the usual single level with minor fluctuations, they possess both a higher and lower point of vibration. Typically operating at the lower level, this grounding aspect serves them well. While elevating one's vibration is desirable, forcing oneself prematurely may not yield favorable results. The lower point of vibration for Polarians enables them to maintain a steady and predictable lifestyle. However, when attuned to their higher vibration point, they swiftly progress towards their objectives. Some Polarians seem to harness this higher frequency for intuitive reception and spiritual communication.

Despite their tendency to deliberate extensively in decision-making, when connected to their higher vibration point, Polarians move decisively and swiftly.

Polarians’ Challenges in Loving Relationships

Family-oriented individuals find Polarians to be reliable partners, valuing their stability over excitement in a relationship. The typical dating scene may not suit Polarians, as they prioritize finding a life partner to build a family with, rather than seeking casual companionship.

Known for their unwavering loyalty, Polarians tend to stay in long-term situations, whether in relationships, careers, or living arrangements, often getting stuck in their routines. It's beneficial for them to have occasional check-ins to reassess if their current circumstances still align with their needs. However, they tend to make the mistake of staying in unhealthy situations, such as abusive relationships, due to their loyalty.

Desiring closeness, Polarians often envision establishing a home-based business with their partner. The success of both the business and the relationship hinges on the willingness of their partner to fully engage in the union and the Polarian's ability to compromise when necessary.

Occasionally, Polarians' strong focus can be perceived as inflexible and stubborn by others.

Polarians’ Challenges in Career and Finance

Individuals aligned with the Polarian temperament exhibit strong teamwork skills, fostering group cohesion and functionality in a humble, unassuming manner. Their grounded nature and commitment to stability often lead them to remain in one job for extended periods, although periodic evaluations are crucial to ensure continued personal fulfillment. Due to their aversion to change, seeking assistance from life or career coaches might benefit Polarians in navigating transitions.

The Polarians exemplify a pathway to success that diverges from the conventional narrative, emphasizing consistent, persistent effort over time. While society often correlates success with exceptional talent or remarkable exertion, these individuals demonstrate that steady, sustained progress can yield impressive outcomes, including significant wealth accumulation.

Polarians’ Role on Earth

Polarian sensitivity to Earth's energy presents an intriguing aspect. Earth's ascension, marked by an increase in vibration, impacts its inhabitants. Polarians are recognized as influential contributors to this shift in ages, serving as pivotal entities in the ongoing process of ascension.

Continue reading here: Starseed Series: Arcturians


January 12, 2010

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