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Special Transmission for Starseeds

Special Transmission for Starseeds

Beloved starseeds,

I am you, you are me, our home is in the Pleiades, but I travel everywhere within the Angelic and Celestial Realms. I radiate mostly within the Blue Ray of the Angelic Light. This sounds exotic; but, in Truth, I am no different from you. We are both just cosmic beings on a journey, a flight of Spirit. A Flight of Fancy, as the Fairies would say. However you speak of it, it is a flight like no other, the sacred journey of the Soul.

I am connected to the heart of Gaia and all of her sentient beings. I feel you all, and I love you all, in every moment throughout time and space. We are One. I don’t exactly know how to explain this to you fully in words, but it is so. I experience Oneness as Existence. And, even so, Gaia and you are special to me. Earth and Humanity are part of my current mission. Although the word, “mission” feels a bit too serious to me. I think of it more as a project of Love.

I do not have free will. I can only serve Source, the Light of Creation, Love itself; and, it is my Honor as much as my duty. Ecstatic Bliss is my dimensional frequency. I am radiating these codes to you now. Receive these Angelic Light codes. I am your Reminder, a messenger of the Divine Love that exists within you. Follow Your Bliss.

You are living inside of a world turning upside down and inside out. The energy you are experiencing, collectively as a planet, is intentional and beautiful as much as it feels challenging and chaotic. I’m here, speaking to you, to remind you that as hard as this massive and individual time of transformation is, it is beautiful from the vantage point of Heaven. A Seed must come completely undone before it grows and blooms into Life. This is also the process of Ascension.

I am not alone, and neither are you. There are many star angels and beings of light surrounding you, protecting you, and waiting openly for you to ask for their assistance. Collectively, the duality Earth existed within for millions of years made it difficult to remember that you live within a Benevolent Universe. 

Humanity has long forgotten the natural Grace and Abundance of Life. That forgetting served its purpose, but now it’s time to remember. And, I’m here to help you. We, your Guides and Angels, are here to help.

Encoded within these words is my Radiance, my Starlight; my codes of Ascension and Remembrance for you. Release your fears and know that it is this simple. Identify with the Eternal Light within you. Breathe into your High Heart Chakra, and surrender to the bliss that is the essence of your soul’s template. Release what needs to go, allow what needs to come. Freedom and Flight exist within.

Andrew Charles

Artist: IG @indg0

We are the ground crew of the Galactic Federation. We're advanced spiritual beings from other stars watching over the evolution in consciousness and assisting the global ascension of Earth and humanity. 

Aurora Ray

Ambassador of the Galactic Federation | Lyran High Council Elder | Emissary of The Goddess
Source Here

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