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Starseeds, Walk-ins And Lightworkers

Starseeds, Walk-ins And Lightworkers

When a planet is set aside as an experiment for polarity integration, there exists a unique opportunity for all. This world is set aside as a place where individuals can work out their differences free of the memories that created the conflicts. A veil of amnesia provides the means.

Many people from other worlds have come to Earth for this purpose. With them they carry the last hope of their people, the last chance to save their worlds from demise. These are the starseeds and walk-ins. They will give of their expertise in order to have the opportunity to find the solution they require. This is why we say, you are the hope of the universe. Below are descriptions of starseeds, walk-ins and lightworkers.


Not everyone on Earth is from Earth. There are those who are here from other planets and civilizations in this and other universes. And though they walk around in human bodies, many have forms that are not human. Many are drawn to animals and other life forms on Earth that, in fact, closely resemble their true form. For example, some are very drawn to dolphins; there is a race of Beings called the Nommos who live on a planet in the Sirius star system. There are other factors indicating a starseed identity.

  • They have an intense sense of loneliness.
  • They feel like they don’t belong in their Earth family.
  • They have a fascination with the stars and feel as though their home is out there, but they can’t remember where.
  • They begin to question the ways of Earth at an early age. Many are the black sheep of their family.
  • They are drawn to metaphysics seeking answers to why they feel so alone and why they don’t seem to fit in on Earth.
  • Many have an adversarial relationship with the parent of the opposite sex.
  • The majority of starseeds have the facial shape of their mother but the remainder of their physical body is like that of their father’s, or the other way around depending on which parent is the real parent, the starseed parent from off planet. This is done for a reason.
  • Lower than normal body temperature and inability to handle heat.
  • The majority of starseeds and walk-ins carry the Crystal Gene for DNA Recoding/Ascension. Once activated, the crystal gene allows for clearer guidance with beings on other dimensions. It acts as a guidance system of sorts, keeping the individual on course in their respective mission. It allows for quicker understanding of the emotional blocks that must be cleared in order to recompile DNA via DNA Recoding.
  • Many feel drawn to do grid and vortex work.

Starseeds commonly have three parents — two Earth parents and one off-world parent. For example, there can be an off-world father. In this case the Earth father will be the surrogate. There are also instances when a child has two or more off-world parents, each one contributing DNA to create the starseeded child. These are unique instances and more than I want to cover here.

There is a contract made between the Earth parent and the off-world parent, for the Earth parent to love and rear the starseed child. Many times the Earth parent is a starseed as well.

The starseed child looks more like the surrogate Earth parent to ensure that they are accepted by that parent at birth. In the majority of cases the off-world parent is not of human origin as the human species is the least prolific in our universe.

Starseeds are here on Earth as representatives of their civilizations. Their purpose is to create templates that can be used by the members of their home world to overcome some problem that hinders their spiritual evolution as a soul group.

I am told that 144,000 civilizations have sent some of their people to Earth as starseeds. These civilizations closely watch their beloved children while here on Earth. The real parent, the starseed parent, is usually a guide for his child while that child is on Earth. It is my understanding that this is why so many starseeds have experienced visitations from an early age. Their family on their home world uses many ways to communicate and maintain the connection and love bond with their family member on Earth. This is also why so many civilizations have ships orbiting Earth right now. They have family here and therefore have a vested interest in seeing that Earth ascends.


Walk-ins are people from other dimensions who have walked into the body of a person on Earth. In all cases there is a pre-birth contract for this to occur.

Some walk-ins come into much younger bodies, but this is more the exception than the rule. When a child walk-in occurs, it is because the soul coming in needs the experiences of childhood and adolescence as a foundation for their mission. Childhood and adolescent walk-ins usually don’t awaken until they reach adulthood. More often than not, walk-ins step in when the host soul has reached adulthood. This allows them to utilize the maturity and life experience gained by the host soul.

These are the types of walk-ins:

  1. Full soul exchange — The host soul vacates the body.
  2. Soul braid — the host soul receives and braids with the incoming walk-in soul for a specific length of time.
  3. Stasis walk-in — the least common of walk-ins and the one requiring the most experience. Most often used by the ancient time healers. A stasis walk-in is one whose body is in stasis on their home world while their consciousness projects into our world and animates a body that the host soul has vacated. The walk-in soul will leave the body during the sleep state in order to return home to carry on their other life. This type of walk-in is temporary and lasts for the duration of a mission. The host soul can return once the walk-in’s mission is complete. The host soul is usually a time healer as well.     

Indications of a walk-in:

  • Usually occur during a traumatic event in the host soul’s life, such as a severe illness or a car accident. Many come in during a near-death experience. This is the most common way for walk-ins to exchange places, but it is not the only way. Yet, in most all cases the walk-in occurs when the host is unconscious.
  • Sudden onset of physical pain in the neck and shoulders that wasn’t there before the walk-in.
  • Feel like an impostor within the family.
  • Loss of coordination and memory lapses. Trouble with speech.
  • Sudden change in tastes such as food, clothing and decor.
  • Sudden loss of interest in career and hobbies. New ones are found along with a sudden interest in all things spiritual.
  • Sudden change in relationships with family and friends. Some relationships become distant while others get stronger.
  • Divorce occurs usually within two to three years after the walk-in has arrived.
  • Strong knowing that they have a mission to accomplish, though they may not remember what it is at the present time.
  • Some walk-ins have memories of their home world or ship.
  • Walk-ins usually carry the Crystal Gene.
  • Many feel drawn to do grid and vortex work.

Walk-ins have a more challenging role on Earth because they have spent most of their incarnation on another plane of existence and then come to Earth in the middle to later part of that incarnation.


Lightworkers are people who have chosen to do their part to assist Earth and Mankind in their ascension. Lightworker is a term given to those who are actively on the spiritual path. Not all Lightworkers are starseeds or walk-ins, and starseeds and walk-ins only become Lightworkers when they have made the conscious choice to begin their spiritual path and assist others.

Lightworker is also a term that can be used to describe the Etheric Sirian and Orion Human soul group. This group was the remnant of Lyran humans that survived the First Great Galactic War. They are the heirs of Earth and having been here the longest are considered indigenous. For more information, read We are the Nibiruans, Return of the 12th Planet, and The Mission Remembered.

Indications of a lightworker:

  • They experience an awakening and begin the Spiritual Path
  • They have a deep heart connection to Earth and feel drawn to help save her.
  • Many are drawn to grid and vortex work.


Jelaila Starr @jelailastarr
psychic/intuitive counselor, author, speaker, mother and friend
Lenexa, KS · nibiruancouncil.com
Source Here

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