Starseed Series: Darkworkers
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The aspiration for a world free from the concept of darkworkers is profound. Ideally, every individual would evolve towards the Light, fostering a state where embracing everyone, both energetically and physically, could happen without reservations. However, the current reality falls short of this vision.
Indeed, all souls originate from a singular Source, as previously expounded in an article on Light. Nonetheless, at a certain juncture, select souls exercised their free will to deviate from or oppose the Source.
The degree of light and darkness
All souls are on a spectrum of evolution toward either Light or de-evolution. Evolving souls are termed as Lightworkers in this context. Just as the direction and speed of a vehicle on a road matter, Lightworker souls may vary in their progression towards the Light, from swift advancement to minimal movement or anything in between.
Conversely, souls de-evolving away from the Source can be categorized as darkworkers. However, there's a terminology discrepancy here. Some souls rapidly distance themselves from the Source, while others regress slowly. Some might reserve the term 'darkworker' solely for the former, but both perspectives are valid with a clear definition.
In this context, darkworker or negative souls aren't always akin to historical figures like Hitler. My spirit guides indicate that about 13% of the population currently opposes the natural energy flow, indicating their widespread presence. Although some Lightworker souls might be more susceptible to their influence, no one is entirely immune.
Hence, it's crucial to discern energy manipulators in our lives. (Towards the article's conclusion, discover why adopting a tough-love approach of detachment benefits not just you, but also the darkworkers themselves.)
The best way to tell a darkworker
Identifying a darkworker relies on observing energy flow. Unlike Lightworkers, they don't draw vital life energy from the Source but absorb it from those around them, regardless of physical proximity. Interactions with them often leave one feeling drained, although the extent of this depletion varies.
However, there's no definitive checklist or test to pinpoint a darkworker. It's not a straightforward yes or no evaluation. Some signs are subtle and confusing, blurring the line between troubled Lightworkers and darkworkers. Nonetheless, certain indicators can assist in distinguishing between the two, albeit nuanced.
How the Akashic Records can help
Understanding the Akashic Records offers profound insights into the soul-level identity of individuals. For those seeking to comprehend someone's true essence, a focused exploration of soul characteristics can be invaluable. Delving into this realm can be particularly beneficial when considering pivotal connections such as potential life partners or business collaborators. It's essential to note that a comprehensive understanding of one's own truth through prior exploration of the Akashic Records is crucial before delving into another's essence, fostering a balanced and ethical approach to these revelations.Signs of a darkworker
For those embodying a DIY spirit, prioritizing awareness of one's energy flow is paramount. Acknowledging feelings of depletion after interacting with someone is a crucial step.
Identifying certain "signs" can serve as indicators, although it's essential to emphasize that these are not definitive checkboxes. An individual displaying these signs may still be a lightworker. The purpose of highlighting these signs is to heighten sensitivity to one's energy flow, not to foster judgment towards others.
1. He or she present themselves as smaller or bigger than life.
Darkworkers know they cannot present themselves simply as they are. So they present themselves as someone who is (unfairly) victimized and who needs help. Or they may present themselves as a great wonderful person to be idolized. (Remember Hitler was an idol for a while?) Most darkworkers I know seem to think they are the most miserable unlucky person they know OR the most wonderful dedicated soul they know.
In both cases, they explain themselves very well. Whereas lightworkers live their life, darkworkers explain and negotiate their life.
Again, just because someone is in trouble or because someone is very negative in their speech or behavior patterns doesn’t mean they are negative souls. Or just because someone is famous or working on a big project doesn’t mean they are negative souls. So here is another sign, or indication, to guide you . . .
2. He or she is constantly in the waves of dramas.
They always have a good explanation, but the bottom line is darkworkers are almost always in some kind of drama. Positive souls don’t like staying in drama — they would try to help others in need, but sooner or later there comes a point that they step back because they are so drained energetically. Negative souls, on the other hand, quietly thrive on dramas.
If someone seems to be just so wonderful at first glance, but somehow seems to be in drama all the time, don’t hesitate to listen to your gut feeling. “Wow, he won an award for the project he worked? And now he works for that prestigious company. . . But wait, then why is he always short on money? He said he got unlucky and got a traffic ticket. . . Hmm. Wasn’t he talking about another trouble before — like his GF stole from him or something. . . I felt so bad for him. . . I don’t know. I just don’t like his company so much, but is it selfish of me to think this way?”
On the other hand, it’s very hard to distinguish negative souls who present themselves as troubled, victimized souls from lightworker souls who are troubled and victimized. In a sense, they are indeed similar — they are stuck and hardly moving.
One of the subtle differences is that, with darkworker souls,
3. You feel the help you offer gets sucked up in a void.
Individuals whose souls align with darker energies present unique challenges. In the context of an Akashic Record Reading, efforts are made to address their uncomfortable energetic issues, often associated with ongoing soul shifting, in hopes of facilitating their return to the Light. It's important to clarify that individuals akin to figures like Hitler typically do not seek revelations about their soul truths.
One major challenge arises when these individuals inquire about improving their lives after energetic clearing. Suggestions emphasizing self-empowerment and reducing reliance on external forces are met with acknowledgment yet resistance, often expressed by acknowledging their tendency for drama or admitting overextending themselves to others. Despite efforts to guide them toward self-reliance, they express difficulty and seek further assistance.
In such cases, respecting their free will becomes paramount. As a lightworker, the responsibility remains centered on reading the Akashic Records and addressing energetic imbalances while acknowledging and honoring the individual's right to choose their path.
How to deal with darkworkers
The most crucial aspect is to pay attention to one's energy flow or gut feelings. Sometimes, there might be a hesitant pause, a sense of something feeling off, or a simple inner voice saying, "This doesn't make sense" or "I'm not comfortable with this."
Consider this example: Imagine being new to meditation. There are various approaches one might take—reading articles or books and practicing at home, joining local meditation circles or classes, or trying guided meditation or meditation music. Each individual typically chooses the method that suits their learning style the best.
Now, let's examine a scenario where a negative soul signs up for an intensive 10-day meditation camp. This action seems out of sync for a beginner. While such an endeavor might seem impressive due to the significant time and money investment, it aligns with the characteristic of a negative soul seeking things that appear "bigger than life." Often, if they don't achieve the desired enlightenment, they might assume the victim role in their narrative, labeling the experience as a "rip-off."
Although it's challenging to comprehend the mindset of a negative soul without being in their shoes, it seems they hold a skewed self-image that drives them toward such actions.
Acknowledging this, there's a step back.
In the realm of lightworkers interacting with darkworkers, the approach involves stepping back, detaching, and refraining from attempting to change them. Every individual possesses free will, even the will to act against the Source. Interfering with free will itself can be seen as a dark act.
By withdrawing and not offering one's energy to them, it provides an opportunity for darkworkers to return to the light. Darkworkers rely on lightworkers, knowingly or unknowingly, for their existence. Hence, elevating our awareness proves more significant than engaging with darkworkers. (Of course, in cases involving crimes, it's essential to seek appropriate help, such as calling emergency services.)
Continue reading here: Starseed Series: Mintakans (Orion)
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