10 Signs You Are An Andromedan Starseed
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- Written by Aurora Ray

Here are 10 Signs You Are Andromedan Starseed And Their Personality Code:
You have a good balance between your male and female energy
We all have both male and female energies within us, but most people on Earth are out of balance.
For example, if you are male and are in contact with your emotional side, it is a sign that you have a good balance of energies.
The reason why Andromedan stellar seeds usually have a good balance is because most Andromedans are twelve dimensional, and when the soul has risen so high they have a very androgynous energy.
You want freedom
Freedom is something you value in life.
Spending your days locked up working for someone else makes you feel trapped and possibly called to start your own business.
You're not a big fan of government and how the government is formed. You believe that most governments are corrupt and that it is better to give citizens freedom to choose their way of life.
You believe that no one should pay high taxes and try to minimize your tax bills as much as possible.
Because you value freedom so much, you may have moved a lot in the past, changed friends and changed partners.
However, as you ascend, you stop moving and moving from partner to partner because you realize that true freedom comes from INSIDE and you settle down.
You seem confident, but you can fight self-love
Like the Pleiadian Stellar Seeds, you can struggle with self-esteem issues.
You seem confident in the outside world, but you can fight self-love.
You may be concerned that no one cares what you have to say, so you are afraid to speak.
However, by continuing on your spiritual path, you will eventually overcome it and achieve full power.
You are strongly connected with nature and water
You are one of the people who could never live in a landlocked country (unless it was full of lakes).
You also love dolphins and other ocean animals as it reminds you of your home world which is mostly covered with water.
Therefore, it is a good habit for stellar Andromedans to listen to the sounds of nature and dolphins, meditate to the sounds of the ocean, and visit the beach and nature to revive their energy.
You love to travel
The reason why Andromedan star seeds love to travel is because they love freedom and because it reminds them of returning to a spaceship, traveling at the speed of light.
Many of the Andromedan star seeds are long-term travelers and nomads.
You are an innate teacher and guide
You are good at inspiring others and deeply wise.
The galaxies are of different ages, and Andromeda is one of the oldest. Therefore, they are very wise and want to share it.
You love reading and learning new things, and you constantly want to develop and improve in every area of your life.
The Pleiadians visiting us are our future self. It's the same with the Andromedans, but they are our very, very, VERY future self.
You are both creative and logical
Like the star seeds of Pleiadian and Sirius, you are very creative and always full of ideas.
You are drawn to acting, writing and other creative work in which you can freely express yourself. You can decorate and combine colors.
However, the Andromedans are not only creative but also masters of science.
Therefore, you, as the Andromedan star seed, are also very analytical.
This combination means you have a good balance between your left and right hemispheres. This is a very rare but good thing and much needed today.
Ancient civilizations attract you
You are drawn to one or more ancient cultures such as Ancient Egypt, Atlantis, and Sumeria.
You may feel called to travel to high energy spiritual places such as Machu Picchu or the Great Pyramids of Egypt.
You've probably watched documentaries and read books on these topics.
The reason you feel attracted to these places is because you may have had previous lives in these civilizations.
In fact, it is speculated that the winged people in Sumeria, depicted in reliefs and statues, were Andromedans.
You are not selfish
You are not the type of person who has the need to manipulate or control people.
You just want to serve and you want the best for humanity and the earth.
If you are (or will become) a public figure in the future, fame won't come easily to your head.
The Andromedans are extremely union-conscious, much more so than other races, and that's because it's so far away from other places (no enemies or conflicts).
So they are very spiritual and loving without much ego.
"You don't have to brag to everyone that you are a star seed, but just have this inner knowledge and see that you are unique, talented and have an important mission on Earth."
You feel tempted to live off-grid
Sometimes you feel like living on Earth is really frustrating.
Most of the people around you seem to be brainwashed by the media and blind to what is really going on on the planet.
The reason why life on Earth is extremely difficult for Andromedan stellar seeds is because Andromedans are the worst enemies of reptiles. So living on a planet that is literally ruled and enslaved by the Reptilians is very frustrating for Andromedan souls.
The worst thing is when people are silenced for telling the truth and warning about the dangers of 5G technology, vaccines, etc.
Like Lyran's star seeds, you HATE authority and sometimes you just want to break out of the system and live off the grid.
Perhaps as a nomad, or in the mountains or in the countryside, growing your own food.
Julia Lundin
Artist Unknown
We are the ground crew of the Galactic Federation. We're advanced spiritual beings from other stars watching over the evolution in consciousness and assisting the global ascension of Earth and humanity.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation | Lyran High Council Elder | Emissary of The Goddess
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